Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Congratulations to your D and family @Herefortwo. I am sure your D is feeling relaxed. Let her enjoy rest of her senior year after such a long and hard journey. Our journey is still on :slight_smile:

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USMLE scores play a BIG role in procurring the residency one wants. Saying it with experience.

Totally agree. Especially with competitive specialties like gen. surg, plastics, and rads

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Trust me they play a role well beyong residency, even your fellowship post residency to some extent will consider the USMLE scores. We are seeing that with my son currently.

Congratulations and wish her all the best for the years ahead!

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Could someone please share info on UConn interview format and any tips on what they look for?

Has anyone received UCONN interviews yet? I saw maybe a couple of people who mentioned getting an interview…

The key aspect of your decision is the fact your daughter made the call.
Soon, there will be thread to capture feedback on the applications. Please share your thoughts and perspectives when that thread is created.

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Congratulations. It’s time to start new 2021 results thread.

My daughter has been invited and we attended a session yday for parents and students. Interviews are this week. Not sure if this is first of multiple weeks of interviews, or if all interviews are conducted this week. HTH.

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Rowan BSMD program updated that they are still reviewing applications and applicants will hear back one way or the other in two weeks. Best wishes to all waiting to hear back!

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Wow, they’re late!

Thanks !! Congratulation to your daughter… Are you in state or OOS…

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We are OOS but we read somewhere UConn does not differentiate IS vs OOS as much as some other programs.

Did anyone got an update/heard from SBU/GW after the SBU interview?

We did not hear from SBU after the interview yet.
Hoping that they will contact after GW/GW initial interviews.

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Can one of you seniors please start the 2021 results page? Thanks so much in advance. Don’t know if I have previlages to start one?

Does NJMS indicate, which feeder school forwarded the applications and which feeder school should be attended if selected like upstate?

For NJMS, you can select any of the feeder schools that forwarded you application to NJMS. NJMS does not dictate which feeder school you can or should attend.

It could very well be that they sent the interview invites cos those did go out, and in two weeks they will finalize candidates for admission and let everyone else know they did not make it. That’s what I suspect, feel bad for my DD.