Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

For those with a lot of AP/IB/DE credits, Penn St/Jeff can be appealing since one gets recognized for all that advanced course work by the nature of acceleration of the program (7 year). Also I believe they are flexible with the students engaging in research if they complete the course work sooner and think they are not charged the tuition for research hours. It is a good program, with the combination of Penn State, a global research powerhouse and Jefferson with very decent match track record. Also one of the 4 original, oldest BS/MD programs.

@sam2024 -

Regarding your list :

I would include Baylor/Baylor since Baylor med school is #4 for primary care as well.
Other colleges to consider is University of Alabama medical school since the ranking for both primary care/research is 31/34.

IMO, for figuring out top programs for BS/MD, you need to see the ranking & prestige for both undergrad and medical school. You need to figure out why you want to consider BS/MD. You also need to consider if money matters to you since you will be paying for 8 years.

For students considering BS/MD, these considerations (& self reflection) are important while coming up with their list. These considerations should not be postponed to a later stage (decision time). The question is how well do you know yourself

Since students are giving up the ED1 and ED2 cycles by applying to BS/MD they are unable to try full out for their favorite UG. This could potentially mean that during decision time, you might end up with UG admission that is not Top 20 and also not get admitted to any BS/MD. Are you ok with this?

@GoldenRock - Thank you! Exactly, the most important thing is to be unique in your own way and the rest will work itself out.

@sam2024 - I agree with @GoldenRock : CWRU PPSP, UR REMS, and Pitt GAP are also excellent programs that rival the ones you listed in your Tier 1 list. Penn State/Jeff med is a great program as well.

However, putting tier lists aside, I think it’s also important to identify what your D/S is looking for in a BS/MD program, since different programs are geared toward different goals. Some have the goal of getting you to the MD as fast and as streamlined as possible whereas others take the full 8 years (some even encourage a gap year between UG and med school) in order for students to enrich their education to the fullest extent rather than to accelerate it. If this doesn’t matter to your D/S then go for every one but if it does (it did when I applied) then this is something to consider when looking at BS/MDs.

@Vicky2019 @sam2024

The losing an ED was a big hit in my house. We had to have serious talks about this.

His “fix” is that we have 12 BSMDs to which he is applying and 10 nonBSMDs/reg undergrad, though of course without an ED “bump.”

He was able though to apply to Georgetown EA and UNC CH EA. His safety is rolling admissions so hopefully that comes back mid month.

We spent 4 hours on printing off all the essays for this He is still optimistic right now so trying to get the essays prepped before the newness and excitement runs out HAHA

@mom2boys1999 , did he already apply to Georgetown and UNC? Is your chool ready to upload the recommendation letter and transcripts now? Our school teachers are not ready to work until the school starts.

@NoviceDad @rk2017 The Project Lead the Way Biomedical Sciences courses are open to all students at my school, but after year one, the students remaining in the class drop by 60% and in my year 4 class this year, there are only 4 other students participating with me.

“PLTW Biomedical Science students are taking on these same real-world challenges – and they’re doing it before they even graduate from high school. Working with the same tools used by professionals in hospitals and labs, students engage in compelling, hands-on activities and work together to find solutions to problems. Students take from the courses in-demand knowledge and skills they will use in high school and for the rest of their lives, on any career path they take”

The PLTW Biomedical Science curriculum gives a great learning experience to high school students. Some of the courses are : Human Body Systems, Medical Interventions, Biomedical Innovations (Capstone Project) etc. Many healthcare magnet schools follow it during 4 years of the curriculum. It needs a lot of dedication to continue the pathway and excel.


Okay to be frank (hiiii frank), I work at my son’s school as a counselor. Technically he is on my alpha caseload even but another counselor manages his stuff since you know, nepotism and all.

We go back on Monday for our pre-school days and the counselor will submit his recommendations then. DS met with her (virtually) at the end of the school year for his letter interview (our process is to meet with every kid who wants a letter to make sure we know them and their needs). His other recommenders will be back on campus by next Friday but they also prepped his letters at the end of the year.

We had “meetings” with his counselor and the teachers he asked for letters to make sure they knew what they were getting into, since he is applying to 20 schools.

But with 20 schools left, 12 of them BSMDs, (and 3 apps he wants to try if there is time), getting them done and off the to do list is going to keep him on track without getting bogged down.

Only Brown PLME is an ED option for bsmd. Did he not choose to apply ED to Brown ?


When he decided to pursue the BSMD, he knew that it took ED off the table. If he applied and was fortunate enough to be accepted, it would render all the BSMD options void. That was the long talks. Boost or BSMD?!

So I can list it under the “activities Section” for ba/md program applications?


Hello mom2boys1999 and all,

May I pick your brain? My daughter has her comm app essay almost ready but it is not about her volunteering or anything. Since she is looking into the BSMD programs like many of the kids here, does the essay have to be about service? She is thinking of incorporating into the Why medicine essay, but does all the colleges ask for that?

Also I read one can sign in Comm app to get a glimpse of the supplementals. How does that work? Do you basically enter the comm data ( address and other info) and then drop down the interested schools? My daughter wants to improve her scores one more time, so I was under the impression that we can only apply then ( when the scores are ready) Is it possible to start the application process and do it it segments and update and as we go?

Also can we start applying to the colleges without the LORs? My girl had asked well before summer but all of them said yes but would only give once the school starts. Can it be updated by them later? In other words, can my daughter apply and send the essay portion etc now and will it take the LORs later?

Kindly help, so confused and overwhelmed. Thank you.

  1. You can fill Common App general section as much as you can. Leave the old score if you have. You can update afterwards before submitting the actual application to individual schools.
  2. You D's school counselor have to do their part - LORs, transcript uploads, School Guidance letter etc.
  3. One has to select the individual schools to apply from the drop down list.
  4. Once a school is selected, please fill out all the school specific content - including any essays, questions to be answered etc.
  5. Common App essay has to be one of the prompt or anything if that is option available.
  6. BSMD schools may ask why medicine ? Why bsmd and why this bsmd ? etc &. Once everything is complete, then you can submit each school's application separately as they are completed with required fees.


Yes, you can list all medical EC’s done as a part of PLTW in activities section.


I messaged you. I will tell you, as a parent, I have spent HOURS scouring websites and chats and message forums to help my son out with info. His job is to do the actual work and I am his map with the directions.

Also does she have a college counselor or a decent high school counselor? I am well aware of the struggles in my field but know that I would help any kid that comes through my door (though these days they better stay 6 feet away).

Sometimes there are community agencies that help as well if you are feeling overwhelmed.

Thank you so much. I have twins who wants two separate fields and with their schools list and different stuff going on, it’s feels like a lot but they are on top of it. And my husband and I are checking the dates and deadlines.

She is working on “why medicine” essay which I hope she will be done in a week and hopefully we will have to sign in to Comm app and see.

The counselor is friendly but since March I feel we are on our own. She hasn’t asked him anything other than a counselor letter at the end.

The other LORs are coming in only by September so to make my girl finish the essays and such before that is our plan now. Thank you again

Is anyone able to transfer data to new We had to reset the password and now it is not transferring data and asking to reach them. But, they been very busy and not reachable. I have tried different browsers too.

@Smilescreen, when we logged in yesterday, it asked to change the password. And after that, we were able to login with new password and all our previous test/scores are showing correctly.