Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

Here you go again with false assertions! No one is bashing BSMD pathway and we are all discussing each candidates outcomes and presenting information to help them decide unlike your blind advocacy and incomplete failure stories.

Yes, my brother’s son is in a BSMD program and I am supportive of it since he went to a dual enrollment program, have 2 years college credits and didn’t want to spend 4 years of UG, he didn’t have any T10 admissions and paying full price is not difficult for my brother.

I recommended BSMD to a friend’s daughter since she struggled with standardized tests despite 4.0 GPA in an IB program and I was afraid that she may not do well with MCAT. She chose one with no MCAT score requirement. In fact I recommended a consultant who helps with both traditional and BSMD programs and helped her get 3 BSMD programs. So any future applicants looking for a consultant feel free to PM me (I don’t get any kickbacks :slight_smile: ).

Check BS_MD2017’s post in BSMD Experience thread. I met him 4 years back at AMC/RPI interview and we had discussions about same things at that time. He wanted to her D to take HPME or PLME but she chose traditional path and I supported her decision.

on the other hand, you only talks about how great BSMD programs are and how everyone is failing at Ivy leagues. As I pointed few times you never gave full details of your D’s cycle 4 years back and there are no reflections ( *** BS/MD Results For Class of 2017 *** - #37 by rk2017) but you encourage everyone post reflections for the benefit of others! You have been constantly claiming that BSMD students at BU are getting 100% percentile without any prep which no one believes.

Anyway, I am not against you or BSMD but we all should give facts and have a vigorous debate to help new kids and parents rather than coming up with false narratives and claims.