Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)


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congrats to everyone! i think my previous comment got lost with the REMS comments but can anyone provide some insight on what to expect for the stevens interview?

Very straightforward! It’s short and the interviewer seems to have a list of questions to get through. My interviewer was super nice

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Awesome, thank you so much!

Rejected from REMS :frowning:

Has anyone contacted drexel/temple to see when they are posting this week?

Rejected from REMS :frowning:

Status update:
Rejection: GWU, VCU, REMS, Pitt
Interviews: Penn/Jeff, AMC, NJMS
Pending: PPSP, PLME, Rice/Baylor
Awaiting further response: Drexel (forwarded, waiting for interview decision)

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Congrats! You’ve few good colleges that interviewed. Good luck!

Rejected REMS :disappointed:

Is Rochester a good Pre-Med option?

You cannot get rejected from PLME ED, you will still be considered for RD admission but are bound to attend Brown regardless.

It depends on how much it costs you. I got about ~20K through National Merit so it wouldn’t have been worth it for me.

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Does anybody know when the finalists for Rice/Baylor and CWRU PPSP will be announced? I’m assuming some time this week

@InspireTruth, did you get some official communication from GWU that you are rejected? Or are you assuming you are rejected. We have not received anything from GWU yet.

assuming I am rejected - no communication from their end yet. Honestly, if they haven’t sent anything at this point, the chance that they will extend another interview invite is very very low IMO.

CWRU PPSP will probably be next and will probably do similar bloodbath as REMS did today.


What do you mean by bloodbath? I didn’t apply to REMS, so I don’t know their process. Thanks for the answer!

Ok. I am still keeping my hopes (even though low) as someone had called GW and reported that they will keep sending more invites into Feb. Fingers crossed.

D just received interview invitation from NJMS.


Process has been really challenging for me so far. Due to COVID, I wasn’t able to take SAT/ACT all of last year, so I had to apply test optional. I have only been forwarded AMC supplemental application but wasn’t able to get the interview. Everything else so far has been rejections

Wow. Congratulations !! Do you know which feeder school forwarded to NJMS?