Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

It is a rolling admission process by most medical schools.
They may provide such information whether the application has been reviewed by Ad Committee or not. If yes, the decision by the admission committee if known, IMO. Sometimes, they can provide some feedback on the decision itself, IMO.

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My D had got a rejection letter from VCU initially. Today she got an email saying there is a slot left over so she is back on for the interview. Has anybody gotten a similar invite letter? We are assuming somebody who has gotten an acceptance elsewhere might have withdrawn. D is very happy and says getting a second chance and technically being the “last” in itself is making her not to sweat this interview too much and that she can be herself at the interview! lol


About UMKC…
“Offers to interview will not be extended until the college transcript with fall grades has been received.”

Current UMKC freshman have to submit their first semester grades by the 20th. So I wonder if the notifications for interviews could come late tomorrow or maybe even on Thursday?

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I’d say your prediction is pretty much on.

Good luck everyone.

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Would greatly appreciate if you could share that DM about interview with me as well.

Porbably some time this week then


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Wait how does the UMKC freshman college first semester grades relate to extending interview offers for the BS/MD program? What is the correlation?

They are part of the applicant pool as well

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Congratulations !!!

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Anyone got interview invites for Rowan/Cooper BS/MD? We submitted the supplemental and dint hear anything.

First semester reports aren’t available in my school until second week of February. I only have my first quarter grades, but gpa does not get recalculated and transcripts do not change until the end of the semester. What should I do? Also, I couldn’t find anything online that says we need first semester grades before we get an interview…

I got an email saying that my application was in review and it might take 3-4 weeks before we hear back. They also said that the app had some technical glitch and that if we wanted to apply for both BS/DO and BS/MD, we had to respond to their email.

Any word on if BU is done sending finalist emails? Also, even after calling weeks ago, the science teacher recommendation that I have confirmed that they received through common app is marked as being required still on the application status page. Could this have barred me from consideration?

Read carefully “UMKC freshman College first semester transcript”. Does this apply to high school applicants ? No. UMKC 6yr BSMD program may allow “current UMKC first year students” to apply to UMKC BSMD program. More competition for high school applicants.

You are worried too much. Call BU admission office and ask about the status of your BSMD application and have a peace of mind. Any one here on CC will only be speculating.

I wouldn’t worry about it. One of my recs showed as missing in my application status but my teacher sent it. I got an interview. My guess is they’ll look for it in their email once they get to your file.

Ah okay thanks! And yes just got off the phone with them, they will be marking it as received shortly.

I am confused with all the posts about UMKC, we have not got any emails about uploading transcript or anything. so was this through an email or some other way? can we upload the unofficial transcript on the UMKC portal or UMKC medicine site?

D also received Rowan’s supplement and submitted it around 4the Jan. she has not heard anything after that. But she had been given option to choose only one - BS/MD or BS/DO. She chose BS/MD.