Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

I understand they do not mention guaranteed program in the brochure. But even otherwise, there is no guarantee in any of the combined BA/BS/MD/DO programs. One still have to go through the wringer, meeting scores of requirements before a medical college admits a student. Osteopathic Medical Scholars Lyman Briggs College 3+4 is pretty well defined as BS Biology combined with admission into DO after meeting the requirements that are no different than highly popular BS/MD programs being discussed on this forum. My few centsā€¦ if that helps.

There was post earlier inquiring about Purchase College. My son got a response from the counselor mentioning that acceptance to UG program will be sent out in January.

To the best of our knowledge, this program at MSU is in force this year. My son had a few communications with the program director during summer. They have also waived SAT this year. This is one of the program he had applied to as a safety. Hope this helps.

I called NJIT and they said some BSMD interview invites have been sent out but others havenā€™t so thereā€™s still hope!!

I would imagine the same for TCNJ but I havenā€™t emailed them.

I got acceptance into Purchase today with a message I was forwarded to upstate. So I believe they are doing rolling admissions.

My son also got selected in CNU. It is a relatively new program. I know a couple of kids in this school from my town. One being in direct BS/MD and other joined Masterā€™s to be enrolled in MD program next year. Both seem to like it. I have not heard much negative about it.

IMO, It is expensive and requires 510 MCAT. I am not sure if it accredited yet. You may get a better value at an early assurance programs like Toledo, DePaul etc. and keep your options open if can score better MCAT. My son is leaning towards not considering it.

Acceptance into UG for any of the feeders for Upstate is certainly guaranteed for the folks on this forum (with BSMD level GPA and Test scores). None of us have to wait out for that.

Its about the BSMD recommendations. Some schools informed the selected candidates(eg. ACPHS). And other schools did not inform but already recommended to Upstate(eg. Purchase, Polytechnic). We have heard people reporting that Albany, RIT, ACPHS, Suny Poly, Suny Purchase etc already reported to Upstate. My guess is that all the feeders already sent their recommendations to Upstate. Its matter of Upstate sending the invitations supplements and then interviews (may be in 3 batches like last year?).

One or the other way, we should hear back from all the Upstate feeders in early January!

Happy Holidays!


Is there any preferred UG for Upstate Medical? Given the UGs are so spread out and different in size, type (public vs Private suburban vs city), do some of them provide better opportunities for research or shadowing than others? My daughter has her preference of one or two UGs but is unclear how to express it and is also unsure if it matters.

Would veterans here and New York residents with some knowledge of these schools please comment? If anyone asks me shout CA UCs, I will tell you Berkeley and UCLA are top notch, UCSD is great for medical volunteering opportunities and city, UC Irvine and Davis are college towns but good next for premed etc. is there a narrative someone can provide on SUNY schools?

You are correct. Kids being discussed on this forum will be accepted in UG programs offered by these feeder schools.

BTW, we just heard from Purchase my son has been selected in UG and that his application has been forwarded to upstate.

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Yes, same request from me as well. We also live in CA. Any suggestions are welcome.

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S applied to CNU program 2 years ago. We visited and knew immediately it was not great. However, the backup plan for CNU (if the med school did not get accredited) was to send every kid to UC Davis which was impressive. I am pretty sure they got accredited though. We did not apply since when we visited it looked like a big warehouse! Also, it is for-profit. Just what our opinions on it were. Thankfully S got into a few BS/MD so he had some options.

Not sure if this is true this year but S got into Purchase/ Upstate 2 years back. he said same number that are interviewed are also accepted (i.e. 10 interviewed- 10 seats). Donā€™t know if this is true this year but was true then.

To my knowledge, some of the Upstate feeder schools (Adelphi) for example, is a commuter school. Means not a lot of on campus opportunities but proximity to NYC means lots of chances to do other things aside from campus life. Syracuse is on ā€œcollege hillā€ with other colleges and Upstate itself nearby so lots of opportunities there. UAlbany is near RPI and all of the AMC stuff so opportunities there too. RIT probably has some as Rochester is a big city. Anywhere will likely have opportunities just some have more on campus availability than others.

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As mentioned earlier, some of the feeders for Upstate are more well known and applied to e.g. Syracuse, RIT and some are not. While the more popular ones need not be financially welcome for many, the SUNY programs are the most affordable even for Undergrad OOS. So there are always trade offs such as finances, location, undergrad quality etc.

But no matter what, if your C is selected through any of the feeders and decides to attend, can be rest assured he/she will be in the good company of at least 5-10 similarly talented, like minded, motivated and academically strong cohort in the program (as @Vicky2019 mentioned earlier about their Cā€™s program)

Also if you still have the option or flexibility of choosing/changing feeder, I recommend to look at school profile on the common data set, such as the 75% ile SAT/ACT scores, financial awards based on merit etc. Also you may want to go to individual feeder schools websites and look for the amount of research funding and any special attractions they may be boasting of.

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I wasnā€™t aware of this backup plan. Would you know how we could find out what the current backup plan is? I heard they are still not fully accredited. We visited it and didnā€™t find UG impressive, but the opportunity for their child getting into CA MD with higher likelihood of CA residency could be better than other options for many parents in CA. This is why it is important that the effort and decision be owned by the kids and not the parents :wink:

:slight_smile: True. We found out during the orientation when we visited initially. Iā€™m not sure where to find the information now, but will look into it. If you go and visit, they will probably let you know if it is still not fully accredited!

Also thanks for sharing back-up plans. Ours is to probably have D go to SLU, USF, or Toledo. Got Toledo acceptance into bacc2md program this morning!

How about Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences? Itā€™s a very small school any info on research/shadowing opportunities around etc?

When you guys are saying that CNU is for-profit, it seems you are referring it is not good. But arenā€™t all private colleges for-profit? including all private med schools?

I think medical colleges are usually not for profit, even those that charge astronomical fees. CNU is likely an exception, and the medical community seems to find it very offensive that an organization would try to monetize the noble profession. I am able to relate completely. My daughter is in firwt yesr medical college and already comments on inequity in treatments and how that should not be allowed, so I am sure she will share the outrage i that a set of folks are trying to profit from teaching students to be doctors. It has been a pleasant break, so not going to bring up that topic :joy:

As this is in reference to CNU, it doesnā€™t hold the water, however it is certainly true for UCSF, why? because UCSF has far more talented kids than CNU. But we are comparing #1 with nowhere rank.
Anyone wants to understand how medical graduates from a school are viewed by PD, please read PD Report, it has wealth of info.

Very true, at the same time to expect 17-18 years olds to know the world of medicine or other aspects of it too much to ask for, hence parents involvement in college admission process is inevitable, especially first generation immigrants parents who are also learning with kids.
Transtion to college is first biggest change in life kids experience (I envy military/diplomat kids on that front as they are certainly more life experienced than their peers).
I see kids only needs some guidance until they finish 1st year in UG. By that time they know what are they upto and most are able to manage by themselves.

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