Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

Decision made. Rice won my DD over!


Please share your stats + perspective in the results thread.

Will do. Can you provide me with the link to the thread. Thanks.

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Has anyone here heard from ba/md program at Brooklyn college? Thanks

Congratulations to your D! I am surprised why she didnā€™t get into BS/MD. I think she only applied to few schools. I am sure there is something better for her at Rice.

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@mygrad2021 thanks. We were surprised too with the BSMD results especially Penn state rejection post interview. Both her interviews were fanstatic and she was very optimistic about it.
Well I am sure she has good things stored for her at Rice. We made a conscious decision to apply to only a few BSMDs based on which campuses she liked.

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Anyone heard from Union/AMC decision this week/after the first phase of acceptances week of March 10th? We are still waiting and my DD interviewed last week of Feb. Someone posted here that they called Union/AMC and that decisions are to be announced this week so checkingā€¦ TIA.

I heard that decisions will come out on Monday. They had some delays in reviewing all the applications.


Congratulations on the decision and thnks for sharing your perspective on the results thread.

Yeah, it happens, so unpredictable these days. Heard of an interview experience at another popular program. It seems the interview went great, lasted more than an hour and half with the interviewer showing a lot of interest on the candidateā€™s background. That is 2-3 times the duration compared to most successful applicantsā€™. However at the end s/he wasnā€™t selected. Who knows what go into play when the committee goes into final deliberations!

Good luck to your daughter, I am sure she will have a great time ahead.


My sonā€™s interview at GW/GW was by far his worst experience. It lasted 17 minutes with 10 questions and interviewer cut him off to say he just wanted brief answers, no conversation.

Kid got in.

Interviews are weird.

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@confident2021 - Congratulations to your DD and to the proud parents her acceptance to Rice for Pre Med with half scholarship. :clap: :clap: :clap:

Your DD as a very strong profile. She will get an excellent foundation at Rice.

BSMD results are very unpredictable. But, she can now try to get into T20 medical schools :slight_smile: and maybe apply to Early assurance to Mt Sinai if interested.

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While I agree outcomes are unpredictable, fact is interviews are one of the many factors not deciding factor like other jobs. So please donā€™t use interview performance to trash the process.


Thank you sharing your stats+persepctives in the results thread.
Congratulations to your D on Rice.

Rice will grow on her and I am sure she will love her experience there.
Wishing her the very best.

I donā€™t think anyone trashed it so much as commented on the unpredictability of it (not that there is any true predictability in the process anywhere).

I definitely felt like he had amazing interviews that yielded nothing and crappy ones that landed the prize. My opinion is more like donā€™t try to read the tea leaves, it could just be sludge in the bottom of the cup :joy:

In all interviews the applicant needs to shine and try to portray their abilities and capabilities.

Makes sense. I heard most kids in the GAP program are N=1 with perfect SAT (not ACT ) along with perfect GPA with advance college courses, Atleast I am not surprise with HMS selection.

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Again interview is a small piece whether itā€™s BSMD or MD and canā€™t use it to claim unpredictability of the process and use it for bird-in-hand advocacy. Also candidates are not best judges of their own performance. Some of the interviews purposely try to test how you do in stressful situation.

on SDN, T5 adcom Lizzym uses staircase analogy and says most they donā€™t go up or down the stairs based on the interview.

Seems like UPitt adcoms are obsessed with 2400 SAT scores :slight_smile:

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Wont such kids be more prone to applying out and leaving.

Could some bsmd programs not even bother taking high achieving kids for this reason?