***Thread For BS/MD/DO 2023-2024 Applicants/Parents ***

At least one program accepts reapplicants, UMKC. There is a candidate in last year thread (might have even posted here) who reapplied to the 6 year program. They were a freshman and understood that they get to do the whole 6 years although it would be after their freshman year elsewhere.

I don’t know when UMKC started this, but the there is an option for freshman to apply to UMKC BA/MD


Additional Requirements for Current College Students

Students with 24 hours or less of post high school graduation college credit at the time of application are eligible to apply for admission to the six-year B.A./M.D. program. If the applicant is currently enrolled in college in the semester in which they apply to the six-year program, the number of college credit hours accumulated at the end of that semester must not exceed the 24-hour credit limit. While the application is being processed, applicants may continue taking college courses during the next semester. It is recommended, but not required, that current college students enroll in at least 15 hours each semester and enroll in science coursework.

Current college students interested in applying to the six-year program must have earned a cumulative GPA of 3.0 at the end of the fall semester (first semester of college). Students who do not earn a cumulative GPA of 3.0 at the end of the fall semester are ineligible for admission to the program.

College transcripts with fall semester grades must be received before the Council on Selection can review the application. Offers to interview will not be made until an official college transcript with fall semester grades has been received.

Current college students must meet all other admissions requirements and eligibility outlined above.

I believe @BrownPLME wants to know if someone can apply again to a BS/MD program after they have NOT been accepted the first time they apply.

Does anyone have any info on that question.

To the best of my knowledge, except for UMKC, BS/MD programs only consider current HS seniors. Not HS juniors, not college freshmen. A few programs have accepted students who have not previously applied to their school who have applied after a gap year.

You need to contact each individual program and ask.

If you aren’t accepted to a BS/MD, you can try applying to EAPs as a college sophomore.

If a student has applied to a BS/MD program as a high school senior and was not accepted
can that student apply to and possibly be accepted to the same program where he or she was rejected in a subsequent year? Unless I’m reading this wrong, that is the question the poster is asking.

@BrownPLME is my understanding correct?

You can check the website, I believe UPITT’s requirement for GPA is he has to have the “highest GPA (weighted) possible in his school”. That is the info we got from the AO during a college fair.

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As a Pitt GAP student, I can tell you from experience that this is not the case. Many of the students across the 8 years of classes that I know were not valedictorians, and many had a few less than perfect grades. However, they do weight the numbers (GPA, SAT) very highly and need applicants in the top 5% of the class at least, ideally top 1-2%.

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I’ve noted the essential components that often make the difference in this competitive process, as someone who has gone through this process myself and received acceptance 10 BS/MD programs in 2016, including Brown PLME, Pitt GAP, Rice/Baylor (when it was active), REMS, etc. For those currently in the throes of application season or preparing for the next, I hope these insights can shed some light:

  1. SAT/GPA: These make up about 70% of the game. It’s vital to strive for excellence in your academics as these scores offer an immediate snapshot of your academic abilities.
  2. Research: Don’t underestimate its value. It showcases your dedication to scientific exploration, a core component of medicine.
  3. Clinical Volunteering: It demonstrates your commitment to healthcare and offers a tangible glimpse into your experiences in a medical setting.
  4. Shadowing: This provides a realistic perspective of a physician’s day-to-day life, ensuring you understand what you’re getting into.
  5. Leadership & Club Involvement: BSMD programs seek leaders. Whether you’ve held a position in student government or led a club, these experiences are valuable.
  6. Nonclinical Volunteering: Shows your dedication to community service and your drive to make a positive impact beyond medicine.
  7. Strong Letters of Recommendation: Aim for at least one letter from a humanities teacher, one from a science teacher, one from a physician, and one from a club or leadership mentor. The people you select should know you well and can vouch for your character, dedication, and passion for medicine.

UMKC person last year reapplied and was admitted.


I only know of 1 student who re-applied to BS/MDs.
She first applied in her senior year but was not accepted.
She took a gap year to represent the US in the Junior Olympics and then reapplied and got accepted to, I believe, 4 BS/MDs.
She had re-applied to some of the colleges she had initially applied. I do not recollect if there were any overlaps in the colleges she got interviewed/accepted.

Hope this helps.


Excellent checklist!

Can a student apply to both GWU BS/MD and St. Bonaventure/GWU BS/MD programs? If not, which program is easier to get into?

Most programs allow you to apply to all combinations but if you get in they ask you choose your undergrad program.

The undergraduate programs need to decide to submit you as an applicant. I would assume they dont forward every applicant to the med school.

This is true for the NJMS BSMD programs where you can choose the feeder undergraduate school. However it is not true for GW.
You can apply to both GWU/GWU and St Bonnie/GWU. Both processes are different. GW/GW has one interview with med school.
St Bonnie first asks you to attend their interview before they forward to GW.
So if you are selected to any of the 2 programs you cannot change the undergrad. You are with the program you have been selected from.



Right, the med school will say pick your undergrad school so we can decide which quota you come under assuming both undergrads forward you to med school.

My nephew interviewed for baylor baylor back in 2006 but also applied to Rice Baylor. When he went to Baylor interview, they told him since they were already planning to interview him via baylor baylor, they didnt shortlist him also at Rice since they just needed to talk to him under some school. They were only considering their own admission and didnt consider student’s undergrad preferences.

This can be an issue when multiple feeder schools exist for one medical school.

One has to understand how each program handles multiple feeder school options.
For example -

NJMS - the student decides the undergrad to join after receiving acceptance from NJMS (provided the student was forwarded to NJMS from multiple feeder schools)

AMC - the student selects 1 undergrad at the time of application.

Upstate - Upstate decides which undergrad the student must join.

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Thanks, everyone! @NoviceDad I’ve heard that Upstate has canceled and removed their program tentatively— is this correct?

No. Upstate still has the program.
They have reduced the number of feeder schools to 6 (from earlier 11).