Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

I am not talking about liberal vs conservative. Kids are looking beyond clinical practice.

One would hope that m.o.s.t BSMD Applicants are fully-committed to the clinical practice of medicine. Curious that your example is someone who was a BSMD candidate. The highest paid employers of MDs currently are pharma companies apparently. That’s why they have to keep offering higher and higher pay, because most MDs do want to practice clinical medicine- not work at a pharma company or become a VC.

A former Assistant Dean of Admission at JHU told me that one of the main reasons JHU disbanded their BSMD Program is because they were getting Applicants who were stellar on stats on paper but had NO bedside manner and did not develop one either! smh

A few BSMD applicants may have some knowledge about a clinical practice. They may have done some shadowing a physician or volunteering in a hospital (hardly any actual patient content).

Most do even those that go into management, VC and consulting percentage is less. I don’t look at the negatively though.

May be BSMD with narrow path stick to clinical practice more. with more and more traditional path taking gap years I wonder how their interactions will be with classmates. It will be a good case study

Sure, thanks, definetely makes a big differnce to be closeby.

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@InspireTruth Thanks a lot!!

Thank you @mygrad2021 for sharing your stats + perspectives in the results thread.
Congratulations on Hofstra.
Wishing your D the very best.

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Yes, echo that and thanks to @mygrad2021 and every one else who shared their stats and perspectives.

Hofstra is a really nice program with a lot of flexibility and advantages and a modest MCAT requirement. One can graduate in 3 years and save on the cost, take a gap year, apply out while retaining the med school slot and even continue to the med school with great access to Northwell network.


@mygrad2021 - Congratulations to your D and the proud family on acceptance to Hofstra bsmd. Thank you taking the time to provide detailed stats, reflections, perspective in the results thread.

What you mentioned about not knowing the process to begin with, resonated with me. Also, we found it really difficult to get volunteering, shadowing opportunities due to privacy/HIPAA laws being followed strictly within our state. Research in local colleges was slightly easier due to their structured application process for high school students


Thanks! I agree with you, each state has a different age restrictions and that makes a difference. I am not sure if colleges take that into consideration. Especially when it comes shadowing, no one lets you do that because of HIPAA and no one gives an opportunity to shadow them for more than 1/2 a day if you don’t know them personally. That absolutely adds no value. Same thing with research, they don’t let the kids even touch anything in the lab if you’re not in 18. The professor only gave her analytical part of the research.


Given all that restrictions lot of people say BSMD is for those with connections. DS couldn’t get any clinical volunteering due to age despite my wife being a physician. He was able to get research on his own due to Science Olympiad achievements.


If not hearing anything from AMC, should we still hold hope?

Is there any advantage and disadvantage applying to this Early Assurance Program at all as it bypass MCAT and you can apply in your college sophomore year. Was just looking and this came up. If anyone knows about this at all and outcome of residency.

FlexMed: Icahn at Mt. Sinai School of Medicine

It was the same for our DS as well.

Can you please ask your C to send them a formal email telling them of his/her continued interest, additional awards/performance (positive things about your C).

In the past, this has resulted in positive outcomes occasionally.

@muscarf - If i remember correctly, Icahn at Mt. Sinai School of Medicine EA program is very competitive and any UG student can apply from any major and any college.

Definitely apply. No harm in trying all other EA programs (which are open to all students) as well, such as -

Albany Medical College
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
SUNY Upstate Medical University
University at Buffalo SUNY School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences
University of Cincinnati College of Medicine R.O.S.E Program (Research, Observation, Service, Education)
University of Florida Medical Honors Program
University of Toledo College of Medicine

Please also double check with each of the above to see if they are continuing this and for requirements

There is no downside to apply. I believe it’s a T20 program.

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Thank you, will do.

Mt. Sinai is a strong medical school
It’s EAP is hyper competitive.
A few years back I had interacted with a Rice undergrad who had made into this program.

Question - if you are part of BS/MD, please check if applying to EAP causes you to be in conflict with any requirements.

@Vicky2019 Thank you and I did not knew there was a lot of those as some only you can apply while you are at UG there. Thank you so much.