***Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023***

Got accepted to UG. Than on the day interviews were sent out, got an email that C is on alternate list or waitlist. We emailed a few times asking when we would know and they kept saying we haven’t made final decisions and you will hear soon. That never happened.

@NoviceDad Thank you for the info. If we haven’t received AMC supplements yet, do we still have hope? Will we be notified either way, if we move forward or not?

What all BS/MDs did you guys apply to? If you applied to Union College’s LIM program and RPI’s, they may have withdrawn your app

we applied to RPI BSMD. If they withdraw our app, they won’t send an email to notify?

Actually, AMC will email you before withdrawing and give you an option to withdraw from one feeder college, so that they can process your application as if it was only received from the other feeder college.

If you apply through only one college, your application will be reviewed and depending on that review, a supplement may be sent to you at an appropriate time.

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Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.
Thank you for being an active and supportive member of this community.


Thank you so much for letting us know that we will be notified if we have to withdraw. If we choose, RPI, we are not supposed to choose Union. So obviously, we applied only to RPI. Hopefully we will hear from them soon. Thank you your response.

Did anyone have problems with AMC supplement application? I was able to input my responses all but one of my responses because it would tell me I am over the word count when Google docs is saying I am at 921 words including spaces and punctuation. Then it would never let me X out of it, resulting in my closing the tab and starting over again. I emailed that specific response to AMC. Everything else went through except for that one prompt. Are my chances ruined?

I did encounter this problem, but I just had to close the error pop-up and delete my response real quick – it did seem like it was glitching and I had to try multiple times though. I can’t speak exactly on how it would affect your response, but I did face a similar issue where google docs showed a lower character count.

I applied to LIM and I emailed them my responses right after.

I applied to NJIT but I don’t know much about the breakdown of numbers or interview process.
Their website shows two types of interviews (ADHC and NJMS?). What is each of those? And approximately when would I receive an interview or rejection for each?


This is information from 2020. I think NJIT has started or is about to start with the first round interviews with the Honors College. They don’t do all interviews in one shot. Instead, they space them out. They will forward semifinalists to the NJ med school for further review. NJMS will extend finalist invites to those who made that cut. NJIT ADHC is really generous with their merit: full tuition and housing. It has some of the coolest sciency majors that typically are offered at private schools. My kiddo said the honors dorm was really nice. I think this is a rough estimate for the numbers (I remember reading it somewhere): 100 selected for for ADHC interview, 50 of those will make semifinalists, then 25 will get an offer. Good luck to you!


NJIT started interviews this week (may be last week?), I saw on Reddit some dates and some one said they are still sending…

can you please share the reddit link?

For Cincinnati BS/MD do you HAVE to send all SAT/ACT attempts?

NJIT ADHC interview is the undergrad Honors interview.
They use the interview as additional information to decide if your application needs to be forwarded to NJMS.
These interviews are on a rolling basis till Jan.

NJMS is a medical school interview.
They are typically held from mid-Jan to April timeframe.

That’s what the application explicitly asks for.

Here are the stats from the NJIT website:

Each year, we receive hundreds of applications from students interested in this program. Below is information on the number of students in the various stages of the application process in 2021/2022:

Total Applicants 375
Invited for Interview with ADHC Committee 131
Selected by NJMS Committee for Interview 69
Offered admission to BS/MD program by NJMS 26
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Did anyone receive an email invite from U Pitt GAP program? The website says they will notify on or before Dec 1st. Just curious, if they have already started sending.

Nothing so far here!