Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Thank you. Have not seen anyone announcing interview through Purchase yet. My DC interview invite is through ACPHS.

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I was forwarded by polytechnic and purchase and didn’t receive any interview invite or rejection. Does this mean I am likely rejected or is the process still rolling?

process is rolling. did you get the upstate application? and did you get the email that says if your upstate app is complete?

Yes. It was due on the 22nd I believe.

And yes to the second part of your question too

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Then I would not worry. The whole process is rolling and they will decide soon enough

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Congratulations! I would have to guess Syracuse/UAlbany/RIT are the programs that receive more applications/interest for Upstate program because size of the schools. Making cut from those schools is already something!

20-25 seems to be the number for forwarding from feeders. They would have to accept 10 students to have 5+ to matriculate and hence I wonder if Upstate is interviewing everyone forwarded to them. Just a thought.

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Thanks! I was thinking they would interview 10 or 15 and then accept 5, then wait-list the other 5 to 10 who were interviewed and fill up the spots slowly. It is possible that they will do everyone. Not sure. Will keep this posted if we get interview invite or rejection

Hello -
Anyone here applied to UMKC med program? My DD got UG and her application is forwarded to the School of Medicine for review for admission to the B.A./M.D. program.
Any idea on the timeline for this.

Thank you.

Its really early to think of interview rejections from Upstate. You are still in the game for rolling interviews!

Congrats and good luck for the interview for your D! Like your D, mine also wanted Adelphi. Just because of the location. She is such a city girl who ends up in NYC pretty much every chance she gets, so Adelphi being very close to the city was her top choice.
I really think that the criteria SUNY Upstate use is to consider the students other interests. She is into dance and is very involved in performing etc so Purchase being a major dance school, could it be that they looked into that? Who knows? I’m just thinking aloud.

Yes D applied and got forwarded. Most likely (according to the timeline on their website) Interview invites will be this month.

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I heard that UMKC interview notifications were supposed to come out next Friday? Did anyone else hear the same?

My son mentioned he was applying to Brown/PLME but it was more like 90 seconds of him and info about him and 30 seconds about how Brown ties into his future focus

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No I don’t believe I heard this where did you hear this from?

Thank you. Looks like we will hear either way by january.

January: Offers to Interview are Extended

Applicants selected for an interview or placed on the interview waitlist will be notified electronically. Applicants not selected for an interview will also be notified electronically.

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Oh the Official UMKC BA/MD program. Last year, they came out on the 17th, so supposedly the 3rd Friday of January.

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We were forwarded to NJMS but no word since then. Does anyone know the NJMS time lines?

Here are the detail on RIT-SUNY Upstate Program: (from the email received from RIT)

Received applications: 500
RIT Supplements sent: 100
Recommend to Upstate:25
Spots available for RIT: 5

At this point I believe all the Upstate feeders completed forwarding their full list to Upstate. Some feeders informed applicants and some did not yet. Its matter of time to receive SOM supplemental and invitation for interview.