Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

As long as you meet the requirements, the interview is supposed to be a formality in the sense that they’re not looking to kick you out. There are seats reserve at UCF Medical College for Burnett Scholars. It may not be as many as those admitted to the Medical Scholars Program cos some drop out due to not meeting requirements. I heard now they made the requirements more stringent (higher GPA, higher MCAT) which makes me think that maybe they are admitting much more students than they have spots for.

But like @grtd2010 said, if your GPA and MCAT are close enough to their requirements, you will be able to apply out just as easily too, and all the while, you get their help with volunteering, research and shadowing. Not a bad choice. If you have a more guaranteed BSMD where there is no medical school interview involved, then I’d favor that a bit more all the same and decide based on cost, location, convenience, ranking etc.

IMO, UG GPA >= 3.8 and MCAT >=518 ( it is the top bracket of all applicants) will get you a plenty of interviews in regular route MD. Why limit to one medical school (UCF) ?


Son got accepted to UCF Burnett Medical Scholars program today


@grtd2010 I believe that you are able to apply out without losing your seat in the COM, which is nice. However, I think your point is still valid in that if I need to maintain those stats anyway, maybe I should be considering a smaller school with more established pre-med/opportunities offered. Of course I’m not implying that UCF and especially Burnett Honors College is a bad place for premeds, as I’ve heard only very good things about it.

@Mom22DDs thank you, that was very helpful advice. I am a little concerned if they are “admitting more students then they have spots for,” because to me that seems like they are assuming, banking on even, that people will fail? If miraculously everybody gets a 4.0 and aces the MCAT, what happens then? Also, when you say that I get their “help,” are you basically implying that saying I’m in the program carries some weight/prestige when looking for research/shadowing, especially in the area? Or is it more that they are they really proactive in seeking out and informing us of opportunities? Either would be very helpful, I’m just curious. Thanks so much!

Congrats !!


If you like the location and have opportunity to apply out ( technically you do not have a seat until the interview which may happen during 3 rd or 4th year), go for it.

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University of Toledo is same too

Toledo is absolutely not a guaranteed program. They only give interview guarantee and you’re stuck with their UG.

There are different degree of risks associated with each of these BSMD programs ( no one is going to guarantee that you will get into a medical school without meeting certain conditions). If one can not pass an interview for a medical school, may be MD is not the right profession. Any four year program will prepare you to take MCAT and apply via regular route. It is an individual choice and comfort level. Applying out gives an option to get into a T20 medical school.

I totally agree! I am not saying that you should be worried about the interview. My only concern is that if you’re attending an interview then why Toledo? any college will do that.

Yes, but some one may prefer it.

That is definitely an individual preference. I think you didn’t catch my point. I was just telling that one shouldn’t apply to Toledo thinking that it’s giving more advantage for Bs/Md guarantee. There is nothing negative otherwise.

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You may know better about Toledo(OH) program. Temple/LKSOM BSMD is similar. One has to interview during 3rd year with LKSOM. One has to meet certain requirements (GPA and course grade) before an interview is granted. But some students do prefer it over others.

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I think this has already been answered, but does anyone know how many acceptances RPI/AMC usually gives out?

UCF Burnett Medical Scholar result out today.

Good to hear from you.
How is college working out for you?

Rochester is too cold to drink soda in winter.


Are you in college already @jakethecake112 ?? How are you able to apply to BSMD programs then??

@JBourne5 is a parent from a previous cycle and C is attending FAU BSMD.