Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)


Same. DS had to click one of the options in the boxes and then he had to reset his password. Once that is down, scroll past the boxes and log in with your email and password. It won’t be the username any more

I just got my ACT scores. Is a 33 good enough or should I take another one?


33 ACT is a good score (98% ile?). But if you are from ORM background (Asian), it may be borderline and you may want to shoot for 34 or higher in a subsequent attempt.

Being 1 out of 4 shows your hard work and perseverance.
It will only help you.

If you are an ORM, try again. Get it past 34.
If you are an URM, you are good. Invest your time in other things - e.g. essays.

list all your healthcare related activities there.

Experts, can we send SAT/ACT scores before hand to colleges that we know we are going to apply…and the actual application will follow in next 1-3 months? Wondering if scores will get lost if colleges find no application for the student when they get the scores…

@grtd2010 Is ED for Brown is binding if you are admitted only to Undergrad?

@ksmed1, yes, it is binding. It is also mentioned on their PLME page.


Yes scores can be sent before the application. Though I would hesitate:

  1. Some schools don’t require official scores unless you are accepted. You can self report and save some sending/money for other schools. I would check your lists of potential applications
  2. Not all schools require every test and what if the scores aren’t ones you want sent?
  3. There is a superscore option with the ACT. If your school allows it, they will compile one report for sending.


When did you test? July?

Just checked and my son’s haven’t posted. Usually it is 10 days and this has been much longer- the wait is killin me!!

We have alarms set for 1am tonight


Please don’t hold your breath for the results :slight_smile: and more importantly don’t pass on the anxiety to your C. Remember from our own experience with C, there is a spread of few days and may be even a week or two between when different test takers for the same date will receive the all important results. Also imagine what is in store for next few months of waiting for even more important stuff, so patience is the crucial virtue.


As others pointed out, Brown ED is binding. However can significantly boost one’s chances for PLME since one needs to get accepted to the undergrad first for consideration for PLME, as per the direct info from a poster here admitted to the program. So the chances for PLME is in direct proportion to the chances for the undergrad first. You may want to compare the acceptance rates of RD vs ED on Brown’s latest common data set to get a feel. Wouldn’t be surprised if it is 2-3 times higher for ED.

So if your C has visited Brown, likes it over there and is fine attending whether regular undergrad or PLME, then ED would be your best bet. And of course you need to factor in the financial feasibility from your family’s point of view. Brown PLME and undergrad are both awesome.

I tested in July (without writing) and got my score today. The math curve is amazing for this test.

Can someone look over my stats/ecs and give me feedback?

SAT: 1450 (I took this last October without studying. Retaking in August and signed up for September as well), 33 - I know these aren’t amazing especially since I am ORM but I’m working on it
GPA: 4.0 (Unweighted), 4.7 (Weighted)
Ranking: 7/547 (top 2%) at a competitive public school
Race, Gender: Asian (ORM), female
Location: DMV area

Calculus BC, World History, Psychology, Biology, Language and Composition
APs I am taking next year - environmental science, government, and human geo

Dual Enrollment classes:
US history
DEs I am taking next year - multivariable calculus (not sure if it is DE), physics, and English

SAT II: none (didn’t get the opportunity - cancelled tests)

Medical ECs:
Local Medical Reserve Corp
Hospital Volunteer/Internships at two hospitals. 500+ hours combined. Took on patient care duties and was also able to shadow physicians in the multiple wards I volunteered in.
Shadowing. I did some online shadowing this summer.
Federal lab intern. Not technically “research” but I still listed it as such because I was a lab assistant and it is better than nothing.
Adopt a grandparent program at nursing home. I communicate with senior citizens over Zoom especially during COVID. (not including this in my common app due to lack of space)
Intercollegiate Neuroscience Journal Club. Read/review neuroscience papers (not including this in my common app due to lack of space)

Other ECs:
Customs and Border Protection Law Enforcement Exploring. Very unique EC - include medical and non-medical aspects. I am a first aid instructor and have multiple high leadership positions.
International Medical Services for Health Partnerships for Children Center. Not listing as medical because I was a STEM tutor and camp counselor.
Speech and Debate. Captain, nationals qualifier, and attended nationals last year in Milwaukee.
Unified Sports. I was supposed to be a partner athlete for track and field until COVID. I was a volunteer for the other seasons.
Cultural non-profit dance teacher and event-coordinator. Wrote about this a little bit in some of my essays
Model UN. Received a couple of verbal commendations. Nothing huge because I was not really focused on this.
Tutoring. I work at a tutoring center (paid - on Common app) and I also tutor my classmates (talk about it in essays but not on common app)

Awards/honors/recognitions (nothing really huge):
Lab intern of the month and Teen Volunteer of the week at a hospital
Honor Societies (SNHS, NHS, MHS)
A couple of community service and honor roll awards
Speech nationals qualifier
2020 Summer Residential Governor’s School for Medicine and Health Sciences Acceptance (didn’t happen due to COVID but I was told to list it since acceptances are very competitive)
Law enforcement exploring awards/badges

William and Mary

Penn state
Brooklyn college
Washington and Jefferson

@Futurdoc -

Your GPA, High school difficulty, and ECs (including medical ECs) seem good and on par with other BSMD applicants. This is clearly your strength. Also, since you are a strong student and are applying to 13 BSMDs and each program gives importance to different criteria - you have a pretty decent shot.

As you already are aware, your low SAT I scores (for an ORM) and lack of SAT II scores makes you a little less competitive especially since calibre of BSMD students is very high and colleges will be comparing you with other students who might have better test scores.

Some suggestions:

May be add/replace with the below UGs
Notre dame

for BSMD’s:

UAlbany is an early assurance program and not a BSMD. So, drop this and maybe drop Washington & Jefferson as well.

Add/replace with the below BS/MDs
Stony Brook
University of Alabama EMSAP

@Vicky2019, Don’t understand why you are saying UAlbany is an early assurance program and not a BSMD. But according to their website - its a Guaranteed Entrance to Upstate College of Medicine - without any need to give MCAT. Are you talking about University of Albany - Upstate Medical BS/MD or something else?

Being an ORM with medicore SAT I and ACT scores, you should apply widely to 15-20 bsmd programs but keep the expectations low. All you need is One acceptance.

Yes, you are bound to attend Brown University without PLME if selected in ED round. You should seriously think about whether no bsmd is OK with you.

If any one can give their honest opinion based on their child’s experiences. My son is interested in applying to the combined Med programs. He is youngest in class so could not do any medical related volunteering until this summer which obviously got cancelled.
His stats
GPA: 3.86 uw, 4.56 W
ACT 35
National AP scholar
SAT Subj tests
Bio 800
Chem 780
Math taking in Aug
Research - past 2 summers spent in research at local Universities about 800 hours different labs; so no publications
some local science fair awards
volunteered at a local hospital 50 hours. non medical though
Red cross volunteer

So my question is should we apply to these programs considering his lack of shadowing or any medical EC in his profile / or it would be better off going the regular UG route ?
Thank you