Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Thanks for asking … Doing good…
Hope same with you and your family…
One of the parents pinged me about FAU … that is how i got into discussion
College is fine and most of my child classes are online (bec of COVID).

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Oh my apologies. I got names mixed.

Does anyone know if BU has finalized its decisions? I’ve heard people mention that the college split its applicants into two “sections” so I’m not sure if they’re still considering…

Welcome and thank you for dropping in. Do you know if FAU provides in-state tuition to OOS students going through BSMD?

Someone mentioned March 15th for BU SMED, but I also hear 3rd Saturday in March for BU decisions, which would be the 20th rather than the 15th. It is one or the other, so not later than 20th.

As noted in earlier post … if student is NMF he/she will get Cost of attendance for Undergraduate duration regardless of residency status.
For Medical school if student is from OOS ,he/she have pay out of state fees (even student in BS/MD program).
When my Child admitted to program there is no mention in the contract that says instate fee for medical school for OOS.
Also do not get worried about the requirements on FAU BS/MD website. FAU is very flexible as long as you meet GPA and MCAT ( i believe 510). Interview to medical school is formality.

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Fwiw, my older DD interviewed at FAU and loved it. She was specifically talking about a Dr. Rose and how the entire medical school administration cares about the students there. She was so bummed at not being able to go there for personal reasons.

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S got acceptance to UCF as well. Congrats to all who got in.


I am a senior in high school, just accepted to BMS today. If you or anyone else would be so kind as to give me any insight on the questions I asked earlier, that would be incredibly appreciated. There is so little about BMS online and I want to make sure I make the best and most informed decision possible, so I am very grateful :slight_smile:

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On a lighter note, I know you will come back with that there is NO guaranteed BSMD.

In my opinion (and most of us who use guaranteed word here), every program that does not have an interview before matriculating to Medical School part is a guaranteed. Just because GPA and MCAT requirements are totally controlled by individual, but not the interview outcome.

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Hello! Have rejections for BU BSMD come out yet? I haven’t received any news from them. I doubt they’re going to consider any more applicants right?

Congratulations to all who got UCF BMS acceptance today.

I know many now has the “to go or not to go” dilemma. It is just like the issue of COVID vaccine. When it is not there, everyone wants it. When it’s your turn to get it, you have second thought.

I have a daughter who went through BMS and a son who just got in. My friend’s daughter went through it, and her sibling is going through it. So I know it is a good path.
Concerns about 3.8 and MCAT 514 is real, but should be rest assured, it will not be a problem. They start you with 3.6, then gradually get up to 3.8 at graduation. By graduation, students know how to pack their courses with fluffy ones, that 3.8 is not an issue. MCAT 514 is a small issue. But you can take it three, four, five times, so it become a non issue just like GPA. If you are a regular premed ANY WHERE, and you take MCAT three, four, five times, you are in major problem. Not so with UCF BMS. So in that sense, you are secured. MCAT 514 high? No—-, that is the average score for average UCF Med students. Knowing how to do well in standardized tests in med school and beyond, is important. You should not try to get in med school without that aspect “up to par”. If you are looking for a low MCAT path, you are doing yourself a big disservice .

UCF is a very modern medical school. Any reason not to go? Sure, if you get into Harvard, Yale, Princeton, MIT, Stanford. The coattails of those FEW schools are long, and will carry you for whole life. Other than those specific, very well known elites, at other very high end schools (Chicago, NW, Hopkins, Vandy ) you will have to struggle mightily for your 3.8 and 514 (once, or max twice). It might be a smooth ride, it might not. More often then not, you will get into med school, but on a bumpy ride.

We all know how hard is it to get into any BSMD program. But very few place will allow you to get in on the strength of your 1500 SAT. UCF is probably the only program that allows you to do that. I would not look down on this opportunity. Think hard about what it gives you. They give you a LOT for your 1500 SAT.


Thank you @SteyrFWB2, that is incredibly helpful input.

What I heard about UCF Burnett program (from a parent of a student in 3rd year) is that all students who meet the requirements get an admission to UCF Med school and some also join other Medical schools. But Not sure how many of the total students who join the BMS Program continue in it and meet all their requirements to go to Med school. I heard there will be some dropouts due to various reasons. Also Interview in 3rd year is a formality as long as the requirements are met.


At this point, 100% of BSMD parents want their kids to become doctors.

Many kids have SERIOUS doubts.

Ergo, your “dropout”.

Not for academic reasons. No, not for academic reasons at all.

@JBourne5, any comment on some OOS students doing it as 8 year program and working for 1 year in-between to classify as in-state? Heard this from somewhere but not sure if it is true.

Nice discussion on UCF program. Can someone comment how is it similar to and different from University of South Florida’s accelerated med program?

Congratulations to everyone accepted to UCF BS/MD program. Can you please share your stats (if here is not ok then maybe in accepted BS/MD applicants discussion?)
Thank you!

I think USF BSMD has similar requirements (3.6 (1st year), 3.7(2nd and 3rd year) GPA, 515 MCAT). It is 7 year as compared to UCF 8 year. USF med school is better ranked. USF also gives full ride to NMF. Though I think it has some other requirements such as volunteering hours etc.