Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

D joined a BSMD with full tuition scholarship.



Think Americans are smarter than Desis- Zero bank balance and low salary and then full ride to IVY if kids can make it!!

Think IVYs have done analysis on both side of equation!!

few exceptions, we are tortoise (and no helicopter) and my spouse is so easy going.
When my C was in HS Jr, during a walk some other parents asked did you C take SAT or ACT. My spouse asked what is SAT or ACT? We are just walking!


So is she happy? UCB EECS is also topnotch. D got Bioengg. but out for us as OOS and they gave zero dollars. UCLA gave 25K to make instate or about 35-40K.

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ORM = Predominantly people with asian origins, with some exceptions as below.

So Chinese, Taiwanese, Philippino, Indian sub continent, Korean, Japanese, Malaysian and perhaps Thai too.

Exceptions: Indonesian, Vietnamese, Cambodian, Myanmarese and tiny countries like Nepal and Bhutan

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+1 but we don’t value Ivy so much. My DD did not even apply to them except Brown PLME and Columbia. For us, the $500k question is ‘Why not BU SMED?’ rather than why not Ivy?

The counter argument to BU SMED is BU is avg. school like RPI etc. For rest of life you are BU graduate vs Stanford/Harvard plus network at these schools.

Now I do not know much about med schools and am learning here- If name of med school does not matter then fine - just get whereever. But if it matters and you have money, why not spend on best possible education. If you take MD out, no IVY will go to BU or RPI or SBU etc. ( tonnes of my D’s school folks go to RPI).

So either decision is fine and the kid will never know the other side- Bottomline they need to be happy whatever they choose.

Same here, although I am now inspired to do more for my younger one. I told her I’m gonna become a Tiger Mom and she says it is kinda late for that kind of transformation :joy:


We happen to know students from Brown and another from Cornell that were ready to settle for any MD admission but didn’t get one after one gap year. They were continuing to take another gap year, not sure what happened after that. We heard anecdotally (don’t know anyone directly) about kid in Stanford that didn’t get in to any MD either, though we heard he got there interviews. My DD is clear she wants to be a doctor. she feels that UG school is just a stepping stone and UG ranking/ experience is not critical (though important) and she is more than happy with BU as a choice. Coming from west coast, we and many of our friends don’t share the allure of Ivy education, though we’re all enamored with Stanford :wink:


Family is relocating east coast.

The reverse is likely not true though. Many Ivy UG grads will apply to BU (or Casewestern for that matter) for MD, and whether they finally choose to go there or not depends on what else they might get. Bird in hand worth considering.


Don’t be sparrow without exploring your potential as eagle.

Fair comment. My DD is waiting on Stanford. She talked to a student that is at BU SMED after turning down Stanford, and is hoping to also talk to a student who turned down BSMD for Stanford and has applied to MD now.

And my D’s AP English teacher while talking this year wondered why folks go to Stanford when his sister’s D joined Stanford over Harvard- He further went on saying she is happy since he thought she made a mistake as most folks on East coast think IVY is IVY. Not to get into discussion, I just said no one can match Stanford weather!!

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Is Princeton still grade deflated? Heard policies were changed, but not sure how it fares

So another question - Does it matter if you join RPI/Albany ( or other 2 feeders) or BU-SMED or TCNJ-NJMS or Albany-Upstate or SBU MD or anyone else?? Do you just go by least cost to you such as which UG/MD will give free ride or cost you least. I do not know how these school match residency.

So are Caucasians considered ORMs?

DD likes both BU and Penn State though they are different - rural vs city, public vs private, UG near Medical college or not, somewhat relaxed UG environment vs demanding, potential course competition vs not etc. BU does seem better ranked than Penn State and it places more in CA as well, which is currently a factor under consideration. We told her money is not a gating factor, but we do want her to be aware of COA of where she chooses to go.

Only this group would call RPI an average school and use phrases like IVY is IVY. The Ivy League is a sports league. There are many schools that provide a superior education and/or college experience. Furthermore, networks are overrated especially if not going into a business or sales field. Most people actually never use their college or grad school network.

Rant over. Carry on.


In corporate America, IBM, Intel, Exxon etc. school name matters and so does on Wall street ( McKenzie, BCG etc.). I am sure it matters at FAANG ( couple of folks from Stanford/MIT etc. whom I know rise up faster). In olden times GE/Exxon etc. titans ( and now fallen down), names only mattered.

So brushing aside IVY is ignorance.

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