Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

I am so sorry for the confusion. In 2017 it was my sister. I have been using the same account.

I guess your sister is at UA and may be she has more info to share about UA outcome.

Sorry my sister is not at UAB or UA. She is at SLU

How is her experience as SLU med scholar student?

She likes it and got accepted to medical school.

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I am not sure if she has posted before or not, can you get stats from her batch about whole weed out after 1st year and so?


I sure can ask her and post it

Thanks! That really helps everyone in this thread.

We got a call at 10pm last night. Let’s hope for the best for now that they just started calling last night. Dr Pence said he had several calls to make. Good Luck!

@escorpi11, how many seats are there for UAB and how many get accepted. We got rejected and hence curious. For the last year batch - I see they have posted around 20 students profile on their webpage. If we go by times 2 formula - they would have given 40 acceptances. Does that sound right to you?

Thank you for your kind words. I am thinking it is a sign of rejection.

I am sorry to hear the news. Did you get a call or email about it yesterday?

We were rejected pre-interview (did not get interview).

When we got the interview invite the email said 36 interviews out of 400 applications and they pick 15 finalists. On interview day we saw 40+ kids. But that included dental interviewees.

Does anyone have any insight on closed vs open file interviews? I have a closed file interview and my previous ones were open file, so are there different typical questions or focuses that anyone has noticed?

Congratulations to everyone who got UAB acceptance. In previous cycles hardly any one would report getting into the program. Barely none to one per cycle. So it is 3 so far and counting … hopefully few more will receive the calls of acceptance next week. Refreshing development in the backdrop of few programs closing their shutters. Perhaps UAB program decided to increase their intake and footprint going forward. It’s a really nice program.

When do you think GAP will come out? I know it says the 15th but Monday is a holiday

Does anyone know where to find interview information for Ag2M or S2M BS MD programs at A&M?

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Will we be notified if we don’t receive an interview for GAP too?

This may not help but I got a call last night around 9:15 central time but Dr. Pence said many kids were not picking up their phone so he had some more calls to make