Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Yes thank you I didn’t apply to arts and science at New Brunswick :frowning:



I am dreading that conversation if it has to happen. It’s like when my boys were little- we learned quick to give them one choice and make the other option obviously less palatable.

Two good options makes people’s heads explode.

:joy: :joy: Fortunately or unfortunately you already have a top 5 college in the bucket. So?


Exactly. Out of 12 BSMD applications, he has been offered 4 interviews (turned down 1 so 3 viable) and is pending PLME. But we definitely are aware that all 4 of those could be a thanks but no thanks.

So still 50/50 on the conversation being necessary but an incredible privilege if it has to happen.


That’s awesome! I wish he gets into PLME so all the conversations can end there and becomes a easy choice, not sure if you can get any need based but otherwise too expensive.

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Has anyone gotten an invitation for an interview for Stony Brook Scholars for Medicine BS/MD?

I have not heard from anyone on this thread yet. I think first they send Honors acceptance and then the scholars.

Update: Temple interview is on March 10th for DD. I assume it is the same for other W&J BSMD candidates too.

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@Momofsharon, about 25 mins.

He is in an incredibly lucky position in that at least 4 years will be paid between his college fund and his Dad’s GI bill. After that at least $30k per year of it will be covered by the college fund. So pricey but doable. It’s so funny- I went to school using Pell grant and waitressing :joy::woman_shrugging:t2:

It makes the choices even harder- financially it isn’t as big of a constraint as it might be for others. But I have also made him apply for sooo many scholarships. We find out Sunday if he advances past the state level for Elks MVS. He made it through the first two rounds of judging.

This time of year is so stressful. Momma needs an adult beverage and a vacation already


Congrats to all who got interviews or acceptances! We are just a few weeks away from hopefully one acceptance.


Thank you

We got accept letter from Rutgers Newark HLLC. Is this honor? I don’t know.


Congratulations! Yes, HLLC is the honors living and learning community which is a residential honors program. I believe they also have a non-residential honors college for which invitations are not sent out yet.

Thanks! We still waiting other BS/MD programs. Good luck to all!

Usually regular MD interviews are done twice a week through out March, so one can be scheduled on any of those days unless they have a separate day dedicated to W&J/Temple BA/MD. Over 10,000 apply to Temple’s medical school via regular MD every year. Some times one may be able to choose an available slot.

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Same for my DD.

Congrats to all the accepted students and good luck to interviewees !!

Son got UCF, which was a big relief, after all the rejections and hence some very rough times in the last 8 weeks. I believe it probably concludes this leg of our journey, unless he chooses a traditional undergrad route.

Many many thanks to this group for tireless and selfless suggestions. Biggest lesson for us is that any kind of opportunity to pursue an MD, irrespective of how good of a profile of the student, or the school’s perceived ranking, is an extremely rare privilege !!


Child has EA admission to Harvard and we are only interviewing for PPSAP and Pitt. I feel interviewing for these programs with med schools will be good experience for him.

Again it would be interesting cost and end goal debate in April based on BS MD outcomes but for now child is leaning towards Harvard


Child has accepted for

  1. Toledo BACC2MD (with full UG Scholarship)
    2)NOVA BS/DO 7 year (with UG Presenditial Scholarship) so far.