Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

You can check in the above link under Baylor.

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Call Temple University and check in case they extended the deadline.

Just call them up when in doubt and find out, doesn’t hurt.

@grtd2010 Hopefully, since the Fall semester went fine—Brown won’t be bringing back everyone to campus as they’re putting everyone in single rooms and limiting upperclassmen to those already on campus and then by a space-available basis based on seniority.

@InspireTruth, @yuvi21 - Congratulations! on becoming a Penn State PMM finalist. Good Luck with your interview.

@TensedMom - I searched in the internet to find the below info -

December 11th deadline is for Temple pre-med health scholar with 3+4 or 4+4 tracks with provisional admission to LKSOM. You can apply to this.

see link for temple/LKSOM

There is another program with W&J also with deadline in January 20th

See link for temple/Washington & LEE

@yuvi21 @InspireTruth were you both admitted to PSU prior to receiving this email? also did you apply before Nov 1? I applied exactly on Nov 1 and haven’t received any info yet

The Nov 1, 2020 deadline is for Early Action (EA) for Temple UG. You can apply after Nov 1, 2020 for regular UG admission decision (which may take a few weeks).
Just to add, there are two applications - one for Temple Undergraduate (you should apply ASAP) via Common App and other one for Temple Health Scholar(Temple/LKSOM) (as mentioned above by Vicky2019) is Dec 11, 2020.
You should have been admitted to Temple UG and Honors program for you to receive an interview invitation for Temple Health Scholar. You have not missed any deadlines ( Dec 11, 2020 is a few weeks away).
see link for temple/LKSOM

Please check yourself and do your own due diligence.

Nope You did not. Only requirement is that you should be already accepted into UG and Honors program for to be considered for Health Scholar. You don’t even have to apply for EA which was earlier Nov 1st, and then extended to Nov 15.

Please apply asap, if you are still interested.

Please the details in their FAQs.

Do I need to apply Early Action in order to be considered as a health scholar?
No. Students are encouraged to apply to Temple’s undergraduate application as early as they can, but it is not required that they submit an ‘Early Action’ application.

Do I need to be accepted by Temple University before applying to the Pre-Med Health Scholar Program?
“We encourage students to submit their undergraduate application first so that there is time for admissions to process their application. Students must be accepted to the university and to the Temple Honors Program before being invited to interview for the Health Scholar program. (If students apply to the undergraduate admissions process on or around the Health Scholar deadline, they run the risk of our office being unable to fully review and consider them for an interview and acceptance to the Health Scholar program.) For this reason, it is in an applicants’ best interest to apply to Temple University as soon as they are able. There is, however, no reason to delay submitting a Health Scholar application if you have not yet heard back regarding your undergraduate application”

See posts #1888 and #1890 above. You can submit Temple UG application for regular admission decision now. Honors Program consideration is automatic with regular admission. There are no fixed number of seats for Temple/LKSOM BSMD but it is not a large number.

No, you can still apply for Temple UG as regular admission decision via Common App and Temple Health Scholar ( Temple/LKSOM BSMD) by Dec 11, 2020 via

— Temple Health Scholar Info —

You can still apply for Temple UG as regular admission decision via Common App and Temple Health Scholar (Temple/LKSOM BSMD) by Dec 11, 2020 via

Thank you all for clearing my doubts and keeping me at peace :wink: . Called Temple UG - and they said we can submit the application now to be considered for BS/MD.

I applied on October 29th. My Penn State Portal said that they will be “notifying SKMC of my candidacy”. From what I can tell, SKMC has taken over the review process from PSU and has picked finalists. I’m not sure if they’re still in the process of sending out emails or if they’re done though.

Does anyone know whether Penn State sends its interviews at once or over the course of a few weeks?

@HopefulBSMDMom, I am also interested to know. Previous years results used to come out for Interviews on December 14,15 around. Looks like this year way earlier. Hopefully they send some more. But last year averages for PENN are 36 ACT and 1569 SAT, So candidates near or above can be more hopeful but not guaranteed I guess.

My daughter didn’t apply to Honors at Penn as you can only select PMM or Honors. It’s strange that she received an email today that “in order to review your application for admission to the Schreyer Honors College, following documents should be on file
Our admissions decisions will be released in mid- to late- February.”. It’s confusing. Are they still reviewing her application? As she didn’t apply to Honors, I don’t think they forward it to Honors college? Do they mean SKMC?, not sure. Any thoughts?

Will the rest of these interviews be sent out over the course of these next few days? It seems interviews last year weren’t all sent on the same day. My application says your application is currently under review. What does this mean?

We got the same despite saying No to honors in the application. I believe it’s because we opened the Honors application, though we never completed it.

@CollegeAddict8 same thing here