Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

No, D is not interested in CWRU undergrad. She was not broken up about rejection as she expected it. She currently has 3 pending BS/MD interviews so hopefully she will be successful at 1

If I am not wrong you have applied for only 3 BSMD (from your very first messages posted) programs only. I think that too short net for BSMDs in my opinion. Casting a wider net would general increase chances to get into BSMD program. I heard the same advise from CC 2019 and 2020 BSMD results groups.
Don’t know if you are still awaiting interviews from any additional BSMD programs. Don’t discount general BS → MCAT → MD route. That’s the route where medical schools takes their major intake from. Don’t loose your hopes to become a doctor.

I guess, i just realy need this program but im sure everyone does. I wouldve done well i couldnt even take the test.

So called look good activities are required by BSMD programs also. Only difference is you will be box checking them in those programs vs you need to show some results in traditional path if you want to get into top programs. So using ECs to advocate for BSMD is a weak argument.

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I would say that was the best thing happened to him :slight_smile:

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Don’t take it to heart. These programs are very competitive and says very little about your capabilities as a doctor. You can go to a great undergraduate and EAP to medical school or you can go the traditional route. In any case, I would not resort to international as there are still many routes left to med school from here.

[quote=“PPofEngrDr, post:6494, topic:2096007, full:true”]

back to risk aversion and bird-in-hand. Anyone of the candidates who were capable of getting into decent BSMD program can surely get into MD without gap years if they stay focused. However parents are the ones who are the roadblocks and those who took lowest risk option are the biggest advocates of BSMD. No balanced views!

No one can assure anything with the admissions but I strongly feel unless your profile was great you wouldn’t have received the invitation. There are many kids in this thread and may have perfect scores and great ECs but still didn’t receive an interview and you got it. That itself shows that there must be something unique that attracted them in your profile. Just pray God and move on. Be confident, it’s not end of the world.


Should i call Rice on monday since I haven’t received an email regarding my status with their BS/MD program?

No rejection, no interview invitation yet to rems

Agree, you should give free hand to your C in whatever his or her choice may be. Personally few cycles ago I was against C going to medicine and would have preferred going to investment banking for a career and even tried convincing after C got the top choice program in this path but we left to C’s choice. Even though it meant spending more financially for us the parents and more time for C for this career. That has been always our policy since C’s childhood whether choosing what foreign language in middle school or which volunteering to join or whether marching band over a sport in high school etc.

If you are not interested in these programs any longer, please consider giving up the interview spots so they may give the chance to some one else waiting anxiously.


End goal is medcine or MD PHD

Being T20 medical school is the target

Yes we will fully withdraw from some BD MD programs

@DesiGirl267 & others who are contemplating foreign or BS/DO.

If you are reasonable in academics and test taking and born and brought up in US, don’t think about foreign. Just go thru regular route and after one attempt at least, if not successful think about these options.

Forget about BS/MD. Relax, enjoy and choose a good school of your choice and plan ahead to start your EC and course selections. If you get 3.8+ and 513 or so you can get in to MD. GL.

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Current Progress in the Cycle:

Interview Invite: VCU, Saint Peter’s
Supplement Invite: W+J, Rowan, Purchase
Rejected: UAB, Syracuse, Case, Stevens
Waiting: NJIT, Brown, UAlbany, SBU

If NJIT done interviewing? I have yet to receive acceptance into Honors College with is shocking considering my stats/ecs.

@REMSHOPEFUL123 Appears you are not going to be satisfied unless some one posts a response which matches your thoughts.
Yes, REMS needs great 4.0 GPA, 14 APs, 8 subjects tests and 1600 SAT or 36 ACT and should have moved the mountain to get admitted.

If you are really serious about missed SAT, check is it realistic to take it now and provide the score before they finalize. If not, simply forget about every thing.

Ensure your negative energy is not going to distract the most important thing on hand, which is interview. Do your best and ace. If they select enjoy and if they reject trust that is going to position you for some other great thing which may happen in your life. GL.

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Did your C succeed in getting CWRU interview ?

Sure, get a definitive answer for peace of your mind.


Interview notification by Feb End
Interviews 3/22 & 3/29.
In general 8-10 students per day for a total of 15-20 students invited.
10 offers and 5-6 students matriculate.
Good flexible program and people. GL

I agree with GoldenRock’s message above. I’ve read the previous messages you’ve sent and it looks like you’re already at the interview stage. If so, that’s great! At this point, focus on polishing yourself for the interview. You’ve probably heard this before, but the interview is where the school really gets to know you as a person, and if you’re bogged down by your lack of SAT score still, that may or may not show. Make sure to keep in mind that until the time of your interview, the only impressions the school has of you is with your stats. Use the interview to change that and set yourself apart from the others!

Focus on being yourself and trying to relate with the interviewer. Much of an interview is just making a personal connection with the other person, so as long as you can do that, you’ll be great!

Thanks @GoldenRock. The application was through Honors college. What about admission to Honors college? Will that happen separately (and before) from MHSP? Or will it be decided together?