Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

If you do not get the required score to get college credit, you take the college level course. Do not send AP Chem score and register for Gen Chemistry I.

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I too am in SDN :slight_smile: so no issues looking

Citation needed. And are you aware that Northwestern has little known program called NUPSP for its UG students?. And also wants to make sure that you are aware its UGs get inbreed benefit at top schools.

Primary care is what matters if you want to be a good doctor right and research is more for academic side of medicine? I think Rochester is excellent and there are no cons - u can even apply out if you want haha

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UIC GPPA is certainly a better option. The additional cost (tuition, room, board, travel etc
) is not worth it for ranking. Once you get a medical degree, you don’t want to be in debt for the next decade. It’s not worth it to pay extra for REMS just for ranking. Plus you can stay closer to home. You will do just as well at UIC GPPA, receive the same MD, become a doctor, and save a lot of money!

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I think rochester would be better for OP due tot he academic flexibility with the open curriculum and his/her interests. Rochester also lets you apply out and you can appeal for more scholarship. There are also lots of grant opportunities available on campus. Its not just for the ranking its a pretty large gap to say u went to a t20 med itll help for residency as well

Really, what does open curriculum does for you. All you need are the standard medical school pre-requisites to matriculate to medical school. Rest is dependent on your major and minors. This is not a big deal, you are touting. It is just a marketing thing to differentiate itself. The same is true with Brown open curriculum, IMO.

You can apply out of both, rochester and UIC GPPA. It’s just not worth it to pay significantly more the ranking. things like board scores, AOA status, third year grades, and (particularly) letters of recommendation are a lot more important for residency.

Hey there!
Here is my take on your options:

UIC GPPA is a fantastic program that is cheap and near home for you - UIC’s med school is top-ranked and has a great matching rate
 I personally know of Ivy league undergrad graduates who went onto UIC’s med school and match into fantastic places. With the tuition deal you have as well, I would strongly recommend this as your first choice!

You also mentioned that you are unsure between CS and medicine as a career choice – Urbana would give you the opportunity to deeply explore both of these passions. Urbana has a really good premed program, but more notably, their new medical school engages in cutting-edge research that combines both medicine and technology - research that is rarely done elsewhere. Here, you would be able to deep-dive into both of your interests and would have a solid shot at T20 medical schools (having an interdisciplinary undergraduate education is different - you would stand out in medical school applications). Tuition would also make a lot of sense here.

It is not worth it to pay more for REMS for the ranking - especially since both UIC and REMS match into the same residencies.


but u can get into a t20 med immediately with rems. I guess if cost is the primary issue yes its understandable

yeah but it allows OP to explore and see what they are really passionate about in my opinion. Like i see myself using it to explore anything ime ven remotely interested in

Any one can match with any residency from any medical school, they have to work on it. Nothing is guaranteed to you since you are in a T20 school. All board certified MDs are treated equally regardless of their lineage. Every MD is paid same amount for billing same code ( procedure /service/visit) by insurers, it is not based on the ranking of your medical school. You will not make a dime more since you went to a T1-20 school.


Who told you that? Chicago has two T20s , so may be some advantage for instate UGs.

Um, I dont think that Rochester is a T20 medical school. University of Rochester is a more of a mid-tier medical school

Is Rochester a T20? I am a little confused about what the T20 schools are?

Is T20 just top 20 on US News?

You can do that anywhere else as there are electives to take to complete required number of credits to graduate. No one takes all science courses say 120 credits needed to graduate. One can even do a double major one in science and another in arts.

Are u planning to take courses at CMU as Pitt allows you take courses with same credit hours cost with CMU

AI courses at CMU will be curved different.

If you 100 percent want to be a doctor you should probably go to either REMS or GPPA. Since both are nonbinding you are free to apply to other medical schools and go to a T20 school if you want. So deciding between REMS and GPPA think about cost and location. REMS might have a worse location being in Rochester whereas GPPA is in Chicago. However REMS doesn’t require MCAT and has a rank of 34 vs 55 for GPPA. Consider which factors are more important for you and make your decision. Good Luck!!!

with rems you still have to take challenging high level courses and maintain a high GPA to matriculate. you dont get into the med school “immediately.” UIC GPPA is clearly the best option as it offers much lower tuition and the same medical school guarantee (even with the MCAT, which prepares you well for the multitude of high-pressure tests you will take in med school).