Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

I had discussed the pros and cons with each of the feeders of NJMS in last year’s thread. Let me know if needs to be repeated.



That would be awesome

For anyone that got accepted to NJMS through NJIT or any other feeder school did you get a confirmation email yet

This must be real dumb question. I know, I can browse but so much of information. Before I do that I am looking some good links to really understand the process. Can someone give brief explanation about student loans? How long usually they take loans especially in the medical profession? Will the interest start accumulating as soon you take loan?

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A link to your previous post would really help.

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We are OOS, completely the other corner. Do you have recorded info session from Rutgers?

PSA, some one posted this in SDN.

So far, 22 CNU BS/MD students received the 510+ and 3.5+ GPA and only 4 of them were accepted.

If that’s true, what a fraud by the school.


in the afternoon!

I still didn’t get the confirmation email but I did email the person who called me and confirmed it that way.

Ok will try to find tomorrow and share. If not will type up something during spare time tomorrow, if any.

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I kept on looking too from last year posts, it is very hard to find

4 of them were accepted by CNU Med School from their UG?

And slap to desperate parents.

My older DD picked NJIT cos they gave full ride, have excellent funds (compared to Rutgers), new dorms, special treatment for honors and BSMD students, no grade inflation/deflation, reasonably good GPA requirements, no MCAT minimum, very close to NJMS (she did two years research there), easy access to volunteering opportunities (she volunteered in ER in some community hospital there), quick train ride to New York and, last but definitely not least - walking distance to Whole Foods, Starbucks and Boba.


These are the main sources of funding the medical education.


All loans will accrue interest as soon as taken out. You have to pay points i.e. if it is 3 points, it means you will get only 97 in your hand if you take out 100 of loan. $ 3 is the fee charged by lender.
Direct Unsubsidized Loan
A government guaranteed loan program is the most widely used financial aid resource for medical students. Students must complete the FAFSA each year of medical school for eligibility determination. Once school receives the FAFSA information, starting in the spring, accepted students will be awarded the Direct Unsubsidized Loan.

Direct GradPLUS Loan
The GradPLUS loan is used to supplement the Direct Unsubsidized Loan to cover tuition, fees and living expenses. This loan is subject to credit approval.

Service Scholarships
The National Health Service Corp (NHSC) and Health Professions Scholarship Program (military scholarships) are service-based programs. They provide coverage for tuition, fees, and a monthly stipend for living expenses in exchange for years of service after graduation/residency training.


Wow, thank you, but we didn’t apply to NJIT so not sure if they accept her for UG w/o application. Rutgers gives full ride to BAMD too I think.

Thank you so much! This is another long process to understand and gain knowledge. I will go through this link. I appreciate your patience to explain this.

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NJIT will not accept unless you applied and were forwarded, IMO. There is no difference between NJIT and Rutgers-Newark as per location goes, they are next to each other. NJMS requirement regarding 3.5 GPA per semester and MCAT are same for all feeders.

Rutgers didn’t give my DD full ride even with BSMD, but if you have full ride, then makes sense to go for it!