Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

Fulbright scholarship can be used after senior year.

  • Applicants must have a conferred bachelor’s degree or equivalent before the start of the grant.

There is a program where Doctor of Medicine can apply.
Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program.

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Congratulations on all the successes. Not surprising with the amazing stats of your D and deep commitment to medicine. There had been students on this forum in previous cycles who also applied to as many programs overall but had only 1 or 2 acceptances in the end.

Feel applying to too many programs beyond a critical point may run the risk of spreading oneself too thin though. Perhaps your D would have had even more acceptances by being strategic, eliminating the likes of Rice Baylor, UAB and such, and of course applying to Brown PLME is a mere formality for ORMs with predictable outcome, and focusing the attention and effort instead on the rest.

Good luck to her at BU, am sure she will have a great time over there.

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Very little effort to try for the lotteries, she couldn’t resist :wink:

@Mom22DDs Thank you for sharing your stats + perspectives in the results thread.
Congratulations on BU-SMED.

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Actually about 5 HPME kids are deferring admissions by 1 year
1 = Fulbright scholarship
1 = ROTC - needs to complete 4 undergrad years
1 = no explicit reason given but is on track to join HPME
2 = missed college life due to COVID - want to experience 1 extra undergrad year


Any of them desi?

2 desis out of 5

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This is nice that the HPME program is flexible and I assume others programs may follow this trend

End of the day saving a year and rushing is immaterial in the long marathon of career in medicine and life


Flexibility is good.
15 out of 20 kids decided they wanted to matriculate after 3 years of undergrad. 5 kids decided to take an extra year - so be it.

My only concern is that instead of kids’ choice, it becomes a cultural thing at a college.
Everyone takes gap year, my friends are taking a gap year, so I should take it.

In a way, that’s still good cos they will not have this breathing space later, and without experiencing it, they may not know if this is something they would cherish and seek later.

A few past Fulbright fellows were desi:


HPME students were/are encouraged to take a gap year.

So it is official:

Kiddo committed to Brown.

Declined the offers to Stanford and Duke just now.

The trip really helped give him some peace of mind- having never lived anywhere for more than 4 years (back when he was too small to even remember), 8 years seems astronomical. But he loves the city and the campus. So he is going to Brown :partying_face::heart_eyes:


Hearty congrats @mom2boys1999 !!

Everyone trending towards decisions, look forward to more updates.

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It’s nice that not every kid is trying to finish quickly and start making money. In every field we need few to think outside the box.

Hey fellow members - I was just browsing and found the below talk by Malcolm Gladwell being discussed in the CC parents forum
# Why Did I Say “Yes” to Speak Here?

I wanted to know if anyone in this forum has heard the talk and has any thoughts on this.


Spot on “Why not to attend Harvard but your second or third choice school ?”
It is about “Relative Deprivation”. Be a big fish in a small pond or a small fish in a big pond.


Has anyone heard from Union/AMC today? I think they are supposed to release results, but I haven’t heard anything??

@grtd2010, @NoviceDad, @srk2017, @PPofEngrDr, @rk2017, @Vicky2019 and others, need some help in making decisions. Acceptances: Brooklyn BA/MD, UMKC and SLU. DC is leaning towards Brooklyn BA/MD but open for suggestions. We are out of state for all accepted combined programs.

Does anyone knows if AAMC displays the list where it shows how many applied and how many got into medical schools in general. I found the list where it shows how many people apply to medical schools from all UG schools.