***Thread For BS/MD/DO 2023-2024 Applicants/Parents ***

@texaspg The med schools are not putting this up in their stats (some may be but not all) but even during orientation on zoom or such events for the class the staff member asked “How many of you identify as LGBTQ+” and about 30% - 40% hands went up lol

Also if it is an ORM/Indian LGBTQ+ they do get some advantage if their stats are good (tad bit lower stats). However if people try to fake the LGBTQ + status there can be other psychological/sociological consequences. I know of a couple people who I was told kinda faked this status a few years ago lol Both of them wemt through psychological issues depression etc. One of them dropped out of med school in spite of being a great student. So it may not br in the best interests of the student to make this thing up.
Other things like non profits etc can be made up lol like every other kid is doing and there r no consequences to that However this one can have serious consequences.

Also, LGBTQ+ applicants are seen more in the traditional MD route not as many in BS/MD applications (yet)

PLME is a majority of the medical school.

I agree with our moderator that people at 17 can be very fluid. I met several of my older Ds classmates and parents at parent events and all the way to graduation. I suspected one person may be gay but it was none of my business to know. D told us couple of months ago, almost 7 years after graduation, this person decided they were. Sometimes it is somewhat possible for others to discern something that the person themselves may not know.


I’m rarely surprised, but to read here about kids starting a non profit just for admissions, or claiming or even THINKING about claiming to be URM or LGBTQ, is not only surprising, but offensive. Go ahead and lie on applications, you *could get you diploma taken away, UG and Med diplomas both. smh


I know a bright kid who went a selective magnet high school. He got a prestigious Computer Science award known nationally. He also had an internship in one of the top cyber security firm. He had started a non profit (not sure if it was for admissions). He only got into a out of state, public university. His family was very dissapointed that he didn’t get into any of the T30 colleges he applied to…

Infact, many of my friends’ kids who tried for computer science during last two years had very bad results inspite of being top students in their respective schools.


Wish you the very best. You are right, your kid will be able to confirm his love of medicine in the pre-med route. 95% of the students do apply as a pre-med to med school. A few years back, one of the CC kids got into Penn State Schreyer program during UG (his instate UG) - didn’t get into BSMD at that time. After 2 years, he applied to University of Florida Early assurance to their BA/MD program and got in! Your kid could also look into this in a couple of years.

Right now, as I mentioned previously, do apply widely. It is possible for kids with your kids’ GPA (and excellent ECs) to get into BSMD programs. College Strategy matters…

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A separate question for you since you mention a university is involved for this course. Is the University having a transcript separate from high school? This can cause problems even in future since all medical schools require transcripts from every college, irrespective of when the class was taken, high school or after high school.


I follow CS + Engg admissions (apart from BS/MD) closely and it has been a blood-bath since COVID. I know many horror stories.

CS at top schools is becoming as competitive as BS/MDs.


Everyone chasing salary packages with stock options, some of there are more than physicians starting salary after 10 years of medical school + residency (and fellowships)


It’s offensive but some do it with clear good plan and come out. Seeing underserved is a big criteria for some medical schools and they expect 1000s of service hours. How many of these will eventually focus on serving underserved? To me most of it is feel good decisions by adcoms.

So if you want to claim LGBTQ, all you need to is get some volunteer hours with that population and no one will question.

My DS didn’t try to get into any special categories and his application was research heavy with first author research but couple of meaningful volunteering experiences (but not 1000 hours) and didn’t get interviews from service focused schools!

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So to fake LGBTQ+ status is not just offensive and disgusting but it can (and mostly does) have negative repercussions on the child in the future. They either fakely start associating themselves with something they are not and do it on multiple fronts. Another dusadvantage is that they think that anything can be manipulated and that eventually ends badly for them at some pointin their life.

About non profits, it is amazing but as @srk said it is taken as a feel good and do good deed. Also how many high schoolers actually can think of opening up a non profit by themselves? Almost none or you can literally count on your fingers. So obviously even for the very few someone has guided them to “start a non profit”. How would a 9th grader think of it themselves? Hence some people start it and soon it spreads like wildfire. Especially when people realize that only one or two students from a school are generally invited to an interview from a BSMD program.

These are the changing times for competitve programs when subjective guidelines are introduced that harm really smart kids. Thrn the academically smart kids choose these paths rather than lose out to undeserving kids.

These kids and their parents are smart. So if you think about it none of these things can be proven as lying… A person can change their sexual orientation as many times in their lives as they want to. These are the loop holes. As I said it generally hurts the person themselves as you are “trying to be someone you are not” so I would say you shouldnt even think about it.

Starting a non profit is not lying. These students ACTUALLY start the non profits and also do some work on it.

Having said that BSMD programs and many med schools still need a good GPA and standardized test score.

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Not so sure it makes any difference where people do computer science anymore. About 10 years ago it made a difference but these days every company seems to be reachable from any school. UT Austin is best in Texas for CS but they only accept so many and most get absorbed by all the big names (know several kids from last two years in Apple, Microsoft, Google, Oracle and so on) while I see University of Houston people get internships and jobs, UT Dallas people get internships and jobs and so jobswise it is not a big deal where you go. It does make a difference in terms of potential contacts and mentors if one is interested in entrepreneurship since those going to elite schools get the connections to angel investors for startups if they get good ideas.

Salary packages seems to be higher from top schools.

I have heard their numbers and I dont believe they treat them whole lot differently. There are people from other countries on H1 getting exactly same money.

Lot of the people moving to Seattle for Amazon, Microsoft etc get paid about the same. They are told they will be paid less if they stay in Austin/Texas.

If they can get in those companies.

Reminder to please get back on topic of applying to BS/MD/DO programs.
There are other threads to discuss CS and salaries. Thank you.


sorry we digressed.

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PLME is 1/3, most are from traditional path


Comparing with computers job accountability will remain always higher and demanding in medicine. Still will it matter in next 10 years if clinician is from t20 medical school or more relevant T10 residency program vs non ranked medical schools and residency program?

Not sure clinicians being a specific medical school makes a difference. It does make it easier for faculty jobs if one attends what people consider more prestigious schools. The official rankings are mostly made up by USnews.

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No difference in salary but name may help with first job. Lot of times, students opt to do residency in the region they want to settle.

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