Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

@rk2017 @dblazer @bsmdbuff - again, everything should be taken into context. When looking at match lists for AMC, it does not necessarily differentiate the traditional AMC student versus the BSMD student. In particular, the RPI/AMC BS/MD student is not your traditional AMC medical student. By the time they matriculate into AMC, they have done legitimate, extensive basic science research, which adds to their credentials in their application for residency. When all is said and done, these BS/MD students of the AMC class (especially RPI/AMC) tend to be more competitive than the average traditional Med student at AMC or other medical schools for that matter. It’s difficult to get significant research done during medical school years (unless taking time off). From my wife’s AMC batch of several friends, residencies matched to included ophthalmology x 3, urology, Internal Medicine (then GI fellowship), Gyn x 2 (then REI fellowship). Both GI and REI fellowships are highly competitive and both were accepted likely due to their basic science research and publication done during the UG portion of BS/MD. Of course, research can be accomplished in almost any college and certainly Stony Brook University, so SBU as I mentioned is a respectable and legitimate option. In RPI though since it’s a requirement of their BS/MD program, it’s likely easier to get hooked up with a professor/lab to do it.

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I agree given RPI is research track they must be doing better than other feeders and I won’t be surprised if they are doing better than BU, NJMS. Also, not much to do in Troy so less distractions😂

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Thank you to everyone for the advice! I am leaning towards RPI as of now but am still trying to keep an open mind. Thanks!

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@medman16 - Congratulations on multiple BSMD offers and on your decision to join NJIT/NJMS. Very nice EC’s by the way!

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@RR3600 – Congratulations on VCU bsmd. 60K COA for UG at VCU is awesome!

@Inspiretruth – Congratulations on your admission. TCNJ/NJMS is a good choice.

You are right that the application process is really stressful and very long

Does anyone know if once in the RPI/AMC program, someone can take the MCAT without forfeiting their seat at AMC? I understand that most likely, the act of applying to other schools forfeits your seat at Albany Med, but does even the act of taking the MCAT do that?

@InspireTruth @medman16 @RR3600 @Sooar78 @gracewins @cofffee - Congrats to all! Great ECs & reflections !

Few questions:

  1. Where do we put the volunteering positions, shadowing activities etc. in our appln? Does one list it under the activities section of Common App? Should I club all volunteering in one line item and shadowing in another due to the limit of 10 activities since I have other school club positions to list.

  2. Or do schools have place in the secondary app to include the breakdown of ECs by position & hrs? For example, on the results page, students have listed several ECs and I am wondering where all this goes on the common app. How does one list each position, hours, and time spent on each activity?

  3. Similarly for the Awards/honors, is there any other place else one can list additional awards outside of 5 in common app?

thanks & good luck! I will be applying next yr.

Activities go in the common app activity section, they give you the option to categorize them as volunteer, club, sport, other, etc. If you have things like honors and awards or even more EC that don’t fit in the activities and honors section of the CommonApp you can put them in the additional information section of the CommonApp or in a resume if colleges allow you to submit one. I know you didn’t ask me specifically but I hope this helps :grin:


@jawacat Thank you!!

@bsmdbuff - congratulations and best of luck in your decision and your future. You have two very good choices. If you are willing, you may make an entry on BSMD Results thread

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My son prioritized the top things he wanted to highlight in the designated sections and then added the overflow to additional information section.

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@mom2boys1999 Thank you!


  1. The Common App has 10 slots for activities. If your volunteer experiences are significant, group them separately. If they are a random collection of unrelated and insignificant volunteerism, group them.

  2. The common app has slots for each of the 10 activities. You can include any positions, total hours/weeks participated, the grade levels you did them, and a brief description of the activity.

  3. You can mention additional awards in your resume (which many BS/MD programs accept if not require).

Good luck next year! Feel free to PM me with additional questions as you have them! And just a tip: be sure to read the reflections on the results page - they are often more valuable than simply the stats of accepted students.


Thank you for doing so.
Congratulations and all the very best for NJIT/NJMS.

Check with RPI/AMC to get the official answer. One would inform the medical school much before applying out so that they can make use of the seat in regular MD allocations. In that case, you would send MCAT score to AMCAS who would send your completed application to all medical schools. You can apply to AMC via regular round as one of these schools.
You may need to complete a UG degree before you can matriculate to a medical school. Plan on completing all the degree requirements in 3 years at RPI before thinking about applying out. You may have to take MCAT during spring of sophomore year to able to apply out during that cycle.
One gets acceleration due to the fact MS1 credits from medical school are usually applied toward your UG degree. Once you decide to apply out, those MS1 credits are not there to finish your UG degree at RPI. You may need to overload during freshman, sophomore and junior years to be able to finish UG in 3 years at RPI. There is always a possibility for 1-2 gap years if needed.

I don’t think so. See in the documentation they provide for any explicit mention of that. If not, you should be fine. How will they know whether you took MCAT or not?

Think RPI allows upto 32 AP credits applicable towards regular undergrad. Perhaps Bio, Chem and Phys will be excluded, but one can still carry over about 20 credits. You may need some up front planning if you decide to take MCAT after sophomore year and decide whether to opt out or continue. But I think graduating in 3 years is doable if you decide to. Summer courses are usually half prized.

Who is N=1- is that the same individual who is your only child? I’m also confused - I thought your DS was still waiting to hear from med schools to which he had applied? The individual N=1, did he end up with a Stanford MD/MBA post Harvard UG? A surgeon quitting for VC - wow! As I said my sister is a surgeon. Surgeons generally l.i.v.e. to do surgery, not VC :crazy_face:

Not my kid. Yes Harvard UG to Stanford MD/MBA. Current generation thinks differently.

My DS is current generation, 17, and totally anti-Capitalism. Bernie Broh.

So, NO. Not everyone in the younger generation is motivated by money- I actually thought quite the opposite. As a reformed-Capitalist myself, I would say this junior VC is old-school.