Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Don’t think Toledo has a guaranteed program, it may be EAP better check it out.

Regarding your other query regarding the size of the programs, UpState, NJMS and AMC are some of the programs having sizeable intakes through their various feeders. Penn State/Jeff has about 40 but no other feeders. Brown has a big intake too but hardly any ORM gets into that program.

After the above mentioned, UPitt, NU HPME, Case Western and BU all have decent intakes too (between 15-25 each), but also these are some of the most competitive ones to get into.

I may have missed one or two others.

Anyone know if about applying to both Baylor/Baylor and Rice/Baylor programs? The selection committee for the med school would probably be the same so would it look bad?

This is what I saw from a person’s posted result on the class of 2020 thread:
Baylor-Baylor Medical Track: Accepted
Rice Baylor Medical Scholars: eliminated due to interview with Baylor COM via Baylor-Baylor program

Someone else wrote:
A note to people who want to pursue Baylor COM via its two feeder programs at Baylor and Rice: Baylor COM has a policy that they only grant you one interview. That means that if you got the finalist status with Baylor U, Baylor COM will eliminate your name from its finalist consideration for the Rice Baylor program, even if Rice sends your file to Baylor COM for finalist selection. You don’t get a say in picking the UG feeder school to be a finalist for. Baylor U finalists traditionally have their interviews before the Rice U finalists. Baylor COM does not offer people a choice of feeder program, unlike NJMS. I suppose it’s because Baylor COM doesn’t want people to flip between UG since there are only six per UG program. Unless you have a low asset, the income guideline for free tuition/free ride at Rice is just an advertisement. High stats people get rewarded more handsomely with Baylor (if you are OK with being in Waco, Texas for four years)

I’m new to this so can someone explain and what it will mean if I apply and get interviews to both?

Also, does everyone that applies to both and gets an interview with rice/baylor automatically receive rejection from baylor/baylor? If so, wouldn’t it help to just apply to rice/baylor since less people would get interviews?

Which program is easier to gain acceptance to? I’m assuming baylor2baylor

@ksmed1, @rk2017
For brown PLME, here is the details they mention for their 2019 cycle.
Number of applicants to PLME - 2641
Number offered admission to PLME - 94
Number of PLME matriculants - 61

So it is definitely the biggest of all BSMD but also highly competitive.
But I don’t know how you say hardly any ORM gets into the program? Can anyone confirm this? Someone who is in the program or knows someone in the program?

Hi Experts, any insights for University of Minnesota BA/MD program?

It says it is a 7 year program and is early assurance program but also says - guarantees acceptance into the University of Minnesota Medical school after year three.
I haven’t seen anyone mentioning this in past posts. Is this for in-state students?
Any stats on it or further details/personal insights would be helpful. I am planning to send them email but thought to post it here if someone knows about this program.

Regarding Brown PLME, that is what I gather speaking to students and parents over a number of years. My guess is that the number of ORMs in that class of 60 odd each year would be mid to high single digits at the most, both ED and RD combined. The reason, most of the ORM applicants will be filtered off for undergrad level itself because of the Ivy selection criteria. Then among those selected ORMs, only a fraction make it to the program. So you can imagine the odds. Of course will be great if some one in the program can throw light.

The reason I keep repeating this is to not have raised hopes on it just by looking at the big numbers. Scale it down by a factor of 10 if you will for the sake of practicality. Also from the stats perspective (SAT/ACT etc) one can notice that they tend to be lower for this program than those of many other BS/MD programs for the same reason.

And yes Minnesota is a new program and believe for Instate students only. Better check with them though.

One of my friends (Indian) got into PLME and I asked him about the ORM population and his exact words were " there are tons of Indian in this program… haha".

Can you/he please care to share the stats like approximate number of ORMs in each incoming class of 60 odd? For everyone’s benefit here!

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Sure, I will ask him and post here.

According to him at least 15-20 are Asian.

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That is good to know. That is a good 25-30% of the class and at least twice as good as I thought! Perhaps they started accepting more and more ORMs into the program over a period of time and in recent years, owing to their good academic track records as a group? Hope it stays at that level so future ORM applicants can benefit.

But before one can make the cut into the program, I checked the latest common data set of Brown. The percentage of Asians in their undergrad incoming class was 306/1660 = 18.43%. so one has to cross that hurdle first before being selected for the program.

I have known ORM students with SAT 1600s and valedictorian level standings and loads of other stuff not making it even to their regular undergrad, let alone for this program (most of them wait listed and never taken off from it).

So still the advice holds good, not to have high expectations looking at the seemingly big numbers of the program.

Thanks for posting. It is a verified fact not an anecdote or assertion.

The intake for Rice/Baylor is small ( more like 6 ). It may not be worthwhile to apply. You will have only one interview with a medical school. It does not benefit either party to interview more than once.

Unless you are from Minnesota, it is not for you. Search for a post in previous year’s forum.

I have one question though, not to question or doubt your friend’s feedback. Did you say he just got into the program? Or already in the program for a year or two? If just got in, and with whatever going on with the virus and all, how could he have known the numbers in his new yet to be started program? Just curious.

Congratulations to him. It’s a great program and school!

@confusedjunior61, thanks for asking about the numbers to this student at Brown.
Experts, question about various feeder (and there are many) to Upstate Medical, are they all 8 years program? Could not find information specifically say they are 7 or 8 years. Most of them say they take 5 students, except 2 feeders. Since it is a state university, do you think they will give preference to in-state? Can anyone say how good these programs are, since most of the feeder schools seems small and never heard of. Though Upstate Medical ranking seems ok.

Do I have to report AP scores/ do they play a part in college admissions and specifically BS/MD admissions? In the past I have done really well but this year I got some not so great scores ( I got two 3s in science courses). I am still eligible for the AP Scholar with Distinction.

@Futurdoc, I had asked this question too, few post ago. And most replied saying it is not important to send them AP score (and waste money). There is a section in common app where you report all your AP courses. Now it is up to you which ones you put there and which ones you don’t. I would think if most of your AP scores are 4 and 5 which few 3s (and that also during pandemic), it is ok. I guess you can mention in your application that you are AP Scholar.

Thank you for the info @rk2017, @rk1235rk

Yes, he got accepted this year. He has a good network. And I can understand why you would have doubts and that’s absolutely ok. I trust him but you are free to have your opinion.