Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

I received the same notice! I think I might just email them cause I haven’t heard anyone on this thread say that they got a call from UConn for interview.

RPI’s website says Early April for BS/MD notification, but AMC told interviewees that they would be notified 4-6 weeks after the interview. Which one is correct?

They are sending out notifications around 4-6 weeks but that decision could be under consideration, so, in that case, they will notify you of your decision in early April.

I heard people got interview notifications even March in the previous years.

The formal rejection from BU will be same day as when the undergrad selection out comes are announced, no separate notification for BS/MD applicants. That date is usually 3rd Saturday of March by 9 am, but rumors are that it may be delayed by a week this time because of record volume.

If you want you can call them to move your application for undergrad consideration and any merit awards that go with it. But it may be kind of late in the game that they will consider you for any merit awards now. If you are a national merit scholarship finalist though, you will have to declare BU as first choice by March 1st to be eligible for a possibility of a 25k/year price break which they used to give till last year.

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My DC recieved it as well yesterday.

Pleasant surprise - received an FAU interview after initial rejection! :slight_smile:


Thank you for the info. Which AMC UG may I ask? My DD is waiting for the results as well.

Oh just 25 minutes. How was the interview?

UG Advice: Traditional 4 Year University vs. BS/MD

Hello all! I am still new to College Confidential and its threads, but hopefully, I am asking this in the correct space. I am seeking some advice on my UG decision. I have until May 1st but have been constantly going back in forth in my mind. I should preface this by saying at the start of my college application process I applied to 12 Universities including only 2 BS/MD programs, UAB’s EMSAP Program, and Case Western’s PPSP. I have been aware of BS/MD’s for a while and how great they are to not pass up but when deciding on where to apply to college I honestly did not find myself eager to apply to plenty of BS/MD’s due to the competitiveness and the fact that some of the schools were simply not on my radar. I was more focused on applying to UG schools that fit my criteria and had good financial aid. Fast forward to now and I have gotten some decisions. Between the 2 BS/MDs I applied to, I got into the UAB EMSAP Program. I honestly was shocked and at a loss for words but I did it. I applied to UAB solely for this program because of its success stories and what it has to offer. I am from TN and have known about EMSAP for a while but never knew anyone who actually made it past the first stage. UAB itself is an undergrad that did not interest me mainly because I wanted to leave the deep southern states for college.

A week later I also got into my top choice college the University of Florida. To be quite frank since the moment I entered middle school I have been set on attending a college with a “name for itself.” I go to a competitive private school and have had to work double-time to set myself apart from my peers. I have worked tirelessly to achieve my high GPA and standardized test scores and feel like my hard work should pay off at a notable school. Now I wasn’t prestige obsessed to want to only attend an Ivy but I definitely wanted to go to a public university with good academics. I have always wanted to be a doctor and many of my EC’s were medically related. I even held a job working front desk at an urgent care clinic since my freshman year. I have an older sibling on the Pre- Med Track (he attends OU) and my father is also a doctor and I have seen the struggles of college students trying to get into med school. From the MCAT, research, volunteering, and having a high GPA there are so many factors that go into getting into med school. So when I read the perks of BS/MD’s I knew I had to throw my hat in the ringer. Right now I am genuinely stuck between UF and UAB.

UF has everything I have ever wanted since I was young. It has an established name for itself, in a location I want to move to, and would give me a top-notch UG experience. I am 100% willing to put the work in to grind out on the MCAT, seek research opportunities, and apply to med schools. I feel like those defining moments in UG teach students so much about self-sufficiency and working towards what they want. I am a very hardworking person and know college is NOT easy. I am aware that I will be surrounded by those smarter than me and could lose focus due to stress but I feel like I would evolve and learn so much in those tough moments. However, at UF, I would be just another fish in a big ocean. I did not get into the Honors College at UF and their gen-ed classes are known for having students drop pre-med overall. I undoubtedly know that I want to be a doctor but when May 1st comes around I know I will be proud and excited to wear a UF shirt and call it my home for the next 4 years.

Like I said UAB was not the school I envisioned myself when attending college. I think UAB is a wonderful school I just, unfortunately, was not able to find a deep connection with it after touring twice. I mean no disrespect to UAB as an institution, it is AMAZING but again with all honesty my heart never connected to UAB and that is okay for a student to not see themselves at a college. However when it comes to terms of Med school, if I attend the UAB doing the EMSAP program I would need to uphold a 3.50 GPA in math and science courses and score at least a 506 on the MCAT exam. My spot is reserved in their med school(ranked #37). Essentially, compared to UF, at UAB I would be a bigger fish in a smaller ocean. I was invited to the UAB honors college, will be receiving 24k/year, and again be in the EMSAP program which is one of if not the highest-ranked special UG programs at UAB. I haven’t received aid from UF yet, but it is still much more affordable compared to the other colleges I got accepted into like Tulane/Baylor University for example. In short when comparing the two: UAB is cheaper and gives me a boost into Med School but is not the undergrad I want to go to. Plus I would still need to take the MCAT. There’s no way out of it on both routes. I know some other BS/MD’s attract kids because there are some that remove the MCAT testing from the equation. UF is the traditional undergrad experience I have always sought but there is a chance I can struggle academically and find it difficult to get into med school after my undergrad (my goal is to not take a gap year between UG and Med school btw).

If you read that whirlwind of a story I greatly appreciate you taking your time to do so. I would really like some advice on what I should do. Do I attend the undergrad where I will be a part of a prestigious group of students with reserved seats to its highly ranked and consistently growing med school? Or do I attend the highly ranked public university that I have worked for and believe will provide me a worthwhile UG experience. UF has great academics and environment but room for error on my path to becoming a doctor. I have done my part to connect with current students and alums at both UAB and UF but still found it difficult to make a decision. I lean one way and then another the next day. I just am overwhelmed that I may make the “wrong” decision and regret it later. So I hope someone on here can possibly help a confused high school senior make a decision between a BS/MD and a top 10 public university.

Same here. My D is waiting patiently!!

Congratulations, looks like they are still interviewing then.


My advise to you will be to listen to your heart. Getting admission to Medical program is more than just MCAT so you do keep that into consideration but if college is the best time in one’s life and most important thing for you is to feel excited about it.

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EMSAP is a great program that will be difficult to let go off. But it looks like your heart is set on UF. And you understand and are willing to work hard and get to medical destination eventually. UF is a great school and you can’t go wrong with it.

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I received the same notice. can you let me know too on what you find out?

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Replied to wrong post.

It depends on whether you’ll regret missing out on a great UG life for achieving your career goals. Only you can tell.

Many students apply to BSMD to indulge their interest in medicine, but not everyone is even sure they want to be a doctor, nor would they prioritize being a doctor over UG or location or prestige or ranking. And that’s totally fine. And there are some who’d lose sleep over missing a guaranteed (as can be) opportunity to become a doctor and can’t walk away from what others might consider questionable choices, given the student’s calibre/potential. Whatever might be the case with you, please choose what you’d be comfortable with long term, and don’t worry about how others might judge your choice.

Going through the BSMD application process gave you a preview of what the process is going to be when you apply for MD later, and that should help you decide whether you are ready to take this on after UG if you pass up on UAB now. Good luck with making a choice, and please do let us know where you land!!



  1. get various view points but stick with whatever your gut feelings on may 1st. But whatever decision, don’t ever regret. In either option if you are determined, you will prevail.
  2. Though you mentioned you have reached out to UAB Alum, have you reached out to any current EMSAP students of different years. Since UAB web site has all previous years students, suggest reach out to as many and get their experience.
  3. Pardon my ignorance, you feel FL is not in deep south? In other words what kind of experience FL/UF will provide which is different from AL/TN either from community or college experience? If it is significant, go with UF.
  4. Since your sib in OU, did you get a feel from him or his view point, is it worth to give up an opportunity already you have? Did you check with him what level of overall students or did he find challenge to find friends of his caliber or expectation (is he honors college student or NMS or any special program)?
  5. Though you have to write MCAT for EMSAP 506 is easily achievable.
  6. UAB is a solid medical school which already you know.
  7. Even if UAB UG is not to your level of expectation, you may find type of students of your match in honors college or EMSAP or any other special groups they may have.
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Did you get stressed out by course work or struggled to do all the ECs during HS? If not then you will be fine going thru traditional path. Read my past posts to see my opinion on this topic.