***Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023***

@Vicky2019. Thank you for clarifications.


Here is the process as stated by RPIā€¦
ā€œApplication Process: Rensselaer will review the applications and refer qualified students to Albany Medical College (AMC), which will then review the applications and reach out to certain students for an on-campus interview (in January, February, or March). From that pool of students, AMC will make offers of admission to the program. The application process is lengthy and notification begins in early April. Due to the nature of the program, students enrolled in the accelerated medical program are not able to dual or double major.ā€

There is no such thing like AMC skipping supplemental essay requirement, @Vicky2019 also confirmed this in response to your query. Good luck.



Does AMC require a secondary application?

@srk2017, please stop bashing BU SMED, it has been scrapped. Enough has been already said over the years on this forum.

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Yes, AMC requires a secondary application with a hefty fee.

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Unfortunately, the two factor authentication stopped working for me after I upgraded iPhone 14 Pro. Admins has not been of any help in this matter i.e. to reset two factor authentication of my original account.


Your first interview at NJIT with the honors college and it is very general interview about your application. The NJMS interview later on can be a stress interview depending on the interviewer.


Any medical school will not skip their regular admission process for a BSMD program. AMC does have a secondary application requirement which one has to complete including a hefty fee.

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BTW, every bsmd program ( probably excluding Texas medical schools) applicant has to fill out a AMCAS application just like a regular medical school applicant.

Are you trying to get my CC cousin back into the group? I only bashed unsubstantiated claims about BU SMED students performance but not the program.

Now Columbia Law has joined Yale and Harvard in the boycott ā€¦

To elaborate a little further, one of the interviewers at NJMS, an old person, is supposedly rude and nasty and seems to challenge the notion that a teenager is ready to make career choices this early in life. Not sure if he just does it on purpose to see how one reacts or really thinks so. Also not sure if he is still on the interview committee or got kicked out or retired.

Also have heard of pleasant interview experiences at NJMS, conversation type, but not necessarily translating to final acceptances. So important thing is, to keep a cool and open mind, not stress before and during the interview, take time to think and answer - and not rush - and do your best preparation.

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Welcome back!

Good day all,
With work and new rolesā€¦itā€™s going to be tough to be active like beforeā€¦loggin after whileā€¦ happened to read many of the questions so thought i can state my 2 centsā€¦ if it helps its good ā€¦ if not ā€¦sorry i tried ā€¦good luckā€¦

  1. Many of the questions have been answered in prior year threads (from time, test optional, interview,college ranks, instate/outstate etc.,) by many students/coachā€¦so see if that helps.

  2. Scores alone doesnā€™t make/break . I have seen kids with 34 get and 35 not ( location, race, gender, extracurricular etc., also make). In short itā€™s entire package and what ā€œeach college lookā€ (Eg. if college is focussed ā€œsay in researchā€ā€¦and you are good in sportsā€¦maynot be match)

  3. Pay attention to essays (My D got handwritten kudos and many of my students got ā€œnotesā€ too). Again not sure it made a difference but itā€™s looked for sure

  4. Take each step/interview seriously, from prep to answering questions ( Yepā€¦ many look for a mature kid at 18/19 but be ā€œyourselfā€ā€¦ and many folks like it.

  5. Number of admissions per year may mean nothingā€¦ exampleā€¦ i have seen 10 seats colleges have 4 (one year) to 2 (next) to 10. Why/howā€¦ is mystery. So all you got to do isā€¦ Do your best (in prep, interview).

  6. Finally, see whether the ā€œColleges fit youā€ (style/living/beliefs/comforts etc.,) You are the one going to be there for 8 years (or so). Donā€™t go by brand/rankingā€¦ again i have seen kids drop of PITT to go to less (ranking) and vice versa tooā€¦

Good luckā€¦


My C had worst kind of interview from NJMS last year this prof was not only racist but sexiest and utterly unprofessional to a point where we decided not to go to this college if admitted. I am glad my D got into a much better BSMD program.

NJMs is a good school but this interview experience left us thinking what kind of people they hire.

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Glad that your C had better option and liking it over there. Unfortunately it is what it is. You will find jerks and morons everywhere. A med school as reputed as USC employed this abusive gynecologist for decades before firing him and settling with the abused for millions* of dollars, not to mention the cost of damage to their reputation.

My C is in a reputed private med school and during one of the rotations ended up with this jerk in private practice who would constantly pass negative comments, despite C being top caliber student of their class with multiple accomplishments and counting.
After a week or so C approached the rotations director and complained about the abusive treatment instead of putting up silently. The director promptly reassigned to another physician in private practice who turned up much better. Glad C did that, not only escaped the bad treatment for next few weeks but also ended up with honors in that rotation (which most likely wouldnā€™t have been the case if continued with the jerk)

** Edit, not millions mentioned above but a billion it seems


Same here.

Nice to hear that your D is doing great at BU.

I am new to this group, sorry if you have already answered, but RPI started sending interview invites already for 2022-2023 academic year?