Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Even if you discard BioE from equation for interview offered, it is still tough for so many to achieve 3.5 GPA at UToledo.
Also BioE is 5+4 program, means allows another year for other items to accomplish.
It is interesting that from 2018, Bacc2MD class size almost triple and then dropped back to double. Suspect the medical school seats offering is increased by same proportion, in other words more competitive than 3.5 and previous years.

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thank you. yes, iā€™m not sure what it is. as has been said many times in this thread, it really is difficult to predict who gets an interview or accepted to a program.
applicant 1 may be granted an interview and/or accepted into program A while applicant 2 may not, but applicant 2 may be granted an interview and/or accepted into program B while applicant 1 may not.

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thanks @rk2017. iā€™m impressed. thatā€™s a pretty good memory you have. just want to thank you (and others) for sharing your thoughts and experience in this thread from year to year.

Yeah, you are right. I too noticed that the Bacc2MD class size has increased significantly.

From the table, It also seems that it must be difficult for students to achieve 3.5 GPA at UToledo.

But, logically speaking UToledo courses should not have difficulty simiar to ivy leagues. The GPA/scores requirement of incoming freshmen for regular UG would be really low compared to students from Bacc2MD studentsā€¦so, logically speaking Bacc2MD students should have no issue being successful?

@babySimba1 - Another action item for you to reach out to Bacc2MD seniors and ask them for tips on how to be successful at UToledo!

I found this blog on guaranteed med school admission with these 5 programs . UToledo is listed as one of these. So, it is very relevant for our current discussion.

Another variable is quality of students, not just rigor. I am afraid that is the culprit here for lower outcome.

2015 article and so many things in that article have changed since then. :innocent:

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Oops - didnā€™t pay attention to the article date!

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Thanks @OldSchoolMD. That is the usual compliment I get from many.

This may in fact be the last cycle I maybe contributing, was thinking of the same at the beginning of the current cycle but somehow dragged on.

Time for both of us to retire :slight_smile:


Bio Engineering may not be worth one extra year for MD aspirants unless some one wants to work as a bioengineer before joining the medical school.
IMO, UToledo is not at par with Ohio State University, the state flagship university of Ohio.

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IMO, For NMFs OU MHSP is great. During interview, you may be asked about your interest in Humanities and Social Sciences. If you choose a major related to these disciplines at OU, it may help.

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@rk2017, @srk2017 - First of all, thank you to both (& all other seniors). I sincerely hope you both will stay and will continue providing your perspectives and guidance to the next generation of kids. BSMD or regular route is the biggest question every student must answer in this forum.

Everyone should have a right to pick their option, whether it is BSMD or regular route. There are ups and down with any option. It is the beauty of life that there are no guarantees.

However, it helps to have clarity and understanding for each option before the final decision. This is where your discussions have been really helpfulā€¦in understanding both sides equally well.


Do the interviewers in these medical interviews ask to look at your research/writing during the interview? Like Iā€™m okay to elaborate on my research verbally but my mentor isnā€™t really good at communication, and he hasnā€™t sent everything I might need if they ask to see like ā€œproofā€ or solid research, I just have drafts with me. Do they need verification or ask for it?

Thank you. At the end of the day we are keep discussing same things again and again so not sure how much more I can contribute. I will document my DS path in the the two threads I created for the benefit of the community.

Again I never advocated for one path and I canā€™t stand same drumbeats lol


Did you mean to say ā€œbut not necessarily financiallyā€. Every board certified MD gets paid the same amount by insurance companies and medicare, regardless of the institution granting the MD. Not talking about choosing a residency/fellowship etc and so on.

Yes, I missed ā€œnotā€, corrected it. there is a big debate about it on the other site last two days, you should read it and may be participate.

Yes, insurance companies donā€™t discriminate based on medical school but bigger groups can negotiate for better rates and thatā€™s why small practices are folding. Going to brand name medical school/residency/fellowship may help securing first job in those groups, but lot of it is also regional based. So if you want to live in NJ, doing residency/fellowship at one of the top regional programs will help but doing at T10 helps across the country.

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When answering about research, be honest and tell what was your contribution and do not exaggerate. These are seasoned qualified folks (MD, PhDs).

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It is true medical practitioners are joining bigger groups usually associated with big hospitals.

Two reasons, billing rates and administrative overheads. Only small towns will be left with private groups going forward.