Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Hofstra Test score policy

Test optional for regular undergrad BUT REQUIRED for 4+4 BS/MD.

@Futurdoc @NoviceDad mine were about a single spaced single page each, maybe 400-500 words per essay (there are 3 I believe).

Thank you! Is there something specific we need to tell them to write? I am assuming they already know what to write since they have been writing recommendations for years.

I just informed my recommendation writers about what BS/MD programs were and why I was interested in them. I mentioned that I wanted them to put an emphasis on soft skills and I told them these recommendations had high impact. That’s about it!

@uravgperson @Cherax

Thank you

That really helps. Thanks.

Thanks @NoviceDad Could you please recommend for any college credit courses that can be taken online and is genuine. I am seeing many people taking many college credit courses outside school and AP courses outside High school. I only have 9AP courses including my Senior year. Little bit freaked out.

@NoviceDad Sure thing.

@Budha8 9 AP classes is plenty. Remember, quality not quantity. My advice would be to invest your time in something more meaningful than online college coursework. Not to mention the fact that getting online credits accepted at schools is not always easy.

@Budha8 If it helps relieve your anxiety, I had 10 AP classes and got accepted into multiple programs.

I have signed up for a medical coding class at our community college (as part of dual enrollment )in the spring 2020 and later dropped it. I dropped it 4 days after the start date. My school transcript will have all the grades including the grades from Community college.There will be no W on my transcript from school but there will be a W on the transcript from the community college. Is it too bad to have a W on the transcript? Do colleges need the transcript from each college or will the high school transcript which has all the grades be sufficient.?

Agree with @uravgperson
Quality over quantity.

Transcripts from all schools + colleges are required.

It is what it is - focus on other elements of your application.

@Budha8 No need to do more AP or CC courses. Focus your energy for application related items and enjoy HS.


  1. Any dual enrollment or CC courses done MUST be reported during AMCAS application. So any poor credit will impact your GPA during MD cycle.
  1. Even if your UG accepts and gives credit for AP or DE or CC courses, it is critical to do higher level courses in STEM for many MD college requirements.

Let us not try to do UG in HS itself!

URochester - REMS: Testing Policy FAQs:


Q. Is it fair to use tests for some applicants and not for others? Why not just ignore all tests?

A. We believe this question obscures a dangerous premise. For many decades, the fact that “everyone” applying to Rochester could in theory take an ACT or SAT exam hid a deeper and important truth that some of our applicants can afford to take the test only one time, or see it for the first time in actual testing conditions, while some of our applicants have seen this kind of test many times, taken it multiple times, and can afford to spend many hours and funds preparing for it. That means the test conditions can’t be “fair.” Some of our applicants take the test untimed, based on a diagnosis of learning differences. While we value and honor those students having that opportunity, we expect that many other students whose learning differences have never been diagnosed take it as a timed test. That’s also not “fair.” Since the life circumstances prior to the test vary in uncountable ways, using the test results as a common yardstick, even in context, creates an illusion of fairness that causes more problems than it solves.

Meanwhile, students who prepare for the test and believe the results convey something helpful about their preparation for college can submit those results to Rochester, just as others might choose to submit an extra letter of recommendation, a longer list of activities, complete an interview with us, or submit a video or portfolio.

We look forward to a time when applicants won’t take any extra test for their Rochester application, since we don’t need them. In the real world for now, as students apply to Rochester along with many other places who do require specific tests, we will continue assigning value to that effort.


NOTE the last sentence of the response!

Thanks @PikachuRocks15 for sharing your stats+perspectives on the Results thread.
Congratulations on Brown and all the best for your future.

@PikachuRocks15 -

Congratulations! on Brown and wish you the very best for future.

Thanks for sharing your stats+perspectives on the BS MD 2020 Results thread.

Are the CWRU PPSP, VCU GMed, UPITT, and Penn state programs more research-based or do they focus more on clinical settings/the community? I am asking to see what I should focus my essay on.

My personal take on this is for you to concentrate on your “why medicine” story. Then, you should look at each school’s strengths and see how you would be able to benefit and contribute to them. That should round out your “why this particular program” story.

AMC updates:

Union has made SAT Subject Test Optional for 2020-21 cycle.
RPI is in the process of updating its test policy for 2020-21. They are waiting for more guidance from AMC.
Stay tuned.