Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Coalition app had technical issues yesterday so S had to spend several hours trying to submit app for BU . Finally when he paid the fee and clicked submit. The time was 39 seconds after 12 PM deadline. Hopefully his application will be considered.


If you could submit, it should have gone through. Email or call them up just to get confirmation.

@highschoolinnj @BSMDMOM2021 @rk1235rk

Sorry if I made it seem like due date was sooner, kid is just almost done with it and ready to get it all off his plate. I think he is just ready to be done periodt! It’s been a long couple of months! Next up is focusing on his CASPER and fingers crossed for some interviews.

We are trying to keep him ahead of the timelines as stuff like last night’s Coalition debacle happens. But yes the deadline is still a couple weeks away, my apologies for the confusion!!!

Temple-recommendation form, not sure how it works. It says it has to be sent from institutional email and not personal email. But when the google form is sent, I am sure they have to login with their gmail to proceed. any ideas please?

Did we need the CASPER for Baylor?

@aspiringbsmd2021 i’m pretty sure only Hofstra mandates the CASPER this year.

@9the0girl7 ok yeah that’s what I thought, thanks :slight_smile:

Just got an email informing me I am a Penn State/SKMC PMM finalist. ANybody else get this?

@InspireTruth congrats! do you know if they are sending out more emails?and do you mind sharing your stats?

@InspireTruth , Congratulations! Did they set up an interview?

I honestly have no clue. I wasn’t a super high stat applicant. unweighted GPA was 3.8, weighted was 5.3/6.0, SAT was 1590 single sitting.

Yes, they did!

@InspireTruth , when did you apply and when is your interview?

@aspiringbsmd2021, Yes we need casper for Baylor.

Congratulations @InspireTruth. That is an excellent score in SAT.

@ksmed1 Where on the Baylor website does it say that? I’ve been through their site and goBAYLOR and nowhere does it say that it’s required. The only program that’s mandating it this year is Hofstra.

then we missed the boat on this :frowning: . we had the deadline as December 11th, so never submitted the undergrad application.

Also a Penn State/PMM Finalist !!!

Congratulations @yuvi21 and @InspireTruth .
If you don’t mind sharing when you submitted the applications.
and @yuvi21 - your stats.

@InspireTruth - that is an amazing SAT score.

@mygrad2021 i applied 2-3 days before the deadline, which I believe was 11/1. Interview is in early January. The 13th, I believe.