Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

For all those who got T10 UG admissions, here is one thing I noticed from traditional path this cycle - candidates who got stats similar to HS ended up getting MD admission to similar caliber schools to the dot (surprisingly). My DS got into exactly same T5 or T10 schools he got for UG and Northwestern and Case Western are two schools that waitlisted both times :grinning: He didnā€™t apply to any other BSMD schools for traditional path. Two other ORM girls I know had similar results.

Would it be wiser to choose a school like Tulane (around 10k/year) or Syracuse (full tuition scholarship) and then apply regular cycle and/or EAP or take a BS/DO with Rowan School of Osteopathic Medicine ($16k/year) with Stockton as an undergrad? Iā€™m an ORM for reference and heard that it is getting harder and harder for ORMs to get accepted. What seems like a better option? Still waiting on ivies and stuff

@srk2017 Yes, you are right after a gap year. I thought that was the contextā€¦he working on research, getting it published, and applying next cycle.

Regarding feedback, I did specifically reach out to the schools. Two schools provided feedback.

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Okay so in that regard, say I got into Brown or Vanderbilt, should I take them over GPPA? Because I definitely get your point, but there is still no promise Iā€™d get into another top caliber school when applying for SOMs, for example I know someone who went to Vanderbilt, she was a great student, but she ended up going to UICOM.

As always YMMV.

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Isnā€™t GPPA in-state school for you? My recommendation is more about T10 schools. I would take in-state BSMD over T20 full-pay unless you really want to work hard and aim for T20 medical schools. I also know lot of Vandy premeds who are not doing that well, it all depends on your work ethic. However my S is CV scholar at Vandy and gave up two T10 schools for that.

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Thatā€™s because you applied the following cycle. I donā€™t think no school will comeback and reconsider the application within the cycle.

Yay! My son got into MIT! , PMM BSMD, waiting for others to come out by April.



Wow Congratulations!!!

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donā€™t fall to fear mongering, DO is secondary choice to MD. In other words, w/o putting efforts for MD, you are willing to go to DO route.

Oh ok. So would it be better to just go regular route?

Well said.

Each ones mileage vary, and only that person and their parents know it better than any one on this forum. So, while the suggestion is that if one is top rated student and willing to go over doing all and more ECs one did in high school and confident to get excellent GPA/MCAT scores, it may be good option for traditional route instead of short selling into a mediocre option because of BSMD. For everyone not passionate about being in top UG and/or top 10/20 med school, BSMD still provides excellent opportunity. Donā€™t go by 40% acceptance into medical school is the reason to go traditional route. Remember that 40% acceptance is after one gets all the GPA and MCAT scores and other ECs/research etc.


However I still think those that were able to get into decent BSMD schools are capable of getting thru traditional path. These kids already know the game, did the medical related ECs and successfully presented an application so easier to build on those than those who are not sure about medicine and end up taking first year easy.

As per 40% acceptance, I bet half of the rejects (30%) have no business to apply for medical schools i.e. subpart GPA or MCAT or lack proper ECs. Read SDN and you will hear that constantly.

Somehow high school ACT/SAT and connection based ECs outweigh UG based GPA/MCAT and ECs is far fetched.

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Based on choices you had provided that seems an appropriate route.

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Agree. All BSMD attempted kids, irrespective of acceptance or not, know their game plan and what it takes to be a good AMCAS applicant. So this is a good preview and practice to the traditional path and I believe most on this forum will greatly succeed in traditional path because of the experience gained.

As someone said earlier, we have no regrets for going through BSMD process. Its a great experience and value add for many students/parents.

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I have general questions for my other son is freshman at Upenn and trying to put resume together for college and of course he did get into one of the BSMD program in 2020 but chose Upenn and was wondering can he still include all his volunteering medical experience and research that he did in high school years in the college resume as he is applying for some research opportunities. If anyone have sample of Premed resume will appreciated it.

Thank you

You canā€™t include HS activities in AMCAS unless he continued same one thru college. He can explain those in the personal statement. As per research, only publications can be mentioned. My son has one publication from HS research (published in second year of college) so he mentioned that under publications section.

That is perfectly good to include when you are looking for research opportunities in UG. High schools ECs are not good for AMCAS application time unless it is a some sort of continuation.