Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

Did you attend one? I did. And a top LAC. I’m speaking from a wealth experience. My D and a number of her friends will be working for MBB (the M stands for McKinsey not McKenzie) from a top 50 public and beat out many Ivy grads for their jobs. I know successful folks at all of the companies you named who did not attend an elite school. I also know countless super successful wealthy people who did not attend an Ivy. Bet on your kids instead of the name on their diploma. If they don’t have the goods, the name on their diploma will not a great career and success make.


As I mentioned and agreed with @rk2017

Can you quantify the data. Exception are always there.

Correlation is not causation, which is what many on this thread seem to not understand. Do you really think those who are successful who did not attend elite schools are outliers? That’s nonsense and defies even common sense. One of the only studies out there done on this issue shows no statistical difference in earnings between those who applied to elite schools and those who attended. Look it up.

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You can make more earnings as a wall street trader without any college degree

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Difference in salary is very steep especially for investment banking. Those coming from ivy leagues have a clear advantage in securing the analyst job at Goldman and VC firms.

For medicine, no one cares where you went to undergrad and med school. The only thing people ask doctors is “where did you train?” Hence, residency and fellowship is the most valued aspect of education for medicine.


Ok explain me why T20 Med schools are in demand for the top candidates.

If that is the case then why do not they join state schools medical which are cheaper.

Most don’t even know to ask that, tbh. I have never wondered where my primary care physician gynecologist, general surgeon trained or went to school or whatever. I really only looked at their hospital affiliation. We have a specific non-teaching hospital in my area that I like and trust for the quality of its doctors, and that is what I go by. Likely the same for most folks.


Oh, and then Yelp (and any other review sites) for the rating on that doctor from current and past patients. That’s about it.

But you will better check for a surgeon where he was trained before going under knife.

Top med schools are sought after mainly for prestige. Most people love brand name as a nice chip on their shoulder. Also most med schools all cost relatively the same. Actually, Harvard Med School is cheaper than a lot of state med schools.

Top med schools want top candidates so their US News ranking increases.

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I have worked in multiple giants ( Exxon, Intel, IBM, Motorola etc.). In general top school graduate always rise up faster. Wall street firms are same. In India, same is true for IIT.

It does not mean, other school guys dont do well but in general top school graduates rise up faster and are respected more.

My understanding is Brand name has the real research money and cutting edge resources and not the unfunded lower ranked schools. These kids need mentors and funded environment.

I didn’t know that and I went through some surgery a couple of years ago, picking the doctor per hospital affiliation, and quite honestly, their availability to perform the surgery on me during Thanksgiving. My gynecologist also got involved and she asked if I am ok adjusting the hours so she can do the surgery or whether I want to go with another obgyn surgeon. I liked her fine so I went with them. Doing fine so far.

And even if they told me where they trained, I don’t think I will be able to judge anyway.

These so called “facilities” are relatively same between average and top ranked med schools. There’s a reason why state med schools like VCU (around number 50) are sending a greater percentage of their class to DOPEN specialties than med schools like Mayo Clinic (number 5).

Deciding between Union/AMC and PennState/SKMC. Appreciate thoughts and recommendations.
– PMM is 7 year, Union/AMC is 8 year plus you can get MBA as well in those 8 years.
– AMC does not participate in rankings it seems while SKMC ranked around 60;
– How is the UG experience at Pennstate compared to Union? Both seem to be small towns
– Union is offering close to 25K per year, while Pennstate did not offer any scholarships

PMM seems to be a better program but not sure. Anyone in the group considering PMM? When we attended zoom call last week for the admitted students, they mentioned they sent out scholarship notifications already. Does Pennstate offer any scholarships? We are out of state and do not have much idea about Pennsylvania and NY (for that matter never been to east coast states). Thanks!

I still do not understand why folks prefer Mayo and not VCU ?

That said, I do think quality education matters when it is the case of whether to have our kids educated by learned professors with a cohort that is academically on par/challenging for the student and an institution that facilitates learning and research with the right opportunities and equipment. That is often our consideration as parents helping kids make their education decisions.

IIT AIR 1 usually end up Caltech ( I know 3). Most Gold medal again end up at Stanford etc.

My Air 1 EE was called by Feynman at Caltech and finished BS at 17 and PhD Harvard at 20 in Physics. They always go to top schools.

These are whiz kids from different universe- There are many at Caltech and top schools.

People like name and brand to bolster their egos. Simple. There’s a common phycological perception that better school means better outcome. This is not the case in the field of medicine. Banking and CS are like the former.

It actually isn’t. And it’s funny that whenever someone wants to talk about income differential on CC they bring up investment banking, which is a super tiny percentage of jobs. More importantly, those who go into IB from Ivy or otherwise wash out after 2 years because it’s brutal. A kid who has grit and hustle can break into IB from schools ranked far lower than Ivies. And the kid who can sell from a low ranked state school will be far more successful than a average Ivy leaguer without strong social skills. Isn’t that why most ORMs don’t even go into finance? In any event, this is a pre-med thread. Finance careers are irrelevant to the discussion. No one has answered my question of how an Ivy “network” is important in medicine.