Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

March 5th

Congratulations :clap: :clap:

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Congrats to all who got it. Should we assume that acceptances are done?

I think the calls went out from just NJIT and Hofstra

Oh. We were forwarded only from NJIT. Guess itā€™s safe to assume a rejection. This is very difficult considering itā€™s our second rejection post-interview. Starting to believe that this route isnā€™t going to happen for us. Feels like a waste of time, energy, and money. :frowning:

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Donā€™t loose hope. We were in the same situation this morning but she received Hofstra acceptance. Hopefully we all will hear from NJMS tomorrow. Wish you good luck!

Sending you good vibes.

Also, BSMD experience is very valuable! Your DC knows what to expect when she goes to Medical school interview if she does end up taking traditional path, and that knowledge and prior experience is such an advantage!!

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Starting to also think that the BSMD route isnā€™t going to happen for me. Definitely is hard to get out of the mindset that all my hard work and essays were a waste of time and I couldā€™ve still gotten into my state school without the added stress. But I have also gained so much confidence when it comes to interviews and been forced to analyze what my priorities are in life. Medicine is a journey and your child will be successful no matter BSMD or traditional. Wishing you guys the best of luck!


There is still hope, :crossed_fingers:t3:We are in the same boat


Will out of state students fir NJIT/ NJMS be considered instate when they reach NJMS?

These are the basic questions - why medicine ?, why us ?, why bsmd ? A bird-at-hand answer may not sit well with the interviewer.

The best answer will come from NJMS and one should ask them and inform us all.


Congratulations on Hofstra !!! You are all set.

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When is the graduation from Vandy ? Pretty soon.


Your best bet would be to private message @NoviceDad directly (provided he has enabled the option to be messaged).

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Yes, med school portion of NJMS is instate irrespective of state of residence. Someone even asked in their interview and posted here.

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This is not verifiable but a hearsay. Please provide a proof.

He is really trepidatious about being on the West Coast. We are going to have a long discussion about his options after Ivy Day and we hopefully finally hear from GW for the BA/MD (like what the heck is taking so long?!).

Right now his top options/acceptances are:
And a toss up between UNC CH and UVA

He has been also accepted so far to:
William and Mary (got the cipher card)
Northeastern (scholarship call)

Pending apps are:
Harvard, Yale, Dartmouth, Columbia, Brown PLME

Two weeks from now he is going to be having some serious life discussions


Yes, this is true. NJMS faculty who took my D interview said that NJMS makes tuition in-state for OOS students (we are OOS).