Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

@srk2017 , How do you search for premed in SDN? When I try it goes to PREMed-MD but most of that is related Medical college. I am looking for undergrad colleges for Pre-med details.

For pursuing current research opportunities while in UG you probably ok to include HS research exposure and/or activities, if they are relevant. But on AMCAS you don’t use any of the HS activities.


@love4bsmd Thank you!

@srk2017 and @PPofEngrDr Thank you!

How did his first semester go? Each resume is unique and no one shares resumes :slight_smile:

Hmm, I wished you didn’t make this statement! I don’t believe there’s enough data to justify this generalization. Indeed, I would think that publicly available data seem to suggest that URMs who get into many of these “highly competitive programs” have stats that make them as competitive as anyone. I would like to suggest that diversity of experience is a decisive factor when other stats are comparable! That is the point where minority status may come into consideration. Please, don’t believe the averages you see on those stats, maybe median scores would be better. There are extremely intelligent URMs from rich economic backgrounds, a consistently better predictor of performance in standardized tests than minority status!


This is what I was looking but most of the discussions are for medical school? Maybe I have to spend more time.

if one is applying for a Summer internship/research position during freshman, you should include relevant experiences from high school. Of course, when making an AMCAS application, only medical Ecs done after high school graduation should be included. Sometimes shadowing activities done during summer between high school and start of freshman year are ok if continued during college.

SDN is more or less for those planning to take MCAT, applying in the coming cycle and a lot of arguments about where to apply. One may find some tips about all these activities.

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It may be a great experience for parents to go through BSMD process but think about the poor kid who has to do all this again in UG. It is the kid who has to survive the pressure of being a pre-med, get all the grades and maintain great UG GPA, do the medical ECs and research, prepare for MCAT and then apply to 20-25 medical schools. After that anxiously wait for Interview Invitations, attend and do well in interview and then wait for the outcome. Why go through this ringer twice ? It is very easy to be a parent and expect your kid should do all this for BSMD and once again for regular MD route.

Not just that but medical students, faculties and adcoms participate and their opinions have more value than n=1 here so many times.

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Believe me kids bounce back quicker than parents :grinning: Again it all depends on expectations and how much one invested. DS didn’t spend lot of time on medicine related ECs since BSMD was not the primary goal. Even though he was disappointed that he didn’t get HPME and PLME, he understood the deficiencies and quickly moved on since he has excellent UG outcomes.

Your S did quite a few activities to gather 150 hrs each in clinical and non clinical activities. He did research for a few semesters and did summer activities outside USA. It is a lot of work, IMO.

Wait how is only publications accepted? How can you not list helping out?

Any medical ECs/volunteering done during HS is meaning less for AMCAS application. Publications are academic stuff and can be listed regardless when carried out. You have to list all college classes ( including community college) taken during high school when applying to AMCAS. One has to send official transcript to AMCAS for verification from all colleges. All these college course grades are included in your sGPA and cGPA as calculated by AMCAS and reported to medical schools.

Thanks everyone for your valued suggestions. Helps me to calm down and plan for the next thing.


Plus the age factor for high schoolers. SOMs knows that medical ECs are virtually impossible in most states at that age, whoever are able to accomplish them at younger age are outliers for various reasons, including high socioeconomic school system, connections based ECs, ofc, few are true out-shiners.

Kid got into UIC GPPA. And our journey ended with BS/MD path.
Thanks for all the parents for your advice thru the years.


withdrew from MHSP interview and Drexel interview (came off of the waitlist for interview)