Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Yes, even getting selected to apply is an achievement by itself. This is prestigious. You could have her update her in-progress applications with this achievement.

Please note that the Invitation doesn’t mean getting the final award. Finally, Only 161 students get this award. Its much better than getting a National merit scholarship (2500 students get this, if I remember correctly). Even though Presidential award doesn’t have any monetary award, it can lead to other scholarship opportunities.

I would recommend that she applies. Right now, she doesn’t need to work on any BSMD applications? But, I totally understand that the interviews itself can disrupt her 12th grade work. IMO, this is certainly worth the extra effort. She could hopefully/probably re-use material from her BSMD applications?


NIH funding vs total research spending - two different things.

US News uses NIH funding $ and gives it 40% weightage.

Thank you for the info on total research spend @Shanmuga20 and the clarification into US News ranking @NoviceDad !! I’m liking PSU more and more - they seem to get a lot of things right, starting with engaged and genuinely happy students, to high research spend, though their scholarship grants are quite low compared to other schools. I am starting to understand why there is such a strong fanbase for PSU.


My D also invited for President Scholars. Deadline is Feb 24. She just submitted it. It is a lot of work to run around in school behind teacher, counsellor and principal. There is a big part that they need to complete.
So are you guys saying it is worth to tell all the colleges about this (from schools she is still waiting to hear)?
She also got NMF. Should we inform about that to colleges as well?


Just curious how does one get selected to apply? Is it through an individual’s school?

As far as I know, there are a few ways to get invited - YoungArts award winners, Chief State School Officer nomination and Top scorers from ACT/SAT tests in the state!

I am sure all the parents/kids who got selected can add to this. Congratulations to @rk1235rk , @confident2021 , @escorpi11 and others who got invited!

Yes you are correct. Mine got selected based on his ACT score.


I don’t know about President Scholars but only few schools care about NMF and they give full tuition. I think from the list of BS/MD schools, only FAU, NJIT, OU, UAB give full ride and the other schools give a few thousand dollars. BU gives their presidential scholarship of 25K. I think only for BU, you have to name it as your top choice college before March 1st and for the rest there is time till May 1st.


Same here. D got invited in category of “Top scorers from ACT/SAT tests in the state”. I think there is a nomination process of other 2 categories. But selection based on ACT/SAT scores is automatic (without school or person nominating a student).

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I do remember stating couple of days ago about Pen State being plush with research funding. However the paid research funding for students may be mostly for graduate students (Masters and PhD) and postdocs. Undergrads may also but far less likely.

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It may also depend on the state of residence. Nephew had a perfect ACT, 36 in every section. Also had PSAT NMF qualifying scores not only junior but also sophomore year. Never got invited for this.

@Mom22DDs Choose PSU/SKMC especially if you are considering more competitive residency specialties in North East Region.

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Yes same with my D. He friend and she both have the same scores but her friend moved to a different state at the end of 10th. Looks like she got the invitation.

Are you implying that medical school location influences the likelihood of getting into competitive residencies in that region? Can you please elaborate on why would that be?

Go with whatever bird (or school mascot) looks chill. Rankings are only for the prestige obsessed parents and all doctors make same money :slight_smile:

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Public research university may have access to state public funds. All universities can compete for all federal funding sources like NSF, DOD, NIH and others including private sources. Most of these funds go to support graduate level programs (Master, PhD students, Post Docs) and some makes it way to UG research assistants (usually low pay). PSU may not get a lot of research funding from state funds where as UAB may.

I assume this recommendation is for considering PSU/SKMC vs UConn. How about PSU/SKMC vs BU @md2025 ?

We are going to run away with the instate(NY) medical school, if daughter gets in.
No prestige obsession at all :laughing:

Its all about cost, cost and cost if everything else does not matter that much as I am noticing it from various posts here.

University of Connecticut School of Medicine

  • Out-of-state tuition & fees: $78,370
  • In-state tuition & fees: $44,290

SUNY - Upstate Medical University

  • Out-of-state tuition & fees: $66,687
  • In-state tuition & fees: $45,197

Boston University School of Medicine

  • Out-of-state tuition & fees: $63,860
  • In-state tuition & fees: $63,860

University of Alabama School of Medicine

  • Out-of-state tuition & fees: $68,644
  • In-state tuition & fees: $34,908

Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University

  • Out-of-state tuition & fees: $64,417
  • In-state tuition & fees: $64,417

You’ll should move to low cost states like CA :slight_smile:

Tuition for #1 medical school in the country


$35,649 (in-state)


$47,894 (out-of-state)

hi! i just had a question for anyone here that knows the answer. What undergraduates from Upstate Medical University offer 7 year bs/md programs? I know that Syracuse does but do any other schools offer this? I know that 7 versus 8 shouldn’t make a different, but I was just curious. Thanks!