***Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023***

For any rankings, it is very important to understand the methodology and the caveats in the fine print.

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Thanks for the information. I contacted admin at Siena and they replied they won’t have any information about it until after the new year. So I guess each feeder school has their own timeline.

I got it from Union.


Current pmm here, have pmm interview opportunities been sent out yet? I know they came out in a few waves in early november last year

Got PMM decision; accepted undergrad, rejected PMM :pensive:

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Got Union Supplemental
PMM: rejected

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Did you get an email? Or is the decision via the portal?

We didn’t get any update on PMM. Will they send a rejection mail or update that in the portal?

Also no update from RPI

The decisions come out steadily, you will get a rejection/acceptance update in the portal.

All BSMD applicants who are not selected for interview, are then considered for undergrad admissions. You will know the final result when the UG institution releases their results for Early Action or Regular Decision or Rolling (depending on UG you applied )

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As @_premed indicated, RPI first invites students to submit AMC application on a rolling basis throughout for several weeks and then, again for interview invites also on rolling basis, again for interview results/final selection.

Not all colleges follow this.

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Yes, I believe a few students received interview invites

Accepted Penn state UG but rejected for PMM. Oh well! Congratulations to all who got a PMM interview!!!


We didn’t get any email— had to go to the Penn state portal.

Just checked Penn state portal. Saw the UG acceptance and PMM rejection there for my D too

Congrats to all students who got PMM interviews​:clap::clap:


Thanks. Does Pitt have interviews in person or virtually?

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Apologies for redundancy
 Are you saying some prospective students got interview calls with AMC skipping supplemental essay requirement?

We do not know what they will be doing this year - interviews are in March.
They will give the details to selected students.


@Mashed - No, I didn’t say that. I was not talking about AMC at all.

If you go back on my chats, you will notice that I was saying that some students have received interview invites to PMM program .

AMC process-
AMC requires a separate application for all students who were forwarded to AMC by the undergrad feeder. Students need to complete the AMC application form and submit. AMC then, sends interview invites from a subset of the students who submitted the application. The process is a little longer!


@NoviceDad could you help me with pointers on how to prepare for NJIT/NJMS interview? If you have already posted about it could you please direct me to the post.Thank you.