Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

I really do think NJMS does this on a rolling basis so I wouldn’t stress. I had interviews at 4 feeders but haven’t heard from NJMS (rejection or if I have an interview). Also NJITs website said you can get an interview as late as end of March

I was interviewed by both TCNJ and NJIT, didn’t get any notification from TCNJ yet but was forwarded via NJIT. Maybe contact Dr. Shevlin?

How did you know your NJMS invite was through NJIT? Maybe both forwarded, and NJMS does not distinguish based on feeder.

It’s so confusing. TCNJ did their interviews so late and looks like none of us have heard from TCNJ yet after the undergrad interview. NJMS is already calling people for interviews and it only gives you interview once. The point in going through TCNJ also is a question mark

NJIT is the only feeder that sent me a notification that I was forwarded. Nothing from TCNJ so that’s why I assumed but I could be wrong.

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Do you think NJMS knows you’re applying to multiple feeders and is waiting for all of them to decision on you before considering your candidacy? Have you contacted them?

My daughter has applied to multiple feeders too, and has written to njms to find out when they might decision on her application. Will share if she hears back.

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I’m wondering the same thing. Please let me know if you hear back!

For AMC: To anyone who received an “administrative rejection” because the “supplemental application was not submitted on time”

Assuming you actually did submit the supplement by the due date, just call AMC admissions and they will “release your files” to the review stage.

I had a mini heart attack when I saw the email. Thank god it was a fluke.

I got an email last week from Stevens-NJMS informing me that they would begin forwarding applicants to NJMS.

Didn’t mention anything about me in particular. But, it did say that all future communications would be through NJMS. I guess that means they don’t tell their applicants who they forward?

Haven’t received anything from GW BA/MD program. Has anyone else heard yet about semi-finalist selection?

1-2 students have reported getting GW interview. We are in waiting state as well.

My D also waiting for the GW interview call.

BU - interview call
RPI/AMC - interview call
GW - waiting
case- waiting
Brown - waiting

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brown doesnt do interviews. Decisions come out on ivy day

I was selected to interview and the interview dates are February 8th and 9th.

I just received an AMC interview through the Siena program. Any tips on how to prepare?

Just received Siena/AMC interview


If GW interview dates are Feb 8/9, then it makes me think that they are done with sending interview invites. I guess one more program that we can strike off our list and start worrying about.

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Yes I agree. No invite or info from BU and GW. l think that we are done with these too.

I called GWU, they said calls for interview will go out until end of February, so hang tough !

Congrats to all those who received an interview invitation already with GWU.

But I do agree, BU’s window looks like is closing if you haven’t heard from them yet.