Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

I read on SUNY Poly that they only review for awards in January.

My DD is in class, can ask her later, but I remember her saying that she had no indication that SUNY Poly had referred her.

Any advice on what to wear for a virtual interview as a female? Suit?

Email for AMC interview mentioned that it will be of a MMI format. Any idea how Penn/PMM interviews will be? It is scheduled for almost whole day (9:30-4:00).

My D just wears a formal shirt and a jeans.

What if she has to stand up during a virtual online interview?

That has not happened till now
:slight_smile: To be on safer side, then formal pants would do
 suits seems too much for virtual interview (unless you are comfortable wearing it for long time)
 my D interview with Harvard Alum went on for one hour and 45 mins.

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Undergrad is more casual but I’ve heard a lot of ppl say to wear suit to medical school interview even if its BS/MD. But then there are some that say not to
 I have no clue what to do

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If it was in-person (like previous cycles), then suit would be more appropriate.

no suit needed either
If you have one go for it, it won’t hurt. But jeans may

Okay thanks! And another question
 if I look at the screen instead of directly at the camera it seems like I’m looking down but then if I look directly at the camera I won’t be able to really see the interviewer. What do I do lol?

In my experience, its good to flick back and forth while pausing on each for a few seconds. It’s like eye contact in person - you aren’t staring at the person’s eyes the entire time, you can look away for a few seconds and then look back at their eyes (camera)

Did you receive zoom call info for PMM interview next week? They have mentioned that they will send the details first week of January. My S has not received any information yet. Thanks

Thank you

No, we have not received any information about zoom call yet.

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we got email from RIT. they have picked 25 finalists including D and sent them to Upstate.


Can’t speak to the video portfolio, but when I interviewed last year, my interviewer (a PLME alumni) specifically asked me about the PLME program, so it wouldn’t hurt to include a line or two about why the program’s flexibility fits your goals.

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She got the invite through Purchase. What about your child? Is anybody here through Purchase?

My D is wearing the same outfit from her science research mentor interview 3 years ago to every interview encounter this season lol! It is a black shirt with a white collar and black dress pants.
I would stay away from anything too casual like jeans just in case if they have to stand up or something that might come up in an hour long interview.

Wearing sports jacket or a blazer would be nice!

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Hey, I email them and they reply back. If your question is urgent I would recommend probably calling as you will get a faster reply. Also, make sure you’re emailing at the correct email address because one of them is for question while the other one is to send documents. I wish you all the best. Good luck.