Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Thank you. I am new here and still don’t get it. If you apply to lets say engineering with pre-med track, get accepted to Honors College and to BS/MD, then your UG major changes from engineering to BS in science?

For USF’s BS/MD, you have to major in Biomedical sciences, but you can minor in anything you want: 7-Year B.S./MD FAQs

Thank you.

I believe if you are accepted to their Honors program then you are automatically enrolled in the BS/MD otherwise you have to apply after acceptance to the UG.

You must have been accepted to Honors in high school itself, since the FAQs state that you need to talk to your Honors College advisor over the summer about the track.

See “Is there a formal application…?”: 7-Year B.S./MD FAQs

Update 12/30@10PM: Checked SBU portal, they have added Upload Materials section now. When I checked this morning 11AM, it wasn’t there. Happy ending any now.

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Is this a merit based ?

Has anyone heard back from Albany Medical College?

I need suggestion/opinion on Wake forest EAP program. Seems there is not much discussion about this program on this forum but it looks much straight forward. University and Medical school also seems having good ranking. Any input based on past year experience?

@NoviceDad Thanks a lot for your help, he said he will send an email after the holidays. Happy New Year to you and your family!

Yes. It is merit based.

Anyone else still have recs showing up as missing in the BU portal? It should have already processed by now. I know my teacher sent the email and I called BU to double check before the deadline, and they confirmed they received the email. Freaking out a bit because they might have already disregarded my application if a rec shows as missing even if it was sent.

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The admissions people at AMC just asked for BS/MD students to help out with the interview process, and we are getting training next week. I have no information on the timeline of when interview invites will be sent out, but I imagine invites would likely come out within the first two weeks of January. Again, this is also speculation on my part!

Don’t worry we were in similar boat. Had to send few reminders and recently got reflected in the list

How do you know this? Are you currently a student at AMC?

Same with me :frowning: they have just one of my teacher’s rec and are missing the other 2 even though I have emailed them several times to check and I know my teachers had sent them before the deadline

In our case for BU, even though the teachers sent on time, one of the rec showed missing. When called AO, they mentioned that they received the email from teacher, but it showed empty. so we asked the AO to put a note, and asked the teachers to send it . They considered it and removed the “missing” option.
May be call them and find out once they open in january ?

Does anyone know when UMKC interview notifications come out? Same with Drexel?

Will the AMC interviews be in-person or online this year?

FWIW, current traditional cycle interviews are being conducted remotely and those interviews are happening in January as well… It would be a surprise if AMC wants high school kids and parents to travel for in-person interview.