Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Am i really fine though? Will those emails, and what ive done on this thread affect me? If they really looked into it a bit they would know who I am. Ive prepared a lot and this is my everything but Im realy saddened that because of what I did here there will be a perception of me or i will be at a dsiadvantage already even though i know i can ace the interview. i regret everythniig. Like in all honesty jut be blunt plesae

I have absolutely no medical background but based on my research into ranking of UAB vs SKMC, as well as cost, if this were my DC, I would recommend UAB hands down, regardless of whether or not you can afford PSU costs.

If I am a REMS admissions person and I would reject you immediately. You keep coming back with these emails despite everyone telling you to relax and step away from this thread. Your are either ■■■■■■■■ or not stable enough to be a student for BSMD. That’s my blunt opinion.


UAB has some very well regarded in-house residencies. Better than Penn State’s Hershey programs.

However, reading med school Match list is a lot like reading tea leaves. There is so much individual student preference involved, it says very little about the school and a great deal about the interests and personal choices of the individual students.

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Reach out to @WayOutWestMom to get input. Unless your C keen on doing it 7 years, UAB seems a better choice, especially if finance is any consideration.
UAB Medical School is solid. Don’t know much about the UG (is it also in Birmingham or Tuscaloosa?). If the 4 years is dragging for your C (lot of APs), s/he can do research or go for Master and try to wrap in 4 years or focus and try for any post UG interest like Marshall or Fulbright etc

yeah i said im done im just saying sorry

I was just saying im not sure if AOs thoruoghky read these threads or care but yeah

Anyways i just wanted to say sorry to everyone. This account was real indeed and yes i am still scared because of this site and what i said before but thinking abt it more deeply, idt any of this will affect my chances and if i do stellar in the interview i will get the spot. I would think most here agree. So i really apologize for everything anr eally do hope i didnt just disadvantage myself with my posts here but it is my dream and has been so

Please withdraw from all other programs you are not keen on :pray: :pray:

It’s Birmingham. He is worried he will miss out on UG experience.

Thank you! Is your C in the program by any chance? Can I DM you?

You need to practice to take the word “worry” from your dictionary or at the least minimize using it. Be honest and do all you can do to get it done. One lie leads to another such as CA boy to NY girl :slight_smile: Its social media and whatever you say its been recorded and observed and it could hurt as much it could help.

Wish you all the very best.

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Yes. He will be doing that this week.

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I would refrain from doing that at this juncture as you never know what remaining interviews and outcome would be? What if one of colleges provides very generous finance support over other choices? You never know until all results are out.
It is not uncommon for people to change entire coast to get full ride.


That would be so nice of him and you to do. Don’t think you will get any better deal than what you are going to get at UAB. Even if so, don’t think he will want to switch correct? RPI doesn’t give more than 30K breaks for Undergrad. Even if Augusta or UCF are full rides it won’t matter, correct? You can wait for PLME but Brown won’t give a dollar other than for the need based.

Based on what I hear and with your available options, UAB EMSAP sounds definitely better.

UAB medical school is really good. usnews ranking as you mentioned is better, Research/Primary Care is 31/34. On the other hand, Brown medical ranking is 38/35.

As long as we are talking about usnews ranking, we need to consider UG ranking and for UAB is 153. The biggest attraction for this BSMD program is the medical school. Why would anyone leave after completing the undergrad?

Also, since you have scholarship of 24K per year in UG, UAB will work out really well especially since UAB is a public research university. As a comparison, at Brown, you have to pay upwards of 300K for just the undergrad alone! And, at the end of the undergrad, we noticed that UAB medical is slightly better than Brown Medical 
so, keeping final goal in mind, UAB again wins!

So, I personally would go for UAB EMSAP even if I had PLME in hand.


I agree with @Vicky2019, good analysis unless the kid is not interested in studying in Alabama like my C but I heard very good reviews about UAB. There may be slight difference between UAB and Penn State based on the location for the undergrad experience but it depends on kid how they take that in a long term.


Both UAB and Brown are 4 years and support applying out, so students wanting to go to more prestigious medical schools or to medical schools in their home state have that added advantage too, in addition to already being high ranked. Plus, UAB is practically free. I would counsel my kid not to give it up.


@Vicky2019 @Mom22DDs , @mygrad2021, @rk2017 yes that’s what we are thinking too. C is very level headed and hasn’t discounted UAB by any means. But this is all little overwhelming at this point. Thank you all for your unbiased opinion. This thread never disappoints us :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:.


Don’t withdraw for the sake of others. You don’t know the fully details of all the birds out there :grinning: