***Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023***

My D had GPA and awards etc… Might be high school ranking etc… also come into play

Did anyone receive an update from University At Albany initial admission and then followed by Upstate Medical Univ interview ? thx.

RPI/AMC Status Update but no email:

My D has a good academic achievement, but was surprised to see the following status update in portal. Anyone received status like this or any ideas?

" Due to the number of highly qualified applicants, Albany Medical College will be unable to offer you a place in the accelerated B.S./M.D. program this year. Your candidacy was quite impressive, and this decision does not reflect upon your accomplishments to date.

Rensselaer would still like to offer you the opportunity to be considered for admission to our university as a regular decision candidate. Our School of Science has a long and distinguished history, offering dozens of academic majors from biology to environmental science, and sends many of its graduates on to the most prestigious medical schools. Since your application has clearly demonstrated your interest in studying in the sciences at RPI, we are happy to consider you application for a science major as a four-year baccalaureate candidate."


RPI/AMC Is different than the University At Albany - SUNY / Upstate Medical University.

Yes. One of frnd received the same denied status update for RPI/AMC on last Friday.

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She applied for RPI/AMC BSMD program

Looks like you haven’t read my post few days back (Nov 29th) about things that come into play in this process, if not please do.

Agree with the statement from RPI, it is a good undergrad and feel you should keep that option open. They are known to be generous in giving price breaks to students with good credentials.

They also accept AP credits upto 30 (based on the info we got some years ago), one can even consider a fast track undergrad in 3 years if comfortable.


Sorry for the late reply…
None will know the exact numbers … TBH…

As i said… i know colleges which say have 10 seats have admitted 3 (1 year) , 5 (another year) and 7 ( another year)… why ( no idea). AMC usually interviews anywhere from 20+

I can speculate that it based on the whole "sets of students skills and other stuffs (like diversification, location, region, maybe race etc.,)

Bottom line … as i said many times ( sorry for sounding like old music record)… plan yourselves , go with the plan and give best shot.

IMO BSMD is now becoming tough ( that doesn’t mean you/yours is NOT smart …)… you can still achieve your goals.

Good luck


All good @rk2017 my friend… just it’s busier this year than usual (with work and other stuff)

Very good point on students with same school.

Personally, I am OOS to all BSMD and my D (last year ) was the ONLY 1 from our entire district or even region or maybe even state that went to this BSMD ( Funny that even many teachers… and her community college professors were NOT aware or stunned that they didn’t know how to comprehend this achievement :slight_smile: in her high school Graduation day).

As i said before … i was helping 2 kids…both in East coast ( Tri state) got much easier path than her with respect to interviews, choices ( Why…maybe Instate preference or skillsets or other factors… we can only guess)

But in the end … all it matters is one and that should fit your like which is very important like you said… patience and execute your plan ( It’s like Sports… .you give the effort and plan for the whole 4 QTR… if you lose … nothing is lost… at least you know what you need to do better in traditional path)

BTW, out of those 2 kids … 1 wanted to stay INSTATE only (didn’t get) and other didn’t care (but got instate only)

Good luck

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Quite interesting @Rali_Jan

Similar reaction with our C, not many people in their batch seemed to comprehend that achievement either, though few top notch students from their school did go to the same program earlier. In fact we felt lucky for that, imagine competing with the top most students, though C was in top 5%, but the credentials would have paled in comparison.

However it caught the attention of the following batch, as I mentioned earlier, with both valedictorian and salutatorian and may be few more of the top most students applying for, getting selected and opting for these programs in the next batch.

It is actually beneficial to be in a location or region where not many know about these programs. Though being in a geographical area like “Tri state” may have advantages of its own, like awareness, it brings its own baggage, intense competition.

Funny that one of your students was so bent on in state program. In our case C was so intent on getting away from us asap :slight_smile:

Nova Southeastern BS/DO Program
Hi! I applied to Nova’s BS/DO program and was wondering if anyone knew anything about the special weekend where students interview for the program and other scholarships. I signed up saying that I was going to go without my parents because I assumed that I would stay in a dorm or something. However, it looks like I will be staying in a hotel. But, my parents are already going to stay in a hotel. So, I wanted to stay the night with my parents off-campus. Does anyone who has previously applied and interviewed for this program know if that’s possible and if so how I can make that change (call Nova?)? Thanks!

I just found this website.

My son is applying to TTech and few others bs/md for Fall 2023. I have no idea for his reason. he has no medical background. 1300 SAT and lots of B and C first 2 years of his high school due to Covid and few deaths in family. He took his SAT way back in 2nd years for his early college program. Got rejection so far from Pitt GAP and UAB.

Rejections from BS-MD programs is a normal thing. Even people with high GPA, test scores and all the desired medical extracurricular activities got a few rejections. I’m sure he has his reasons to apply. TX Tech is a good undergrad. It should prepare him for the MCAT and what follows. If he is in-state for TX, then he’s in luck. All the public med schools in TX reserve 90% of their seats for TX residents. As for TTU BS-MD, they are looking for people who are committed to serving in under-served areas. If he fits what they look for, he might be considered. You never know. Good luck!

My wife and I are just hoping he will find a good college with low tuition, get a degree, get out and get a job. We have 2 other disable kids to take care off. He has been working really hard on his side business selling stuffs and baking products every weekend since 8th grade at flea markets, festivals … for his college tuition’s saving. Hopefully these colleges overlook his low SAT and low GPA in 9/10th grades. He’s kept telling me “If a school does not value his life experiences enough to* overlook his low GPA, then that’s not the right school for him.” He’s trying to graduate HS with many college dual credit hours with 4.0 college GPA.

Wow! Looks like your kid is a very determined and focused person and knows very well what they want and knows how to achieve it.
I am sure he will find success in his life, whichever path he takes!:clap::clap::clap:

Trust me, they do if he tells his compelling story effectively. It sounds like he’s from an under-privileged background. In TX, if he qualifies for any amount of Pell grant, he’ll qualify for full tuition plus more. You got to file FAFSA for him. Once he’s in med school, he could borrow up to the cost of attendance.

If he’s from TX, be sure to have him apply to JAMP. Depending on when he has the required college credits, he’ll fall under either early-admission or regular-admission track. Here is the timeline.

Competition among Jampers are also really high: high college GPA and possibly retake the SAT/ACT to make his profile better. Good luck!

Was the rejection for UAB undergrad or the BS/MD?

UAB undergrad offered him a generous scholarship and honor college but BS/
MD rejected him. His essay were good with the help by his school counselor (an UAB alumni).

Curious to know when your DS submitted EMSAP application to UAB?

I believe he submitted one day before the deadline in mid Nov and 5 days after received an acceptance with scholarship from undergrad. Rejected on Dec 1st through email.

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