Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

Well, most don’t allow you apply out and also tough to apply out from 7 year programs.

The whole purpose of BSMD is to take students who otherwise won’t come for their UG. That’s why you don’t see many T20s having BSMD and those who had in the past cancelled them. Pitt is different case, UG is ranked around 60 and SOM is T20.

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Thank you so much. Was going to check with my child over the weekend.

Sometimes you remind me of my mother in law. Just easier to move on to talking about the weather.


I just can’t stand some people coming up with false narrative to advocate for BSMD. Whether it’s UG or BSMD or MD or any other admission we all know schools use holistic process so we apply widely, so no need to spin it here.

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Wow the weather, phew. So here in Virginia it’s a beautiful spring day. But my husband and kid are still in Florida and it is apparently already summer there. Though they are flying to RI tomorrow and it is supposed to snow!

So yeah weather is sooooo crazy. Kinda unpredictable.

(Almost like interviews. :laughing:)

Life is unpredictable (remember we are in pandemic), not just weather and BSMD.


But I think that’s what drives so many parents and students to visit these types of boards- to try to tame the chaos and uncertainty with knowledge and careful deliberation.

Or maybe just me. I definitely know control is an illusion built at the mirage of make believe but I sally forth, happy to pretend and do my best. Sometimes a sip or two of my MeeMaw’s nerve medicine helps.


RPI/AMC vs UAlbany+Upstate vs UVA
(Waitlisted Columbia, Cornell, Vanderbilt)
I’m heavily leaning towards RPI/AMC at this point, but definitely don’t want to settle for having to practice “just anywhere” or have doors closed in regards to competitive residencies. Any advice?
(Also thank you for the advice previously about applying out to other schools from RPI, but if I attend the program I think I will likely stick with AMC)

@confident2021 Rice with half tuition is an excellent choice.
We will be happy if there are colleges in 2 hours flight :smiley:

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@Agoyal101 - feel free to check my previous posts on RPI/AMC above (if you can search it). I gave my thoughts on RPI/AMC as I went to Med school via traditional route with RPI as UG and my wife was in the RPI/AMC program (and has no regrets). If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

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Yes, as suggested I would recommend that you go back and check the messages of both @OldSchoolMD and myself regarding observations about the RPI/AMC program in the past week or two. I am sure you considered the below points but putting together some comparisons on both the direct programs. I will leave you to explore traditional options by yourself.

These are the common factors. Both AMC and Upstate are decent well established med schools which will let you shine at either places. It is mostly up to you how much you will drive yourself and carry forward in whatever you choose to do in future. Both are located similarly geographically. Both won’t allow to explore or apply out without losing the guaranteed spot.

Below are the contrasts. I will start with RPI/AMC since that is what you are leaning towards and contrast with Upstate where required

  • Undergrad experience: RPI is rigorous and you will certainly enjoy the academics there if you are from a rigorous high school (or else may struggle, but still will catch up and make it to the med school portion). You will have access to all the privileges of the Physician Scientist program, perhaps from the beginning. You will be well prepared for the rigors of med school. You may lose out on sports and non academic aspects at U Albany which is probably a bigger campus.

  • Cost: RPI usually gives a price break of about 30k, but will still come to about 40k out of pocket per year for undergrad. Haven’t checked U Albany, but may be slightly cheaper even if OOS. Since AMC is private, the med school portion is going to be more expensive than Upstate. But you may have benefits of a private institution like for example, lower student-faculty ratio (check), better access to facilities etc. You may want to compare the breadth and depth of the departments at both the med schools.

You may qualify for in state tuition at Upstate med school (find out). May still be cheaper even if considered OOS at med school.

  • Though indicated you will continue with the program, if for any reason you change mind, you need to inform the administration at both the programs 2 semesters in advance. So that would be early junior year at RPI and early senior year at U Albany (check their documentation). So you will have to take MCAT almost a year early at RPI before deciding opt out or continue options. However that is not forbiddingly difficult (have known kids in other programs doing quite well in MCAT even after sophomore year). If you decide to opt out, you may have to also rush through the undergrad at RPI to finish in 3 years by taking summer courses starting after freshman year and a little bit overloading in other semesters (though you can choose not to rush the undergrad, but will end up paying for an extra year).
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@Agoyal101 If you are not risk averse, go to UVA. Another suggestion, do a challenging major BA in Neuroscience with a Distinction in Major there. Did not provide any in-state and scholarship/cost information. Not all BSMDs may be worth the cost, IMO. RPI may not have much else to do at campus except study.

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What is

What is this ? Not a prescription medicine ?. MeeMaw is a restraurant in VA.

MeeMaw is grandma in ‘Young Sheldon’.

It’s just grandma’s medicine I guess!

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Meemaw is a respelling of mémère (may-MARE), Cajun French for granny or grandma.

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is doing a challenging major important or would medical schools look favorably upon it? i was under the impression that ones major doesn’t matter or am i wrong

That was not the point, there is a lot of research required in BA Neuroscience at UVA which can help in medical school and residency applications. Of course, anything which sets you apart, is going to draw the attention.

May be with intake of 10 kids in the program every year with these stats it would be interesting to see how many stay back in the program and how they perform with other medical students in the program ( quality of traditional path student in any T20 med schools should be equivalent)

HPME had some data but it was bigger program with yearly intake of 20 plus. Did HPME allow to apply out of the program ?

Tough to apply out of 7 year programs. Also, if you are already in a T20 medical school, kids won’t be motivated to apply out.


A 7 year program is not ideal for applying out since one is not prepared to graduate with a degree in 3 years unless planned from day 1. All these programs do not award a UG degree in 3 years since they take advantage of MS1 credits to finish UG degree after successful first year of medical school. So it is really a 4 year UG degree (the truth of 7 year BSMD program).

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