Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

Read somewhere that information can escape a black hole, but not sure how ?
“But almost everyone appears to agree on one thing. In some way or other, space-time itself seems to fall apart at a black hole, implying that space-time is not the root level of reality, but an emergent structure from something deeper. Although Einstein conceived of gravity as the geometry of space-time, his theory also entails the dissolution of space-time, which is ultimately why information can escape its gravitational prison.”

Well had been through this few times already in last few cycles. USNWR rates NYU above Stanford if someone wants to believe them. I suggested other rankings websites which were far more credible (including one somewhere earlier in this thread itself)

Besides AMC, many decent med schools like Michigan State, Tulane and Uniform services don’t wish to provide data to them either because they don’t agree with their faulty methodology or for their own reasons (but still find respectable spots in the other rankings sites). Doesn’t make them being written off as low tier on that account.

BSMD seems to be bigger black hole :slight_smile:

IMO, most are unable to escape out of its attraction/pull and are going deeper and deeper into BSMD black hole. FYI, it is a reply to @srk2017 related to his black hole comment.
IMO, it is a positive comment about BSMD and black hole. It is about it’s strong power.

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I wouldn’t joke about BSMD programs this way without stating it is a joke :blush:

Many students are on this thread and may think it is a serious comment, and not many may know your DD went through a BSMD program herself and matriculated to medical school just recently.

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My son got accepted into GW BA/MD 7 year program, trying to decide between Vandy, UVA Ekols, Rice and GW Guaranteed med.

btw - this thread gave some good intel

IMO, it is a positive comment about BSMD and black hole. It is about it’s strong power.

What’s your state and any merit scholarships?

It’s power over ORMs?

– deleted

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since you have not shared any details, I will go by the limited info I have.

If the aim is to do medicine, I suggest to take GW BA/MD.
Good undergrad, strong med school plus in the DC area.

If you want to explore undergrad career options, I suggest give a look to Rice.
Great undergrad, cooperative student body, plenty of research options and in a growing city of Houston.



If you have made a decision, please share your stats+ perspectives in the RESULTS thread.

Does anyone know when final Baylor/Baylor decisions are gonna be out? Baylor College of Medicine said early April, but I haven’t received any word from them yet

We r in Virginia. Yes at GW he got a 25k Presidential scholarship.

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Thanks for suggestion. I can provide any other details as needed to help go through the comparisions

The UG Cost of Attendance is like 50K after the presidential scholarship of 25, but its for 3 years. My S long term goal is medicene - looks like he is certain on that, he did apply to multiple Guranteed meds. And this is the one he got accepted, the rest like BU - rejected after interview, Brown & VCU, he got rejected.

We r planning to self tour GW this week.


If your S is keen on MD, take GW/GW next door, IMO.

Posted reflection! Thank you all once again!


@bsmdbuff - I’m not sure how confident we can assess AMC’s “rank” since it’s “unranked” in USNWR, which is different than ranked in the lower/lowest tier. “Unranked” schools in USNWR are designated so as they don’t provide the data requested by USNWR. Given that, I would go by their match list for the past several years, which as it has been reviewed here, is not ideal either. My opinion, both SBU and RPI/AMC BSMD programs are respectable and legitimate.
Note: I live near SBU (with family currently enrolled in the UG there) and attended RPI for undergrad and have friends/family who attended AMC as part of BS/MD and via traditional route; so I’m familiar with both.

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