Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Thanks again!

My D received rejection from AMC(RPI) today by email.

Dittoā€¦received rejection e-mail from AMC/Union today.

Good luck to everyone who is still in the running ā€¦

@PPofEngrDr @grtd2010

Win at Brisbane was historical.

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Colgate University: This is a good liberal arts college - not a BS/MD school.
They received 100% more applications this year!


Got RPI/AMC interview


If I remember correctly Colgate is one of the feeders for Upstate EAP route (sophomore year). Not sure how many slots they have allocated at Upstate. Yeah one of the quite prestigious liberal arts schools.

Congrats ! :smiley:

If BU is done sending then its a little disappointing, but I will count on it till Feb 1st and strike it off the list :slight_smile: . We have to be content with what we got. Like someone said earlier, we only need one admission.

Sā€™s Status so far: Waiting on BU, Case, Brown

Penn State - Interviewed

UAB - Interview on Friday

RPI/Albany - Interview on March 9th

UCF - submitted finalist supplement will know March 15th (they donā€™t have interview, he already got into Burnettā€™s Honors) If someone can give any feed back I would like to hear about this program

Augusta Univ/ Georgia Medical - Submittal finalist supplement (no interview for this one also)

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Its MMI format right?

My older DD was invited to UCF (for interview?) when she applied few years ago. Maybe that was an information session and not interview. She doesnā€™t remember. Is it still a selection or does everyone that applies admitted? Would you know? If they select from applicants, would you know the numbers @escorpi11 ?

First get admission in to UCF UG, then get invite to Burnettā€™s Honors program, after getting admitted to honors, they send recommendation to the medical scholarā€™s program. Burnettā€™s Medical Scholars application is due Feb 15th and admission selections are announced on March 15th. No interview. Yes, your daughter may have attended information session. National merit semi-finalists and finalists get preference.

Got it, thank you!

Would you happen to know if they have a specific number of seats for the program @escorpi11 ?

No idea. I was hoping someone from this group can help.

I saw it mentioned in an older CC thread it was capped at 25. Not sure if that applies anymore.

Received NJMS interview via NJIT this morning! Interview is definitely rolling!


We also recā€™d NJMS interview email but we were not sure if this was through NJIT or Rutgers. We were told from NJIT that our application is forwarded to NJMS but had not heard back from Rutgers so far. How do we know which feeder this interview is from?


Has anyone in this group has applied to Rutgers BSMD and have recā€™d interview from them?

Is anyone forwarded to NJMS through TCNJ? If so, how were you informed? How many days/weeks after the TCNJ interview you were notified about this? Have you received NJMS interview?