Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

I did. I also attached our letter from Dartmouth- I don’t know what they want to call a comparable institution so I gave them another Ivy and 2 private colleges with same or better rankings. Hopefully they make some adjustments as the difference is substantial and would def be an issue.

As I did mention earlier few times, don’t believe that data, it is manipulated. Without mentioning which one, I myself heard of claims of 96% success rate during our college visit there few years ago which raised red flags right away. After further investigation, found out how they skew those figures. Not entirely their fault either. They don’t want to lose the high paying students to competitors who may be presenting much rosy pictures.

After some due diligence on this unnamed school, we did found out the scene on the campus was indeed rosy, but with many thorns which they deliberately hide. Doubt if they will share the data even if you ask.

Do any of the BS/MDs rescind if you get a low AP score on a science or math ap test? My teachers all left halfway through the semester and I dont think i need to report the scores but just making sure

Why don’t you get that data first for all BS/MD programs that you become a non-objective cheerleader on this forum? Point is all colleges deploys those practices, and to suggest that they have bad motive is a fallacy.

My recommendation always is see how kids from your HS are doing at the schools you are considering and reach out to them. Student to student, not parent to parent. Parents are too prideful to disclose the reasons behind failures.


Hello, I am a longtime lurker on this forum with one child in BSMD, and the second got accepted to a couple of programs including Pitt GAP. Can anyone share undergraduate experience at Pitt pre-med track with a minor in CS(Artificial Intelligence) track for a GAP student?

Also if anyone on this forum got accepted to Pitt GAP and considering joining the program, we could connect.

Do any of the BS/MDs rescind if you get a low AP score on a science or math ap test? My teachers all left halfway through the semester and I dont think i need to report the scores but just making sure

I dont see anything in the letter so i assume not

I doubt AP scores matter, but grade D or below grade may.


Usually they are looking at grades - unless you get an F, it should be ok.

Hi everyone, I’ve been reading these threads for the past two years, and I’m very excited to finally be posting!

I’m in a tough position after a rejection from Brown PLME. I have been accepted to UIC GPPA (35K/year) and Rochester REMS (55K/year + travel). Of the T20s, I am also considering Northwestern (50K/year) due to nearby location, but I’m also pursuing the Harvard and Duke waitlists over a large number of other waitlists (not really expecting anything, though).

I am definitely concerned about choosing between GPPA and REMS, and I feel like there’s no clear answer, as both programs are of an excellent quality. I would love to hear thoughts/advice. I’m also having a bit of an identity crisis regarding pursuing med school vs. CS, especially because it might not be too late to ask about CS at UIUC (I applied and was accepted as Bio E and was accepted into their most competitive honors program). Specifically, I am interested in computational biology (I like both CS and medicine), and I am considering the possibility of pursuing an MD/PhD.

Here are some of my personal opinions (ranked by importance):

Least stressful requirements, BS/MD program, etc.: REMS > GPPA > UIUC = Northwestern
Location (proximity to home, weather, the city, etc.): UIUC > Northwestern > GPPA > REMS
Academic Flexibility: REMS > GPPA = Northwestern = UIUC
Food/Dorms/Student Life: UIUC = Northwestern > REMS > GPPA
Cost: UIUC = GPPA > Northwestern > REMS
Safety (e.g., COVID, crime): UIUC = Northwestern > GPPA > REMS

I’ve recently learned that the area surrounding Rochester is not as safe as I previously envisioned, and I’m also concerned about the weather, being farther away from home, etc. Also, Rochester has a weak Reddit presence and almost nothing on RateMyProf. Would the strong research focus on the school take away from undergraduate education?

Although UIUC may look like a “favorite,” it’s not a BS/MD program, and I’m actually strongly considering REMS and GPPA as my first and second choices, respectively. But I have taken many UIUC classes, and I love the education there so far.


Most campuses are safe and one does not need to visit outside the campus often during night. REMS is better ranked than GPPA. Most campus safety folks will provide escorts while walking during night. You can do a double major in CS and Biological sciences (medicine). There is not much of a difference during winter at both GPPA or REMS (both get cold and a lot of snow).

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Medical school cost difference?

Send your AP scores for college credits only. You may be able to select which one to send.

Sigh. Just spent an obscene amount on airfare for kid and hubby to go to RI next weekend. This should be interesting as their relationship is… less well developed :joy::flushed:

I do think nerves and the idea of 8 years is weighing on kid. They have a PLME chat and a couple other kids are also deciding between St.Anford and PLME as well. So in the scheme of things, he is being prudent. Just timeline is a snarl.

You have a classic problem when none is a clear winner and all of them are in 5-10% from each other.
UIUC lots of kids switch to MCB later from eng because of GPA issues in eng and have a goal to pursue medicine. As such you have Harvard and Duke waitlist, treat yourself above the normal eng kids and you won’t have the problem of typical eng kids.
You can always do CS minor if you major in LAS (UIC / UIUC) .
If you are borrowing for UG, certainly go for UIC GPPA as that provides best buck for value and medicine goal.
Not familiar with REMS that much, so won’t comment on that. Not knowing what kind of person you are, Chicago vibe can be a factor.
tbh, as you already figured out, none of options you have would go wrong.

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In fact in a medical school acceptance letter, it was mentioned a grade of ‘C’ is only required in all the courses in senior year(UG). The grades of senior year (Fall semester) were not known at that time.

What do you mean by AP scores?

The AP course offered by your school matters since it is in your transcript.

The AP exam doesn’t matter since if you get less marks, it doesn’t get added to the transcript. Unless you get 4 or 5, you can skip sharing the results with the college. With 4/5 score (depending on your school policy) you can get some credit.

If UofR policy says that won’t give credit for your AP (example-say Biology) - then why will care what score you got!

UofR does give credit for certain scores.For example if i get a 5 on chem i dont have to do gen chem. But if i get a 3 im saying will i get rescinded - no right.

That is what I meant and I got clarification - sorry about that :slight_smile:

I have been to UOfR area. Rochester is a small and pleasant town. Chicago has higher crime. Why would you even compare the pleasant, quiet Rochester to Chicago. UofR campus with gate and monitoring system for student safety is even safer. I would not even consider safety as an issue!

I feel that your real choices are REMS and GPPA. UIUC and Northwestern are non BSMD and not worth it to give up REMS.

UIUC rank is 47 and UIUC, Northwestern should only be valid if you don’t want to become a Doctor anymore!

REMS is clearly an excellent program. University of Rochester is ranked No. 36 (tie) in Best Medical Schools: Research and No. 14 in Best Medical Schools: Primary Care. and UG ranking is #34

University of Illinois is ranked No. 55 (tie) in Best Medical Schools: Research and No. 67 (tie) in Best Medical Schools: Primary Care. UIC UG ranking is 112

However, UIC GPPA cost will be less. So, if you can’t afford REMS, go for UIC GPPA.

Weather wise both Illinois and Rochester should be similar, IMO

The question boils down to - Is additional cost for REMS worth it to get #14 rank med school? Are you going to be ok living far from your parents for 8 yrs?

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no - u wont get rescinded. You wont get credit most probably… but u don’t even have to share in that case

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