Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Hi all,

My D also just got AP scores from May 2020 testing.

She got 5 in four subjects (Physics, Bio, Statistics and World History) but bombed on Eng Lang & Comp with a 3 :frowning:

The other grades for the other 3 courses are 5, 5 and 4. I told her to report all AP scores in the applications anyway since I think colleges will see the scores when you send in the AP reports + kids are human too and should allow to have bad days one a while. :wink:

It is an EAP program - you are only guaranteed an interview.
The university does not share how many do not clear the interview nor the attrition rate during the program.

RELATIVE TO other BS/MD programs, percentage of ORMs getting in PLME is small.

You only get 1 interview with the medical school - this applies to all programs with multiple feeder schools.
However, there are three flavors to this

  • medical mandating 1 feeder school e.g. AMC - you have to apply through only 1 of 3 feeder schools
  • medical schools do not care how many feeder schools you apply and which feeder school you go to e.g NJMS
  • medical schools call you for interview from one medical school and then ignore other applications e.g. Baylor

So, if you are interested in Baylor medical school, if you are interested in RICE, do not apply through Baylor.
Both have 6 seats with Baylor med.

Good to get current insider information on this.
One of the past data points - that number was in single digits.

@NoviceDad Getting in through Rice is harder (or so Iā€™ve heard) but do you know if the interviews for Baylor2Baylor are before Rice/Baylor? In that case, I could just apply to both and if I get Baylor2Baylor interview Iā€™ll go and if I donā€™t get that interview, maybe Iā€™ll have a shot at Rice/Baylor. Or do they disregard the application if theyā€™ve already looked at it for a different feeder school?

The best way of getting information about any undergrad institution is to refer to what is called common data set about their enrolled studentsā€™ stats. All of these institutions are mandated to furnish such data every year for the benefit of prospective students. You can look at factors such as acceptance rates, 75th percentile ranges of SAT/ACT, average gpa if provided, high school class rank distribution etc, to get a feel of the student body there. Better refer to the latest versions (2019-20).

It seems the feeders of Upstate have recently started providing the 7 yr option too. Most of the feeders must be decent enough at least for them to be able to enter into this agreement with Upstate. Some of the more well known ones, Albany Coll of Pharm, Roch Inst of Tech and University of Albany. Also heard they are starting a new 7 yr program with Syracuse starting next year, if so by far the most well known feeder. Though reputed names like Colgate are listed, it seems more like an EAP arrangement for students already enrolled there.

Apart from just looking for popular feeders one may have to consider the chances of being pushed forwarded by the feeder to the interview stage. One may not get interview through a popular feeder but may with a lesser known one. Also the size of the applicant pool from each of the feeders to this program also may have to be factored in. You may get that info from the feedersā€™ websites or faqs. Some of the feeders are more conveniently located for better quality of student life, proximity to airports etc, even if not as well known as some of their peers and rivals. And finally it is up to the med school to decide which feeder recommendation it will consider in interviewing someone (in case multiple recommendations). So not much flexibility there, one is stuck with that feeder, like it or not.

Believe Upstate doesnā€™t have a strong in state or regional preference, to the point of hurting the chances of OOS candidates (unlike other state med schools like Cincinnati and UAB). As elaborated few days ago, these programs are windows for the state med schools to expand their student footprints from the talent pool from across the country. It is less likely to attract highly talented OOS students via traditional path.

Yes, Baylor/Baylor is before Rice/Baylor.
There are many variables on how they actually select the 25 people for interviews.
Example: Baylor sends your app to Baylor med but Rice does not or vice-versa.

So, do your best on things you have some control over.

Expters/Senior members,
Can you please share 2019 BSMD results page?

Refer to Post # 1 on Page 1

can anyone pm me with consultation services for bsmd programs??


Baylor and Rice have different profiles and different pros and cons.

Baylor offers merit aid for NMS but religious and also location in the middle. Another major con with Baylor (for students who are far off from TX), you need to make 2 physical interview. It is was hard for 2 reasons. Students are busy with HS, semester exams and need to take 2 days (for each trip) and costly.

Rice top ranked & great school for pre-med (even if you donā€™t get BS/MD) and in Houston next to medical center. So depending on what is important it is not that hard to make the decision.

How do This forum ranks Bs md programs and which are top 6 to 8 programs please share your top list ? Or tier top middle and average categorization ? Which are worth leaving IVIES ?

@sam2024, highly ranked BSMD are at Northwestern, Boston, Brown, Casewestern and few others. Below link has all BSMD programs. Going to Ivies or BSMD is totally a personal choice and depends of students goal.

MODERATORā€™S NOTE: Deleted link. Not allowed.

For the benefit of any newbies here and others too who may not have realized or known, there is a whole roster of topics under the parent level of this thread (posted below). Chronologically arranged backwards from the most recently updated ones to older ones, the results of each year, covering a wide variety of discussion threads and spanning a number of years.

Advise students to not spend too much time on them though, but parents can do so at their convenience to read/research about specific programs or get different perspectives and view points. Good luck with everything!

@sam2024 -

The first question is to decide if BS MD is important or Top UG. If ranking is important, going for Undergrad may work out better in my personal opinion. Ranking may work for UG but doesnā€™t work the same way for BSMD programs. IMO, BS MD ranking is complicated since everyone has a different criteria for ranking depending on what is important to them. Calibre of BSMD students for all of these programs is very high and each program gives importance to different criteria. Students in the past cycles have felt happy to get into atleast one program!

Factors that I considered when ranking BSMDā€™s -
Ranking of UG
Ranking of Med school
Ranking of Undergrad + Med School
Duration of program
Prestige of the BS/MD program
Total cost of attendance (based on scholarship) or cost of UG/Med school
Location of UG/Med Schools

Although the below 6 BS/BA MD programs are good, the cost is high too since these do not give merit aid and are associated with private universities. The 7 yrs programs are cheaper compared to 8 yr ones though -

Northwestern HPME 7 yrs
University of Rochester REMS
Brown PLME
BU SMED 7 yrs
Case Western PPSP

Med school ranking of many of the below are even lower than those from the top-list. These programs can be much cheaper compared to the above colleges as well if they are your state public universities or simply because of scholarship -

Penn State/Jeff 7 yrs
GWU/GWU 7yrs
RPI/AMC 7 yrs
Stony Brook
UT-PACT BA/MD Program 7 yrs
University of Alabama med school EMSAP
Rutgers medical school & itā€™s feeders 7 Yrs

Need to note that both REMS and PPSP are known to give price breaks for their undergrad, though they are private. Possible reason, students may not join otherwise due to the high cost for the total duration of 8 years.

Add these to @Vicky2019 list


Both you get good price break (merit aid) for UG

Update to @Vicky2019 list above, regarding Programs in Texas ā€”-

  1. UT-PACT BA/MD Program 7 yrs. ā€” this program has been shut down 2 years back
  2. There are a couple more state university BSMD programs in Texas still active but they are only for Texas residents

I would say the Rice/Baylor program is probably the harder one to get into out of the 2 BCM feeder BS/MD programs. This is because Rice University is already a more prestigious university than Baylor University, meaning it will attract a lot more qualified students/applicants. Additionally, more people apply to the Rice/Baylor program than the Baylor/Baylor because of how Rice is more well known.