Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Last year it was, but it seems this year they increased it a bit, for whatever reason, according to the 2021 terms and conditions.

Dang they made it higher than their average MCAT even for BSMD students… interesting choice

Congrats @jawacat on UIC!

Wow, can’t believe ivy day is in almost a month. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone knows how Brown PLME admissions works. Does the admissions committee even see the PLME essays before they accept you for regular undergrad? Do they read it all at once? Can you even be accepted into PLME without a go-ahead from regular undergrad admissions? Just wanting some clarification on how the process works. Thanks.

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Are you sure FAU is a “binding” program? May be you should have taken the interview and do the findings upon selection. Most BS/MD programs are not binding or restraining in any way. As long as the student gives sufficient enough time notice. Yes for 7 year programs like FAU one may have to finish the MCAT requirement sooner, usually between end of sophomore and beginning of junior years (with additional risk of not achieving a stellar score due to that) and may have to rush to come to the decision and inform the administration of the intent to withdraw. But it is still doable.

So is SLU considered bird-in-hand or more like bird on the fence?

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Its more of bird-under-basket. If you are careful its yours, if not it can get away. :smiley:

DD received SLU Presidential Scholarship
Congratulations! In recognition of your exceptional academic and leadership achievements, I am delighted to invite you to become a Presidential Scholar at Saint Louis University.


Whatever you may call the bird, but it is not in hand now and certainly not worth taking a debt when compared to the scholarship at UCF BMS, IMO.


Not a Brown admission committee member, it has to be both approving it, so the order does not matter. Most MD/PhD applicants have to be approved for a MD admission before PhD committee considers it.

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Just sitting over here anxiously awaiting Ivy Day, REMS decision, and GW BSMD notification.

I hate waiting.


UIC GPPA seems to have tougher requirements than both BU SMED (allows multiple C grades) and PSU/SKMC BSMD (MCAT 504) for matriculating to the medical school. GL.

For UCF:

An “A” is worth 4.00 grade points
An “A-” is worth 3.75 grade points.

For most classes 100-93% is an “A”
92-90% is an “A-”

The majority of professors do NOT round up, but may offer extra credit opportunities.

A 92.75% will be recorded as an “A-”

So you could score a 92% for all of your classes and NOT meet UCF BMS’ GPA requirement of 3.8

There is a large university in Los Angeles where an “A” in Organic Chemistry is 100-94% and no extra credits are allowed.

People call it a weeder for a reason.

So it would be a good idea to understand what each school’s and class’ grading policy is before making a selection, especially those with a high GPA bar.


Thanks! It’s tough, Is it like SUM(credit * grade)/ total points? That way it comes to 95%

Yes, 95% on a 4.0 scale is 3.8 (=4*0.95). You can just use SUM(credits * points)/Total Credits hours ( e.g 18 credits hours).

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I wonder if patients weed the Dr same way…


I don’t want to come across as a Debbie Downer.

At each school, there are Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Math classes where the professors will offer extra credit opportunities, worth 3-5% of the points total, but not all.

So do your research, several post their syllabus on line or you can e-mail them.

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One should not count on the online syllabus since the instructors do change all the time. One may not be able to get a section with your favorite teacher for the weed out classes.

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Agreed, I believe getting a high GPA is harder than a high MCAT, where so many things are outside of your control and you have to persist over several semesters.


This is really scary! :frowning: