Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Rejected from REMS as well :(( knew my chances were slim but it hurts nevertheless

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Both regular MD and BSMD for Upstate interviews for this cycle are traditional due to remote nature. Else Upstate was always MMI for both formats.

D got rejection from REMSā€¦ :pensive:

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The BS/MD rejection e-mails definitely hurts, especially after they get your hopes up by telling you that youā€™ve been awarded undergraduate scholarship money or Honors acceptanceā€¦

OK, thanks for the updateā€¦


I havenā€™t got anything from the University of Rochester (no rejection or anything). Is there anyone else in a similar position? What should I do?

Check your spam/junk email, also check MyROC portal.

D got rejection from REMS ā€¦ email was in promotions tab

Could try calling Rochesterā€™s Admissions and ask for the person in charge of running REMS

Received a rejection email from Rochester REMS this afternoon.
Here is my Sā€™s BSMD Rolling Status:
Accepted: CNU
Rejected: Baylor2Baylor, Rochester REMS
Pending: BU, CWRU, Hofstra, Stony Brook, FAU, and Brown
Interview: None so far

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Every time I open my email being excited, I end up getting depressed lol

Same hereā€¦ Rejection email was in promotions folder :cry:

honestly donā€™t. Iā€™ve learned with these itā€™s an absolute crapshoot, and our year was screwed the most with a lot of programs not requiring SAT scores and such a major increase in applicants. Iā€™m not taking it too hard, I know Iā€™m a good student and I will become a doctor one way or another. Just applying to these programs and getting and interview for even one shows how qualified we are. Just unfortuante circumstances, and things out of our hand that we canā€™t control like socioeconomic status, location, etc. Def sucks, REMS was a big loss for me too, but definitely not a personal thing. Such a random and unpredictable process tbh.


Quite a roller coaster ride is this BSMD cycle. Hope all end up safe, happy and with an acceptance at the end. And it will be all worth it :slight_smile:

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@bsmdapplicant123 - Congratulations!

Rochester REMS invites about 4-5 times # of students for interview. So, interview doesnā€™t mean that you are automatically admitted!

Congratulations to all the kids who got admitted to various BS/MD programs. Take time to enjoy your success!

For all others - Good Luck to you. Opportunities will be revealed in the coming months. Hang on for nowā€¦

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Waiting is the hardest part of all this :frowning:

Kiddo offered interview for REMS. He is a Bausch and Lomb awardee so earned $25k for a nice scholarship there too. He really liked the school when we visited too.

Status update:
Rejection: Penn, Pitt, NJMS, seems like BU
Interviews: GW, VCU, REMS
Pending: PPSP, PLME, FAU, Temple
Awaiting further response: Hofstra, Drexel


Congrats @mom2boys1999 for REMS interview.

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