***Thread For BS/MD/DO 2023-2024 Applicants/Parents ***

Thank you! so minimum requirement for ASIAN kid for BS/MD is 1600 for UPITT ? Are there any schools in the range of 1560 that has decent chance to get interview?


Is there some reason why you are only considering BS/BD programs, all having a very very very low percentage of acceptances?

Your student sounds sufficiently strong that he or she should be able to get a bachelors degree, and apply to medical schools using a traditional route.

Is this student considering this option as well? Or is it BS/MD or bust?

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P.S. colleges can no longer consider ethnic background in the college admissions process. Being Asian should not have any impact on the application.

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Thank you !

I did search the previous results threads BS /MD and trying to get an understanding on what is a decent SAT score for these programs for this 2024 years.

All BS/MD programs are reach is what I understand, but don’t want to submit to of applications if there is no chance at all

I will let the BS/MD experts weigh in
it’s my opinion you have NO WAY to predict whether a strong student will or won’t get accepted to one of these highly competitive programs. They are highly selective.


@sdad2024 -

I agree with @thumper1 that no one can predict where you can get in and no one can predict what stats will be accepted by any BSMD. You shouldn’t worry about 1560 vs. 1600. You should also not worry about UPitt alone. Even the college admission committee cant decide until they see applications from all candidates.

Infact students should avoid favorites - it leads to dissapointment. I saw it year over year, with many students. Its too early in the admission cycle anyways.

From your name, it looks like you are an Indian. I am also an Indian and a parent of multiple kids in college. So, if your child is the first one to apply to colleges, you need to understand that the admission process is very different in the US. 1560 or 1600 is not so different for most colleges or even BSMD programs. Even 3.96 or 4.0 GPA is not so different for admissions. The type of ECs will matter and your child having unique ECs that differentiate them from others, can make a huge difference in the college applications.

BSMD admissions are very selective so you need to apply widely to 12-15 BSMD programs, minimum. Also, add 5-6 UG institutions to balance those. Some BSMDs may not give admission to the program but will give admission to their UG. You need to do all that is possible from your side to make your application the best for you and leave results to the colleges. Since the application deadlines are approaching, you should focus on finalizing your college list, work on application, essays (revise multiple times, have some else review it for you). Once applications are done, you would need to focus on interviews. BSMD admissions get very tiresome. You need to have physical and mental stamina.

Do take a look at my BSMD checklist (in the beginning (1st couple of pages) of this forum)

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Thank you! Greatly appreciated 

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Hi All,

If an 11th grader applies to BS/MDs, can they re-apply next year without getting screened out for being a “re-applicant”? Does NJMS do a screen?

I know that applying in 11th grade means 1 less year of grades, ECs, etc and therefore at a disadvantage with the rest of the applicant pool. But I am curious.

I remember reading a poster on CC that had applied to BS/MDs as a 12th grader and then took a gap year and re-applied, but I cannot find the post.

Then they’re wasting everyone’s time, especially their own, since their chance of acceptance is essentially zero.


@skieurope The chance is not 0 because I personally know 3 students in VCU, Augusta, and TCNJ’s programs who applied in 11th grade and got in. Maybe lower than other 12th grade applicants, but definitely not 0.

So my question still stands: If an 11th grader applies to BS/MDs, can they re-apply next year without getting screened out for being a “re-applicant”? Does NJMS do a screen?

You need a high school diploma to join an undergrad. Without the diploma, the chance is “0%” like @skieurope mentioned. Most strong applicants take one or more advanced courses in math and sciences as well as Foreign language, History, English. But, these applicants also have PE/electives that they need to finish to graduate from high school. Where can they find time to finish PE/electives before senior year if they are already over loaded on STEM? Each highschool has graduation requirements. You can talk to your high school office for details.

Applying to BSMD is a strenuous process, requires 30-40 essays and takes up too much time and is truly a waste of time for you since you can’t join. Your time/resources can be spent productively on your profile to make it even better!

BSMD application process is very competitive. Most candidates who successfully get selected have near perfect GPA with toughest courseload, near perfect SATs and excellent ECs including medically oriented ones. So, think again about competitiveness and don’t take it lightly!

If you think you have a solid application at the end of junior year, try to make it even better during your senior year. You could Work on National level STEM competitions such as AMC AIME, Science olympiads, USA National Chem olympiad, USA National Biology olympiad. If these exams are not for you, try Science fairs such as Regeneron, Intel, Google, etc. or work on university research and aim for publications. And, Keep up your GPA - take more tough courses in 12th grade.

Good Luck!!!

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So you are only partially correct and are thinking with an imcomplete perspective.

First as @Vicky2019 and @skieurope mentioned you MUST have a high school diploma in order to apply. Also in most programs you should have gotten that HS Diploma in that year ONLY i.e. NO GAP years! So for this cycle you must get HS Diploma in June 2024.

In fact I also know one person in recent years and 1 person way far back who joined BSMD after 11th grade. However, they got their HS diploma in 11th grade. So they were a HS Senior in 11th grade And graduated from high school in 11th grade.

So if you are getting ur HS Diploma in 11th grade then you can apply to BSMD however you cannot apply next year to most programs next year as you would not be getting a high school diploma in 2025.

As @skieurope mentioned You would be wasting your and everyone else’s time as you would not get in applying to these programs in 11th grade if if you are not graduating from high school that year.


Here is the eligibility criteria for VCU GMED –

Look at

Specifically read the 2nd line:

  • Applications open in early August. Applications for entering freshman are due November 1 prior to the year of entry to VCU. Students who wish to be considered for the University-wide scholarships from the Office of Admissions must also submit their Common Application by November 1 .

It CLEARLY states “Applications for ENTERING FRESHMAN” whixh states you can only apply to VCU GMED IF you are able to get admission as a freshman that year at VCU!!

Alao the TCNJ website states:

School Status upon admissions: Applicant must be a high school senior. It is not possible to transfer into this program from other colleges or other 3 or 4-year programs within The College of New Jersey.

“Applicants MUST be a high school senior”

That is why I mentioned that you have only an incomplete idea about how some people got admission after 11th grade. You need to do your homework or it will ruin whatever little chances you may have to get into such a program.

Of course, a student needs a diploma in order to matriculate into college, let alone a BS/MD program. I am aware of that. I am not talking about applying in 11th grade, receiving an acceptance, and deferring to after 12th grade.

I’ve been on CC since 2018 and have put 2 of my 3 kids through BS/MDs (VCU and Hofstra). My question is not about whether or not one would be competitive or have a lower chance of acceptance by applying to a BS/MD with 1 less year of grades, ECs, and what have you. I understand everyone means well, but saying that I am “wasting everyone’s time” instead of answering my question head-on is a bit ironic. No hard feelings though.

I’d like to repeat my question: Do BS/MD programs screen for re-applicants?

Also which Texas BS/MDs are open to OOS students other than Baylor2Baylor?

I think you are asking
If someone applies to a BS/MD program as a high school senior and doesn’t get accepted, will the same BS/MD program note the previous rejection when the student applies again.

Is that right?


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Again you really need to do your hw. U r asking really basic questions for someone who has put 2 kids thru BSMDs.

Did you read what I wrote above? No GAP years!! They only take high school seniors!!! Most of them.
You mentioned 2 schools VCU and TCNJ and I cut pasted from their web site that you cannot apply if you are not a HS senior or as a transfer student.

So you can only apply in 11th grade if u r graduating HS. and if u apply then you cannot apply after that as you wont be a HS Sr then. So in other words there is no “reapply”.
You should call the individual colleges and BSMD programs and ask them.

Hope this clears your doubts!!

I know of a kid who applied to BSMDs the first time as a high school senior (in 2019-2020) and got some admissions but decided to take a gap year and pursue other things. This student re-applied after a gap year and got into the VCU BSMD with full UG ride and joined the program in 2021.

However, I am not sure if this student applied to the same set of BSMD programs both the times (as a senior and after the gap year).

As per @Park1212, some programs specifically require only high school seniors to apply. So, maybe there is some exception or fine print. You could reach out to shortlisted BSMD programs and ask specifically for clarification on this.

It is likely that BSMD may keep the information about the student, especially since it will be only a year later. But, you dont need to take this negatively. If someone applies to a BSMD as a HS senior but doesn’t get accepted but applies again, then , there a few theories (some positive and some not so positive)


  1. BSMD program may give the student brownie points for their persistence and interest. If the student has added unique experience during the gap year, they could have a chance.

2) BSMD program rejected the student because they didn’t fit the student profile expected by the program. So, the student may not have a chance after the gap year either.

3) Selective programs look for a set of diverse student body. BSMD program applicant pool during the senior year of the student might have multiple students with similar ECs/profile, so they reject a few and select one. One year later, the student applicant pool changes completely and the BSMD program could very well show interest in the student if they apply again.

Hope this helps!