Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

My D talked to Director of admission, Temple university today. He told her that list of honors college still not out. He was saying that Honors college will contact in next few days for selected students. So, do not loose hope for temple bs/md as of now.

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No comparison to a C at BU SMED to even an A- at Temple, nor with the caliber of the students. Yes Cs are allowed as long as students can crawl up to the gpa requirement sooner or later. It may be due to this tough rigor, SMED students routinely score between 95-100% iles in MCAT, most of them with minimal preparation.

It should be out soon.

This is not true. Stop glorifying BU SMED. Same saga repeated every year. Temple BSMD students do get 95% or above in MCAT.

As part of Medical Scholar Program at Temple, do students need to appear for another interview with Medical School in Junior/Senior year to matriculate in Medical school? I was confused. At one place, it’s written that Interview would be required with Medical school along with GPA and MCAT(509) requirement while at other place, Interview is not mentioned.

All we need is one, good luck on GW.

My DS haven’t heard anything from GW or BU yet.

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Yes temple program can’t be considered on par with any of the guaranteed programs. Also many seem to go for the 4 year undergrad option in that program. Have known multiple students not choosing the program even with free rides for the undergrad and going else where including TCNJ, Penn State and BU, even without price breaks.

Thank You for comment. That means it’s more like a EAP where student need to appear for interview with Medical school again as with SLU and Seton Hall’s program.

That is correct.

Did anybody hear further from Caldwell after interview? My D appeared for interview last week but has not heard anything after that.

@mom2boys1999 - This is quiet normal with BS/MD admissions. Some programs think that the student won’t join therefore do not offer admission. In the past years, we have seen this quiet a bit.

At the end, he already has admission to Stanford! He also has GW/GW BS/MD interview. Congratulations & Good Luck!


My DD has Caldwell’s interview next week and I think all interviews are conducted this week and next.

I am wondering which feeder the NJMS interviews were for. For those who got NJMS interview, if you applied to only TCNJ or only NJIT, could you please share? Then we can infer the interviews are for students from that feeder.

By that standard BU SMED is not at par with UMKC 6 year program.

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Hoping it’s a happy ending. Just curious what was the area code the call has come? I was told Boston has two area codes. Thank you.

Congratulations and good luck to GW interview. What do you mean by Hofstra moved to next level?

Received supplements. I don’t know what the technical terms are for if you get that. Sorry!

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Thank you! We got a call from 617 area code yday. The same number showed up as missed call on both my phone and my DD’s phone. We called back and heard ‘Welcome to Boston University’, but of course they were closed. So I called today morning, and they said they will try to call again and asked what is a good time to call her back. I gave her availability as before 1pm Boston Time and hung up. DD got the call sometime before 1pm EST.


@Yashil123 If you are risk averse, do not apply to Temple BSMD, it is not for you. By simple logic, any program with any pre-conditions is NOT guaranteed. Your thinking and classifications are based on wrong assumptions. Come back with your choices for BSMDs after the cycle is complete if any. If you are so risk averse, are you confining yourself inside your home during this pandemic. Find out your risk appetite and learn ways to mitigate risks in life.

This is absolutely wrong since none of these programs are guaranteed by definition. There are pre-conditions to be met by student for each to be able to matriculate to medical school.
Where is any guarantee that once you are admitted to BSMD program , you will become a doctor ? It is a useless classification based on risk-averse folks point of view. Life is full of risks and perception and appetite for risk varies with individuals. Here is an example of the risk appetite.
Do you know how much money you can loose in a day and not be worried in stock market ? This will define your financial risk appetite. If you are afraid to loose any money, keep your money in a bank( with FIDC insurance but giving hardly any returns now-a-days.)
So the degree of risk associated with these BSMD programs is different and varies. Pick a program which suits your risk profile (appetite). All these BSMD programs are risky by definition.

@Yashi123 You are wrong. This not an EAP but BSMD. There is only ONE interview with LKSOM after you have met certain conditions during Junior year. Your D called Temple university about Honors College admission as per post by you today. Is your D still interested in Temple BSMD ? You have only provisional admission which is subject to meeting certain conditions as specified in a contract. If you fail to meet those conditions like UG GPA and no grade less than “B-” in any course, you will not even be considered for an interview by LKSOM in IMO. You can still apply to LKSOM and other medical schools via regular route MD. Can your D be comfortable with this uncertainty ( a risk) ?. If NOT, please do not consider Temple BSMD. Some students thrive on challenges and may take higher degree of risks in life while others are risk-averse.
Please come back at the end of cycle with your D’s BSMD choices if any.